
Vol 2 Chapter 1270: If I ask, it ’s impossible

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"You said ... what is it that people live for?"

Gu Qingfeng had no friends, and very few were able to talk. He was upset and troubled. When he was full of confusion about life, he could only talk to old monks for a few words. Fighting and killing, just thinking about how to become stronger, I haven't considered this issue carefully, maybe I have experienced a lot, especially recently, I have become more and more confused, and I do n’t know what it is for me to live. ? "

After a long time, the old voice of the old monk came.

"The question asked by ancient dwellers is a question that everyone will encounter, and it is also a stage that anyone must go through in their lives."


"So, this question should n’t ask me, but you should ask yourself. After all, everyone is pursuing different things. Some people are pursuing family fun, others are pursuing fame and wealth, and others are pursuing power, avenues, and the true meaning of life. , Pursuit of cause and effect, pursuit of the origin of heaven and earth ... I do not know what the ancient dwellers wanted to pursue. "

Family fun?

Fame and fortune?

that power?


The true meaning of life?

Causal fate?

Gu Qingfeng had no interest in all of these. He pondered for a moment and said: "I have no lofty ideals and no grand aspirations. If I say what I want to pursue in this life, I really do n’t know, maybe it ’s the one from an early age. Hidden in the void of freedom. "

Nodding his head, Gu Qingfeng seemed to have some confirmation again, and continued, "Well, it should be like this, free and free of worries, and unrestrained alive."

"Since the ancient dweller has what he seeks, why bother asking the old man?"

"I used to think that the life I was pursuing was not high, and it could even be said to be very simple, but now I find that this thing is easy to say, and it is not so difficult to do it. After all, I live in the world and have seven emotions. There are also six desires, and of course the vulgarity is inevitable. Since vulgarity is inevitable, there can be no troubles. If there are troubles, there will be fetters, and fetters, it will not be possible to live free and carefree. "

The conversation turned, and Gu Qingfeng said, "Of course, if you cut off the seven emotions and six desires, and then get too embarrassed, you may have no trouble, but think about it, if people are not troubled, how alive is boring? How boring? No fun at all, what fun is there? "

"Since the ancient dweller was able to say this, he must have understood the word freedom in his heart, so in the eyes of the ancient dweller, what is it to live freely?"

"It's very simple, four words, whatever you want." Gu Qingfeng was silent for a long time, adding: "If I want, the sky is indispensable, if I want to be absent, the earth cannot be. This is probably what I want, or maybe what I want is true. In a word, I am free in heaven and on earth. Only I have the sole honor to achieve true freedom. "

"If I want, there must be no sky. If I have no sky, there must be no ... heaven and earth, only I have the sole honor ..." The old monk muttered this sentence, and the old voice trembled a little, saying: "Amitabha ... … Ancient dweller, are you going to be the hegemon between this world? "

"Hegemon between heaven and earth?" Gu Qingfeng shook his head with a grin, and said, "No interest, not to mention that he does not have to be the hegemon between heaven and earth to be the only person in this world."


The old monk spoke another Buddhist word.

Gu Qingfeng said: "Cultivation is the practice of mind, the practice of the way. I practice the freedom of mind, and the practice should be a avenue of freedom. Are you right?"

"Congratulations Guju."

"Congratulations, what?"

"Congratulations to the ancients who realized the true meaning of the word free."

"It's just a realization, unfortunately, I'm not at ease now, and I can't do that easy road."

"At least, the ancient dweller knew what he asked for, and he was not lost. As long as the ancient dweller pursued what he asked for, the old man believed that he would certainly be able to cultivate a true freedom and set foot on a true freedom.

"I wish you good words, I hope so."

There was another silence.

Gu Qingfeng asked: "Old monk, do you believe in destiny?"

"I don't know."

"Then you believe in cause and effect?"

"Old man believes."

"Hehe." Gu Qingfeng smiled and asked again: "Do you say cause and effect and fate are the same thing?"

The old monk remained silent for a while before responding: "I don't know."

"I still remember that you said that you do n’t want to take coincidence as destiny, let alone accident as cause and effect. You also said that everything in this world is full of beings, be it a human being, or a fairy, or even a **** or a Buddha. The two words, fate, and luck, are nothing but cause and effect. "

The old monk spoke a Buddhist word again.

"Nine years ago, the pilgrimage of all living creatures I worshiped, and the ancient taboos, and the blood of the original sin, I believe it is neither accidental nor coincidental. If there is a will in heaven, It ’s already doomed, even you who are hiding in this dead bone. ”

When it comes to this, Gu Qingfeng seems to have a sense of understanding, saying: "Actually, I feel more and more that all things in this world, all beings, all demons and demon, people and gods are all chess pieces, and this is the cause and effect chess. Chess pieces in Destiny. "

"Many people have had cause and effect since birth. Fate has arranged his life. They can't change it. They can only do so."

"Some people are unwilling to obey fate's arrangements, and even more unwilling to play fate chess pieces, trying to change their lives against the sky, which is the so-called cause and effect."

"Oh, I didn't understand why I had to cut cause and effect."

"I don't quite understand why the legend can only become a **** by cutting off the cause and effect."

"Now, I seem to understand a bit. It is not important to cut off the cause and effect. It is important to cut off the cause and effect. Then you can jump out of this game and never be affected by fate. I think this is the root cause. . "

"I just asked you, why is anyone alive?"

"You answer to ask for yourself ~ ~ or fame, or rights, or avenues, or true meanings, haha ​​... these are just the branches of desire on the road to life, they will eventually return to the road of life The road of life, and the end of the road of life, is to cut cause and effect. "

"If life is at an end, I think it should be the cause and effect."

"If life has an origin, I think it should be the cause and effect."

"If life is true, I want to cut cause and effect."

Gu Qingfeng said so softly, in the meantime, the old monk kept silent.

"It's a pity! It's a pity. If you want to cut off the cause and effect, it's easier. If you want to cut off the cause and effect, you must first understand the cause and effect, which is a so-called search road. It's endless, and the day you start searching, you've lost. "

(End of this chapter)

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