
Vol 2 Chapter 1064: Old lord

"Xu Mu! What are you talking about! As far as I know, Nan Douzong and the Xiao family have informed their cabinet ancestors of this."

"Whether it's Nan Douzong or the Xiao family, their cabinet ancestors have already been out for this year's temple fair. It's not surprising to know that, but have you ever seen their cabinet ancestors come forward?"


This year's temple fair is unusual. Not only the ancestors of the Xiao family and Nandouzong, but also the ancestors of other major families and families, have already left the customs. Even the ancestors of their Taiji school are no exception. They may even know this .

Just as Xu Mu said, the cabinet ancestors of Nan Douzong and the Xiao family did not show up for this, nor did they move around the world in search of the man posing as a king.

"They should all be waiting for the action of Yanluo Xianfu. If there is an action on Yanluo Xianfu, they will surely follow immediately. On the contrary, if there is no movement on Yanluo Xianfu, they will definitely not Dare to act lightly. "

The Taiji Sect Lord nodded in the sky, and he thought the same. He groaned for a moment and asked, "When I heard that the professed monarch was leaving, he had said that he would also appear at the Tomb of the Emperor Luo during the temple fair?"


Xu Mu thought about what Gu Qingfeng said last night, and said, "He said that he would let the black-hearted master Zhou Taihe go to the tomb of Yanluo Emperor at the temple fair."


Hearing that the Taiji Sect's Emperor Cangkong fell into meditation again.

At this moment, a white Guanghua suddenly appeared in the hall. When the white Guanghua dispersed, an old man appeared.

Everyone was shocked to see the old man.

They all knew the old man, who was the previous lord of Tai Chi Sect, and now the ancestor of the Cabinet.

"Old ... Old Sovereign?"

Perhaps no one had thought that the old sovereign would appear in the hall, and when he returned to God, Cangkong and Xu Mu did not dare to neglect and hurriedly salute, and the moment Cang Yun met the old sovereign again, his expression was even more excited, because the old The suzerain was also his master.

"Master ... your old man ... how did your old man come over?"

"Seeing you arguing for your teacher, I want to come and see."

Upon hearing this, Cang Yun said, "Master, Juncai ..."

As soon as he spoke, before he finished speaking, his words were interrupted by the old master: "The matter of Juncai is known to all the teachers, and all the ancestors in the cabinet have also known it. After all, this is caused by Juncai's arbitrary actions. He can't blame others. Blame him for being too arrogant! "

"What! Master ..."

Cang Yun just spoke and was interrupted again, but this time she was still angry.

"What else do you say? If you hadn't spoiled Juncai like that? Would he have been arrogant and arrogant? If you carefully taught him how to be a man, how could he be beaten to death today?"

Cang Yun was not convinced, but he did not dare to refute the teachings of the master.

"Cangyun, Cangyun, it was because you were too petted that you made a big mistake. In this regard, you have always been extremely guilty for the teacher, and I have repeatedly warned you that you must teach Juncai with all your heart. What are you doing ...? "

Speaking, the old lord sighed and looked at the clouds. He was filled with guilt and self-blame.

I think I blame myself for drowning Cangyun too much in the past, making him unknowingly domineering and arrogant. If not, Cangyun would not offend the king at that time, and he would not be beaten by the king. He would ruin his life.

Whenever I think of it, the old lord remorse.

"Old lord," Cang Kong asked, "I don't know what you and the ancestors in the cabinet mean ..."

"As for the situation of the professed monarch, I do n’t know anything about it now. Wait until I find out and make a decision. Cang Kong, you are the master of a sect. Remember to think twice about anything you encounter. You must not act with anger, let alone go alone. "

For the sky, the old suzerain is still very satisfied.

At that time, he also weighed again and again to pass the position of suzerain to the sky.

At that time, Cangkong was not the best candidate for the supremacy. Regardless of cultivation, strength, even fortune, or other, it was only ordinary. It was neither outstanding nor too bad.

The reason why the old suzerainty passed him on to him is to see him as a person, especially to be cautious.

He is clear.

There are too many mysterious and terrible existences between heaven and earth, and some existences are even far beyond their imagination. Once the existences that should not be caused are provoked, the consequences are beyond conceivable. The Taiji Sect that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years may be overnight. Nothing between them.

He himself is a good example.

At that time, Cang Yun was half-dead by the King of Xiaoxiao, and he was as anxious as Cang Yun today. He has even issued orders to prepare all the masters of Taiji Sect at all costs. Wan Duan.

Fortunately, there was a hidden ancestor who stopped it.

Facts have proved that if he really launched all the masters of Taiji Sect to siege the King of Qixiao, there may not be the Taiji of today, because just before the incident, the King of Qixiao had begun to sweep across the Yan Luo Kingdom. The four major families of the six major gates, and even killed the masters of the Xian Dynasty.

Just one thought almost caused Taiji to suffer.

Looking back to now, the old suzerain was still a little afraid. This is the fundamental reason why he chose to give up those excellent candidates and choose Cangyun to take over the suzerain. This is not only his meaning, but also the ancestors of the cabinet. They all think that one A prudent ordinary person is more suitable to be the master of a sect than a great natural wizard.

"For the time being, this time, the ancestors of the cabinet will try to find out the identity of the person who claims to be the king." Then, the old sovereign said to Cang Yun, "Cang Yun, you must not be too sad Not to mention resentment. I have investigated Juncai ’s injuries for the teacher. Although the injuries are somewhat eye-catching, it is not difficult to restore them as they are. It will take him back to treat him personally for a few days. You can rest assured. "

Wen Yan ~ ~ Cang Yun was immediately excited, and said, "Master, is there any hope for Jun Cai ’s treasure?"

"Juncai's Bai Yanbao should have hope."

The words fell, not only the Cangyun became extremely excited, but also Cangkong and Xu Mu. Although Li Jun is not their disciple, he is also a Tai Chi sect. They naturally hope that Li Juncai ’s Bai Yanbao body can be restored .

"Old Sovereign, I have previously investigated Juncai's injuries. The foundation of his White Flame Treasure has been destroyed and broken. Can it really be recovered?"

"The foundation of Jun Cai's treasure was indeed destroyed, but it was broken but not scattered. There should be hope."

Broken but not scattered?

Cang Kong and others were puzzled.

"This is also what Lao Shi wants to say this time. The reason why Jun Cai ’s treasure body is broken and has not fallen apart should be the sympathy of the professed monarch, and if that is the case, his existence is definitely far beyond It's an old imagination, so remember, especially Cang Yun, don't go to the person to investigate this matter. "

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