
Vol 2 Chapter 1159: Come and go

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Dark clouds are rolling. ?

Thunder and lightning are in Perak.

The sand is roaring.

The ruins are shaking.

In the chaos, the mysterious old man was standing there alone, the more hesitant, the more blank, the more empty his eyes, the more apathetic, like an old senior who has not cultivated for years. The soul is demented and the consciousness is vague.

"Or else, find somewhere to drink two?"

After all, he encountered a master of the Infidelity Age. Gu Qingfeng was thinking about whether he could inquire about something by the way. However, this old man may be really lost or he may forget everything.

In this case, Gu Qingfeng didn't bother to ask any more. Seeing that the old man was pitiful, he proposed to drink two glasses.

"Two drinks? What?"

"Of course I'm drinking, otherwise what else can I drink?"

Looking at the mysterious old man's confused look, Gu Qingfeng asked, "What's wrong? Shouldn't you forget the taste of the wine?" Gu Qingfeng took out a glass of fine wine and poured a glass. Pass it.

The mysterious old man took the wine glass without hesitation. He drank his head and drank it, then closed his eyes, as if aftertaste something, after a long time, he slowly opened his eyes. In the empty eyes, there was a complex flash Hue said, "If this is the so-called wine, the old man must have drunk it before."

"That's fine."

Gu Qingfeng looked around and said, "It's not good for you to toss in this place anymore, so I'm looking for it, just drink here."

At the moment, Gu Qingfeng was also not polite, took out dozens of altar wines, sat down anywhere, opened an altar, and drank with the mysterious old man.

To say that this old man really can drink, one altar after another, without gasping in the middle, filled more than ten altars in one breath, and still looked like an inexhaustible look, the drink was called a refreshing drip.

"I said old man, let's drink slowly, don't worry, there are more, absolutely full."

"Lady, thank you for your fine wine. It's been a long time since my husband hasn't drank alcohol. It's really evocative."

"Yeah, why, listen to the words, do you want to start?"

"No, it's just a recollection of this feeling."

"Since there is some aftertaste, drink more, come and take a walk."

It's Lian Yin San Tan again, the mysterious old man said, "Young man, if you are wrong now, please leave immediately."

"what happened?"

"My husband's consciousness is always good and bad. Mokan is still sober now. Maybe it will be blurred in the next moment. When my husband's consciousness is blurred, he has no control at all and does not know what to do."

"Relax, I'll look at it." Gu Qingfeng toasted and drank, and asked, "But then again, do you always remember nothing about the era of injustice?"

"I can't remember ... I really forgot, I forgot everything ..."

"Who forgot you all?"


"Well, what do those two sentences mean when you just came in? What are all fake?"

"I don't know, my husband doesn't know, but if you feel this way, you will talk nonsense, and you don't have to take it seriously."


Gu Qingfeng was completely convinced, but he was still a little unwilling, and continued to ask: "So, I don't ask you what you always know, you always tell me what you remember now, you can't keep your head empty Nothing, right? "

"I don't remember, I don't remember anything. Even if I remember, it's mostly some intermittent and fuzzy memories."

"Do you always know where this is?"

"do not know."

"Since you don't know, what do you always rush in for?"

"Find a mountain."

Hearing that the mysterious old man was looking for a mountain, Gu Qingfeng suddenly came to his spirit and quickly asked, "What mountain? But Wudao Mountain?"

"I don't know, I don't remember, the old man didn't even know why he was looking for that mountain."

Gu Qingfeng again took out the lonely ecstatic map from the storage bag, pointed to the Wudao Mountain above, and asked, "Is this mountain?"

The mysterious old man took the picture of silence and ecstasy, and looked carefully. At first, there was nothing, but after watching it for a while, the mysterious old man's expression gradually began to change, his eyes were no longer empty, he became excited, and his expression was no longer sullen. , Getting excited, it seems that the muscles of the corners of the mouth are jerking unnaturally.

"This is the mountain, yes ... this is the mountain, the old man has been looking for this false mountain!"

"Xu Guishan?" Gu Qingfeng asked in wonder, "Isn't this Wudao Mountain?"

"No! This is a false mountain! It must be a false mountain! Nothing wrong! The old man will never admit it, this is a false mountain!"

Perhaps it was really too excited and too excited, the mysterious old man clasped Gu Qingfeng's hand and asked, "Boy, do you know where Xuluoshan is?"

"Old man, don't hide it, I'm looking for this mountain."

Ancient Qingfeng pondered that Wudao Mountain might be the name of a later generation. Perhaps the real name of this mountain is the False Mountain in the mouth of the mysterious old man.

"But what do you always do for this mountain?"

"What? Yeah ... what does the old man look for in Xuandu Mountain?" The expression of the mysterious old man became hesitant again, and he murmured, "Why is my old man looking for Xuanshan?

The mysterious old man closed his eyes and remembered, after a while, shook his head, and said in a loss: "I can't remember it ... I can't remember it. The old man only remembers that the false hill is where everything started and where it should end. ... It should be like this ... as long as you find the False Mountain, everything will be truthful, everything ... everything ... everything ... everything ... "

"Where did everything start? What was where it ended? And what is the truth?"

"I don't know, I can't remember ... I forgot."

After chatting with the mysterious old man for so long, Gu Qingfeng's heart became more and more tired as he talked, and it felt like a madman talking.

"Forget it, since you can't remember it, just think about it, come and drink."

"Boy ~ ~ I'm really sorry, I can't remember the age ... I can't help you."

"No problem, just be friends."

"Friend?" Hearing the word friend, the mysterious old man fell into thought again.


"No, it's just the word friend seems too strange and too far away for the old man."

"That was before. With my friend from now on, you will always redefine the meaning of the word friend."

The mysterious old man shook his head, but did not know what it meant.

"Lady, there's a question, the old man doesn't know if to ask."

"Old man, please."

"You just said that you were looking for the False Mountain, why?"

(End of this chapter)

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