
Vol 2 Chapter 1158: I do n’t know and I forgot ...

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"Benevolence in heaven and earth regards everything as a dog ... hahahaha!"

"Heaven and Earth? Everything? Hahaha, fake ... all fake ... everything is fake."

"No! It's not fake, it's true ... all true ... everything is true!"

"No! It's fake, it must be fake, he said, it's fake ..."

The mysterious old man's expression became more and more confused, more and more confused, and more and more hesitant. He was walking in the chaos, and he kept saying, "What is true? What is false?" True or false ... false or true ... who can tell? "

"No one can tell."

"People cannot distinguish, magic cannot be distinguished, immortals cannot be distinguished, Buddha cannot be distinguished, sacred cannot be distinguished ... the gods cannot be distinguished ..."

"Ha ha ha ha! No one can tell, no one ..."


If the mysterious old man found the existence of the ancient Qingfeng, he stopped, his godless eyes looked particularly empty, maybe he saw something, and the expression on a numb face became complicated, whispering: "The blood of the original sin ... why is there blood of original sin on you? Are you original sin? "

"No! You are not original sin."

"You only have the blood of original sin, and nothing more ..."

"Hahaha! The blood of the original sin, another original sinner, and another ... how many original sinners have appeared in ancient times?"

Gu Qingfeng did not move, gazed at the mysterious old man, and has been listening carefully to the crazy words of the mysterious old man.

What is fake and what is true.

He was confused.

It is the original sin person mentioned by the mysterious old man who knows a little, but what makes him wonder is that listening to the voice of the old man will not mean that there is not only one person in the world who has the blood of original sin, but many?

With this in mind, Gu Qingfeng thought for a moment, and asked, "Old man, how many original sinners have you seen?"

"How much? Don't remember ... too much ... really too much ... starting from ancient times, ancient times, antiquity ... I have seen ... met too many people with original sin ... too many ... But ... but they are all dead ... "

Gu Qingfeng froze, and continued to ask, "How did they die?"

"Some ... were killed by the husband ... some were killed by them ... some were ... killed by the heavens and the earth ... and some ... were killed by the gods, the Holy Buddha ... hahahaha!"

Good guy.

Although Gu Qingfeng has always been bold enough, at this moment, almost all those who have heard the same original sin as themselves are killed, and the people killed are either heaven or earth or sacred Buddhas. This is really terrifying.

"Old seniors, why do you kill people with original sin? Why do they kill people with original sin?"

"Why?" The mysterious old man shook his head and shouted, "I don't know ... the old man didn't know ... forgot ..."

"So ..." Gu Qingfeng asked softly, "Are you going to kill me this time?"

"Kill you?" The mysterious old man shook his head again, and said, "No, the old man will not kill you ..."

"Why again?"

"Because you don't need your husband to kill you, you will die ... hahaha!"

Gu Qingfeng thought about it for a while, and he really knew it. Since the blood of the original sin was merged, heaven and earth can't tolerate himself. The so-called sacred trial is just an appetizer, waiting for the origin of the avenue, even the origin of heaven and earth After the reorganization is complete, the real meal will come up.

"Young man, while the old man is still sober, can I ask you a few questions?"

"Of course." Gu Qingfeng said, "the younger generation also has a few questions and would like to ask your elderly one or two, old seniors."

"Boy, do you know what is true or false?"

true and false?

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and responded, "I don't know."

"You know what is life and death?"

life and death?

Gu Qingfeng shook his head again, still responding, "I don't know."

"Young man, I don't know how to ask one by one."

Gu Qingfeng said: "What is true, what is false, what is life, and what is death, I really do n’t know. I only know whether it is true or false, whether it is life or death. I do n’t need to see it so thoroughly. It ’s like autumn and autumn. It ’s free to live, to live smartly, and I want to live. It ’s enough to live. Regardless of what he does, whether it ’s real or false, what is true, and what is false. Having said no, it's rare to be a man. "

"A good life is free, a good life is chic, a good life is what I want to live, a good life is so confused ... ha ha ha ha ha!"

The mysterious old man gave out a lively laugh, the remains of the laughter shock were chaotic, and the ancient Qingfeng shook.

"I don't think my husband has lived for so many years. It's better than a junior who understands it, ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Do you understand? Not necessarily?" Gu Qingfeng shook his head and laughed at himself. "I thought I understood at first, but the longer I lived, the more I understood, and the more confused I became."

"It's better not to understand, the more confused ... some things may not be really understood, and some things might be better not known."

"That's what it says, but everyone has a curiosity. If you don't figure it out, you won't be free even if you want to be free."

"Young man, you look very contradictory." The mysterious old man looked at Gu Qingfeng and said, "What you cultivate is a free heart, but you don't do it yourself."

"Why aren't you old? People are crazy, and they are not crazy."

"Yeah." The mysterious old man sighed. "Is the husband crazy? Still think he's crazy? Or is he really crazy? The husband doesn't know and forgets ..."

"Even you are always the same, how can I be an exception. I don't know if I can cultivate my self-confidence, whether I am practicing my self-compliance, or I am comfortable my self-cultivation ..."

"You guys, you just said you have something to ask your husband."

"That's right," Gu Qingfeng asked, "are you really a man from the era of infidelity?"

"Maybe, I don't know, I forgot ..."

Can this be forgotten?

Gu Qingfeng thought about it, and continued to ask, "What happened in the era of the Tao? It disappeared or ..."

"I don't know, and forgot ..."

"Well, where is Wudao Mountain?"

"I don't know, and forgot ..."

Gu Qingfeng said dumbly, "Do you always tease me?"

"My husband really forgot ... I forgot everything ... My husband didn't even know where he came from ~ ~, he didn't know where to go. The husband's consciousness was sometimes sober and sometimes fuzzy ... forget I forgot ... everything I forgot ... "

This sounded familiar, and Gu Qingfeng remembered that Jun Xuanzhen often said this sentence.

Think of Jun Xuanyuan.

Gu Qingfeng couldn't help but remember that Jun Xuanxuan said a word, she said that people in the era of infidelity were lost ...

Is it true?

Not sure.

"Have you ever heard of Jun Xuanyu's name?"

"I don't know, I forgot ..."

The mysterious old man still knows nothing and forgets everything ...

What the **** did he ask?

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