
Vol 2 Chapter 1282: Rivalry

Of course.

The reason why Dadaolin dispelled his thoughts was not because he admired the King of Qixiao, nor because he had kindness to the King of Qixiao, nor was he righteous to him.

It is because he knows the king and the king, and he knows more about the character, temper, and kind of person of the King of Xiaoxiao.

"Predecessor Daolin, what is the temper of Gu Xiaozi, I believe you also know if Xiao Jiner is a disaster star, and whether a disaster will come down, it is still unknown for the time being. If you kill Xiao Jiner today, Gu Gu in the future Knowing this, do you think he will give up? "

This sentence of Zhenyang Jiuxian made the Dao Lin feel a little hesitant, took a deep look at Zhenyang, and nodded to express his gratitude.



He felt that he was really impulsive just now. If he really killed Xiao Jin'er, once the King Qixiao knew about it, it would not be a question of good and bad, and it would not be a question of disaster or disaster, but ... ...

What it is, Dao Daolin doesn't know, but in his heart, he would rather let the disaster brought by the disaster star come than let the disaster brought by King Qixiao come, just as Zhenyang said, the disaster brought by the disaster star, It's just a disaster at best, and the disaster brought by the King of Xiaoxiao is definitely more than a disaster.

Think of it here.

Bian Daolin also hesitated, I do not know what to do.

It was just his hesitation that the major gates in the world immediately discussed.

Some people agree, some people oppose.

Those who agree also think that what Zhen Yang said is not unreasonable.

If King Chixiao had not appeared more than a decade ago, no one would be really afraid.

But more than ten years ago, the former overlord Chixiao appeared. Not only did it appear, but everyone saw it clearly. Thousands of people couldn't shake the slightest when they joined forces. Even more terrible was that he also personally Killing a destiny in ancient times, the most frightening thing is that everyone knows that beheading destiny will inevitably be condemned, but on that day, although Tianwei came, it only came, and did not lower any condemnation.

Who can't imagine how terrible he is for someone who is afraid to even clean up?

of course.

Opponents did not believe this. Although the King of Qixiao had not been condemned by God that day, it did not mean that he would not be condemned in the future. The King of Qixiao had never appeared after the disappearance of the Qing Emperor. This was more than ten years. This has always been the case, and many people think that the Emperor Chixiao may have been condemned and died long ago.

Everyone thinks that heavenly iniquity can never be forgiven.

There is a report of good and evil, and heaven is a good reincarnation.

Do not believe looked up, who Cangtian had spared.

Many people are convinced that the King of Xiaoxiao beheaded to kill Jingu's destiny in public, and it was absolutely self-injustice, and Cangtian would certainly not forgive him.

At this time, the Mahayana king Jin Chanzi stood up and said righteously: "Let ’s not talk about whether the Emperor Chixiao has been condemned by God, even if he has not been condemned, what is the matter, I am afraid of waiting He can't? "

With a cold hum, Jin Chanzi continued, "Dao Lin Jinxian, don't you forget that now there is a leader in our world. It is the world leader of Tai Chi Renjie. Tai Chi Renjie. It will be the humane who will dominate all beings in the future. king."


The emperor of the Chunyang Sect also said, "Yes, the King of Qixiao is only one person at best. As long as he is human, he must abide by humanity. The king of Qixiao is as powerful as he is. World leader Tai Chi, the humane king who will dominate all sentient beings in the future? What a joke! "

Immediately afterwards, the Emperor of the Qianxing Sect also stood out and said, "I firmly believe that the official reputation of Taiji Renjie will inevitably rule the world, and even then, we naturally don't need to be afraid of that ancient Sirius."

"It's true that if I wait for fear of the ancient Sirius and let the disaster star sit by and ignore it, then those who practice in our generation are too boneless!"

"Dao Lin Jinxian, I have always respected you and you have always been my predecessor. Saying these words is not for you to question you. I just hope that my predecessor will not listen to the words of some people, which will delay the major event. If the scourge is immediately killed, once a disaster occurs, the people in this world are in crisis, and no one can afford this responsibility! "


Zhenyang Jiuxian got angry on the spot, exclaiming angrily, "Your **** are so good. The scars forget the pain. The boy Gu did not slaughter you all more than ten years ago. You mothers thought he was afraid. Or what? The kid's mother dare to kill even this ancient destiny, what else in this world does he dare not do? Tell you these kings and babies, if you really kill Xiao Jiner today, Then honestly go back and prepare for the afterlife! No one can save you by then! "


Mahayana Sovereign King Jin Chanzi disdain: "I admit that the ancient Sirius is powerful, I am not his opponent, but it does not mean that he can cover the sky in this world with one hand. It may have been possible before, but now we have The ancient leader of the world, Tai Chi Renjie, the humane master who will dominate all sentient beings in the future, even if his ancient Sirius is capable, he will only kneel in front of Tai Chi Renjie! "

"I bother!"

Zhenyang Jiuxian spit on the face of Jin Chanzi fiercely, and sighed, "World leader Tai Chi Renjie? Also, his mother who will dominate the human beings in the future? Who sealed it? Did your kid seal it? Go and put your last name The boy from Shangguan called, you ask him if he dares to call himself the humane master who rules all sentient beings? "

"It's nothing more than a Tai Chi man. He is ten thousand miles away from the humane who dominates all sentient beings. He said that the boy is not yet a humane master. He really asked the humane master. You think Gu Gu is afraid of him? Gu Gu kills Jin Gu's fate, and God dare not fart, he is a hairy Tai Chi man! "

Jin Chanzi touched the spit on his face, violently leaping with anger, pointing at Zhenyang, saying one word at a time: "Zhenyang Xiaoer, you are too bullying!

"I've bullied you today, what's wrong? If you don't agree, let's practice?"

Zhenyang is notoriously hot-tempered ~ ~ He said repeatedly that he really dared to work with Jin Chanzi in the presence of the people in the world, but fortunately, the real court next to him and Lin Daolin came forward, which stopped him. Come down.

At this time.

Rainbows suddenly appeared in the night sky.

The rainbow blooms and the sky is full.

This sky-filled rainbow collided with the dark clouds of blood above the night sky, making a crackling noise.

A rainbow is a sacred rainbow and a holy rainbow.

The sea of ​​blood is an evil sea of ​​blood, and it is also a terrible sea of ​​blood.

The two collided together, just like the incompatibility of water and fire, causing the night sky to explode continuously, and the blasted space was constantly trembling.

Looking at this scene, the crowd did not feel surprised or scared, not even a trace of worry. Instead, they were all very excited and excited, and some even bowed to the ground, because they all knew that Tianxiangxiangrui It must be the arrival of a hero.

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