
Vol 2 Chapter 1077: Son of nature

To say that of the immortal officials and immortals who came this time, who is most dazzling and who is most admirable.

It is neither more than a dozen true immortals, nor those dozens of nine robbers.

Qingyan, Wan Huaiyu, Qin Hao, and Bei Changqing are relatively low-key, and naturally they are not counted.

From the dragon's house in Yunshang, with the power of the Canglong, and the combination of little nature, destiny, and fairy, the thousand-edged dragon blade of the purple cloud may be dazzling, but it is also commendable, but if the most The dazzling, most praised is not him, but from the streamer family, the same streamer of the imperial purple cloud.


The streamer family is no better than the Yunshang Long family in terms of background or status.

As for the word of good fortune, the streamer has neither little nature nor little destiny, and of course, there is no little fairy. The reason why it is called the most dazzling is because his existence is really dazzling, especially in 1981. The eleven major natural colored spirits, when they appeared, were boundlessly bright, covering the sky and covering the sun, and the sky ’s rainbow came down like a god.

Everyone knows.

Nature Cai Ling is a relatively common creation.

It is also a creation that ordinary people can reach.

But it only touched.

It is either tenfold, tenfold or tens of layers, and there are not many creatures of natural beauty that have achieved the extraordinary power of 1981.

And it can reach one hundred and eighty, and there are very few incarnations.

It can reach two hundred and seventy weights, which is already a top-level existence in the Romanian country.

As for the three hundred and sixty, this kind of Tianjiao Luo country may have, but it definitely does not exceed three.

And 450 weight, Yan Luo Kingdom has never been a hundred years ago.

Now among the imperial purple clouds that descended from the imperial dynasty, there is an 811-heavy, the most natural colored spirit Tianjiao known as the ninety-nine.

811 is the nature of Cai Cailing, what is this concept?

do not know.

Because no one has ever seen anyone, never said that I have seen it, and many people have not even heard of it.

Well known.

The nature is made of colorful spirits, and it is 1989 heavy. It contains the mighty storm of nature.

One hundred and eighty is heavy, can be transformed into a cloud, into the wind, come without a shadow and disappear.

If it is two hundred and seventy heavy, it is the thunderous power of nature, with one move and one powerful force. This is the case of the former prince of the imperial dynasty Lu Tianze in Yanluo Xianfu.

If it is three hundred and sixty, in the rumors, nature is overwhelming.

If it is four hundred and fifty weights, rumors are that the nature is cold and cold.

If it is the best of nine hundred and ninety-one, the 811-strong natural color spirit is rumored that the upper can be pure Yang, the lower can be pure Yin, the Yin and Yang transform between the hands, the five elements change, the life and death are determined, and the heavens are created. Heaven enters the earth, omnipotent.

Because of this, Liu Guangyu also has an extremely loud title, which is the son of nature.

The reason why the streamer family is known as the nostalgic family in the ancient times is that the most important natural beauty of the 911 is the most important.

And Liu Guangyu also became famous by virtue of the most incomparable natural beauty of nature. Today, no one knows that everyone knows it. The strength of the limelight is far beyond the so-called collection of thousands. Long Qian blade.

After the advent of an immortal official of the Xian Dynasty, Yan Luoguo changed the dreary atmosphere of the previous days, and there was a boiling and lively atmosphere everywhere.

Especially the seven ancestral gates of the four major families, the past few days because of the tour of Yunchuan Garden, not only made them lose their faces, but also made them dare to speak with anger, and did not dare to avenge even a liar who claimed to be the king.

They have been waiting.

Wait for the immortals of the Xian Dynasty to come.

After receiving the news of the advent of the immortals, the four big families, the seven ancestors, and even some cabinet ancestors came out to greet them. In the next few days, they invited the immortal officials of the immortal to go to the ancestors. , Will also take the opportunity to send out all kinds of rare babies.

After all, they are the immortals of the immortal dynasty, and there are such unparalleled heavenly pride as Long Qianbian and Liu Guangyu.

Needless to say, the immortals of the Xian Dynasty.

However, the heavenly pride, such as Long Qianbian and Liu Guangyu, may be the people who dominate this world in the future.

Who doesn't stop there?

Not to mention other things, even the Taiji Sect, which has a good relationship with the Yanluo Royal Family, has shakenly invited the immortal officials of the Xian Dynasty into the Sect.

of course.

Not only the Taiji Sect, the immortals of the Xian Dynasty came, the Yanluo Royal Family had to go and greet them, and it was the Yanluo Emperor Tang Yunqi who came forward, even if he knew that the Xian Dynasty was to deal with the Yanluo Royal Family, even though he had a thousand If you don't want to, you still have to go.

Don't go?

Is disrespect for the immortal.

This big hat could not be carried by the Yan Luo royal family, at least temporarily.

And as Tang said, the Yanluo Royal Family did not want to be too rigid with the Xian Dynasty. Even if they knew that the Xian Dynasty was to deal with their Yanluo Royal Family this time, the surface effort should be done.

Since the advent of the immortal officials of the immortal dynasty, from the immortal to the immortal official, whether it is the Zijin immortal official who scattered the immortals or the magical emperor Ziyun the heavens, even the ordinary elders of the imperial dynasty have almost become the four major families. Guests of the seven gates.


Only two people were exceptional. They declined all invitations to the four major families and the seven major gates.

Both of them are Zijin Xianjue, it is Wan Huaiyu and Qin Hao.

Both were immortals in the previous life, and they are still famous Xuanxian. Since the reincarnation, they have always behaved in a low-key manner. They have been prepared to do so, but they have made a good fortune. Nine years ago, the blood of the original sin was in the Northwest. In the storm, although the two did not participate, they witnessed the process of the incident. At that time, Xiandao went to many masters and many acquaintances from previous lives. Therefore, the identities of the two were also recognized.

Since then, the imperial dynasty has been coming to persuade, and there are also many old friends from previous lives, even the nine-day relics on the cloud.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind is not endless ~ ~ The two want to hide, and want to walk away, but in the end there is no way, they refused to enter the cloud, and finally agreed to the difficulties for the time being belonged to the Xian Dynasty, Xian Chaoben They wanted to seize the distinguished status of the two, but they were also declined.

In this life, the two did not want to participate in anything else in Xiandao. Since they could not avoid it, they could only fall into the fairy dynasty. After thinking about it, they finally asked for one that was neither too high nor too low. A relatively leisurely errand, that is, Zijin Xianjue.

Originally thinking that Zijin Yunjue was a leisurely errand, but the fact? Not idle.

To be precise, the two of them have known since the day they returned to the Xian Dynasty that the Xian Dynasty would certainly not let them relax.

Sure enough, the Xian Dynasty came to her door before she was idle for a few years.

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