
Vol 2 Chapter 1076: Fairy Advent


It is definitely the existence of any practitioner.

Who does not want to become immortal for those who practice?

Who doesn't want to take off?

In rumors, only immortality can be achieved in order to achieve true eternal life.

Since then, it is no longer a physical body, but a pure and holy fairy body.

The most important thing is that after the emergence of immortals, they are above all others. Ordinary people, even Dixian and even Sanxian, have to salute when they meet the immortals. Although the strength of Jiuzai Sanxian is comparable to true immortals, But it is only barely comparable. The power of true immortals is far from what ordinary people can imagine. The power of immortals alone is enough to deter everyone. One thought can obliterate the immortals. The mysterious magical power in the hands is not even there. Then.

Like these immortals, there were a total of twenty or thirty advents in the Xian Dynasty, plus three hundred or so cents of scattered cents and six hundred cents of cents. Such a large scale is rare in this century.

I heard that among the thirty immortals this time, the two leading immortal families in this world are leading the family, one is the grand family, and the other is the streamer family.

The Hao Ran family is a long-established family of immortals. It is well-known in this world. Although the family has always taken the responsibility to protect the immortal dynasty, the Hao Ran family is not as arrogant and arrogant as other immortal families, but since ancient times Hao Ran is the word for the world, even in the ancient times when the resources were barren, the era of the Xian Dynasty was no exception.

As for the streamer family.

This is an immortal family that was very strong in ancient times. However, as the immortal dynasty was overthrown, it gradually declined. Until the ancient times, the immortal dynasty has re-emerged, and the streamer family has risen again, and it is more crazy than the ancient times. It is also one of the immortal clan that is strong when it is popular today.

There are many geniuses in the family, and there are countless kinds of good fortunes.

The reputation of the streamer family is not small, but word of mouth is far worse than Haoran's family.

The reason is very simple. The children of the streamer family are too arrogant and overbearing, bullying and bullying, bullying men and women, can be described as arrogant.

Of course

Because of the strength of the streamer family, not only are there people supporting the Xian Dynasty, there are also people on the clouds, the background is extremely complicated, and many others are afraid to speak.

Both the Haoran Nuo family and the Liuguang family have a good reputation. The immortals who led the team have both the Haoran Nuo family and the Liuguang family, which proves how important the Xian Dynasty regards this incident.

not to mention.

The people who came this time are not only thousands of immortal officials, but also Xianjue.

I heard that there were also a lot of accompanying princes of the imperial dynasty, more than two hundred, and among the two hundred or so princes of the dynasty, there were more than a dozen of them.

Well known.

The princes of the imperial dynasty are all the second generation of immortals.

And Ziyun Xianjue is known as the Tianjiao of Xianjue. Each Ziyun Xianjue has great fortune, like Wang Feiyu of Yanluo Xianfu. He not only possesses the blood of the earth, but also possesses humane scriptures.

I heard that the dozen or so Ziyun immortals who descended from the immortal dynasty are all very talented. They are the great gods of heaven, all kinds of small destinies, all kinds of small books, and all kinds of extraordinary great things.

For example, the famous Dragon Thousand Blades.

The name Long Qianbiao has a high reputation both in the many eunuchs of the Xian Dynasty, in the land of Shenzhou and even in this world.

He is the noble son of the Yunshang dragon family, and the existence of the Yunshang dragon family, even in this world, even the Hao Ran family and the streamer family of the immortal family have to avoid three points.

According to legend, the Yunshang dragon family has the guardian of the magic dragon, plus the big sun and bright light phase given by the immortal, known as the Canglong Bari, the power is as great as the immortal.

The Dragon Thousand Blades is a collection of small destiny and small fairy. I heard that there is an extraordinary arrogance of small nature. Although it is not an immortal, it is based on the power of the Canglong and the extraordinary fortune. I heard that it is comparable to Jiu Jie Sanxian, and even the immortals are quite afraid of it.

Not only that.

In addition to more than two hundred centurion princes and more than ten Ziyun immortals, there are also several Zijin immortals.

If it is said that Ziyun Xianjue is the Tianjiao of Xianjue, then the existence of Zijin Xianjue is enough to be called the Xianjue of Xianjue.

The existence of Zijin Xianjue has always been quite mysterious. It is neither as dazzling as ordinary ordinary Xianjue nor as brilliant as Ziyun Xianjue. Compared with them, Zijin Xianjue is very low-key.

Just low-key to low-key.

No one dares to ignore the existence of Zijin Xianjue.

Don't ignore it.

Those great creatures, Ziyun Xianju, who have a lot of darlings and beloved in one body, are relatively convergent in front of Zijin Xianjue. Even Jiuzan Sanxian and even true immortals dare not arrogant in front of Zijin Xianjue.


No reason.

Because whenever the Zijin Xianjue, its identity is no trivial matter.

Or the power of reincarnation.

Either from the legendary world.

Among the several Zijin Xianjue who came this time.

There is a Zijin Xianjue named Qingyan who is the power of reincarnation.

of course.

If it ’s just an ordinary immortal reincarnation, let ’s not say true immortal, nor do you say the fairy prince Ziyun, even the ordinary princes of the imperial dynasty will not look at it. After all, the previous life is the previous life, this life, this life, and you say that you It's a fairy, what can you do in this life?

But then again, if it was just the reincarnation of the ordinary immortal wheel, the immortal dynasty would not grant such honorable titles as Zijin Yunjue.

And that Qingyan, according to legend, his previous life was a nine heaven god.

Shangxian is already above the immortals. If the word nine days is added to the front, it is not something ordinary ordinary immortals can achieve.

In addition to Qingyan, a past life nine heaven god, the other two Zijin Xianjue's identity is even better.

The names of those two people in this world are Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao.

It is reported that these two people have a lot of past lives ~ ~ But no one knows exactly what the previous life ’s identity is, only that they are quite famous even in the nine days, and they can break through the prestige on the nine days. Thinking with your toes and knowing that the identity must be scary, at least, is no less than Qingyan, who was the **** of nine heavens.

In addition, among the Zijin immortals, there is a man named Bei Changqing.

Although he is not the power of reincarnation, he heard that he came from a legendary world.

What is a place outside the world.

Such as Langya Pavilion, such as Kunlun Mountain, Yuqiong Tower, Wuyou Valley, Shangqing Palace, etc., which have been passed down from ancient times, but have never participated in worldly things.

As for the place where the North Evergreen comes from, few people know, but no matter what place it is, the existence of it is not something that ordinary people can provoke.

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