
Vol 2 Chapter 1269: Why are wolves pretending to be sheep?

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to be frank.

Gu Qingfeng didn't take the so-called blood of the original sin as one thing at first, even though this thing was the blood of the innocent uncle, who is the lord of the original sin who is said to have buried the world and cut off the cause and effect. However, when Gu Qingfeng wanted to come, after all, it wasn't the unruly uncle himself, it was nothing more than a drop of blood from his old man, no matter how powerful he could be.

But after hearing what Jun Xuanyu said, what is the blood of the original sin, what not only contains the spiritual will of the unruly uncle, it may also contain something more terrible, and for the first time in Gu Qingfeng's life, he felt a creepy feeling. .

I was thinking of taking a deep sleep while going into the sea of ​​knowledge to investigate carefully. Unfortunately, nothing could be detected. No matter how I sensed it, the result was the same.

Later, Gu Qingfeng wondered if he wanted to use his own a nose, the evil spirit of Shumaura, to stir up the knowledge of the sea, force the blood of the original sin, and by the way, wake up the ancient taboo and see if he could investigate something.

But then I thought about it for a while, and thought it was all right.

Don't mess around anymore.


Regardless of the ancient taboo or the blood of the original sin, Gu Qingfeng knew nothing, and he did not know what the consequences would be after waking up these two beings.

In the second place, Abi Infernal evil Shura itself is not very stable. If the blood of the original sin and ancient taboos are not tossed by then, and then the Abi Infernal evil Shura is clarified, it will be worth the loss. He Gu's taboo woke up, and the trouble was even greater, and the ghost knew whether the three of them and one of the creatures would fight.

Once these guys fight, Gu Qingfeng can't get in at all, and can only stare. In case they mess up their own knowledge of the sea again and again, it will not be so easy.

and so.


Now that they all want to fall asleep like this, let's fall asleep.

When will you wake up?

The ancient breeze is not in a hurry.

Don't worry at all.

He is not afraid.

If you are afraid, you can't live now.

Scared to death.

He didn't stay in the sea for a long time, and then left.

After leaving, I didn't choose to sleep.

But into the dead bone bone.

There is a misty mountain in the misty world. There is a misty temple on the misty mountain. The misty temple is inhabited by an old monk who has never seen the ancient breeze.

Still in the bones of perishable bone.

No change.

The world looks small, and it looks big. The feeling is like what the Buddhists said that watching mountains is not a mountain, and watching mountains is a mountain.

Really very clever.

Every time I enter the Bone Bone Jade, Gu Qingfeng feels different.

I remember the first time I entered the Bone Bone Jade, Gu Qingfeng felt like a blind man and a deaf man. He could see nothing and could not hear anything.

As I do n’t know later whether the state is higher or the state of mind has changed, each time I enter the Bone Bone Jade, it seems as if it is clearer and clearer than before, this feeling is wonderful, and as I see more clearly, The clearer he heard, the more he found that the dying bone jade was really incredible. There was a mountain, a stone, and even a dust, like a world, smelling like flowers blooming and springing back. The earth looks like mountains and rivers, like sea and rivers ...

"One flower and one world, one tree and one bodhi, one grass and one heaven, one leaf as one comes, one sand and one bliss, one party and one pure land, one smile and one dust, one thought and one quiet ..."

The ancient Qingfeng felt.

The voice fell, and an old voice came: "Amitabha, good and kind, the realm of ancient dwellers is getting higher and higher, and the understanding of our Buddha has been invented, and the state of mind has become more and more calm.

It was the voice of an old monk.

It is as old as ever, and every word is like thousands of years, more like vicissitudes of life.

"Really, I don't feel anything."

"Let it be, is the supreme realm that my Buddha is after."

"Let it be natural?" Gu Qingfeng shook his head and said, "Easy to say and difficult to do. Who can really do it naturally this year? Unless there is no desire, no sage with seven emotions and six desires can really do it. It's natural. "

Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: "It's not that I don't look down on you who are playing Buddha. The slogan shouts every time, but I just shout the slogan. I stand by the Holy Buddha all day and have a full mouth of kindness and morality. Holding up the banner of compassion, shouting for life and other things, but asking for it to be natural, do you say that contradictions are not contradictory? "

"What is nature? Life is old, disease is dead, evil is good, there is light, there is darkness, there is justice, there is evil, there is hatred, there is grudge, there is resentment, and some people seek death. The king of beasts, the ants are destined to be humble. Cats and mice are bound by nature, in line with the laws of nature, what is nature? This is nature, what are the lives, etc. Where is the equality of all beings in this world?

"If this life is waiting, why do people still ask Immortal to ask? What buddha are you asking for? If the life is waiting, the Buddha is the devil, and the devil is the Buddha."

Gu Qingfeng has always been disrespectful to the heavens and the gods. Although he used to have such a good impression on the Buddhists, the only good impression that has disappeared has gradually disappeared with time, especially since the world has awakened. Xitian Buddhist Gate first hid in the Taixu Bei assassinate him, and then tried to obliterate him nine years ago. If it wasn't for Gu Qingfeng's first abduction of the puppet incarnation of Da Riru, Xitian Buddhist Gate would never stand by.

If you ask the ancient Qingfeng now respect the Buddha.

He would only answer three words, respect fart.

More importantly, after listening to Master Zhenjue said that humanity was the head of the avenue, and the three thousand avenues were truly equal. The reason why humanity fell afterwards was that the three thousand avenues joined forces to suppress them, and this was certainly true. It's indispensable to Buddhism ~ ~ So.

It's all wolves, whoever **** don't pretend to be sheep.

The old monk remained silent for a long time, but sighed, and never spoke again.

Perhaps he realized that what he said was a bit heavy, and Gu Qingfeng felt a little apologetic, wondering if it was so Buddha-like in front of the old monk, it was a bit innocent, and he apologized and said, "This ... old monk, do n’t let it go In my mind, I am just talking nonsense. In fact, some people who practice Buddhism can still afford the word "sage monk."

"The ancient dwellers do not need to apologize like this. Xitian Buddha Gate is no longer a bliss pure land, and there are few real people who are seeking Buddha ..."

Gu Qingfeng didn't know about Xitian Buddhism and was too lazy to take care of it. Therefore, he had no interest in this topic and asked, "Old monk, ask you something."

"I wonder what the ancient layman wanted to ask?"

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