
Vol 2 Chapter 1283: Dragons and phoenixes are coming, people are coming

The auspicious rainbow in this sky seems to be changing, so that the light and darkness are intertwined, and the sun and the moon are blending.


Long Yin Fengming sounded loudly.

A huge light dragon roared out, as if migrating in a rainbow, and then a huge light phoenix appeared as if conceived in a fire, soaring in the rainbow.

Then, a holy silver-white beam of light condensed out, and the light dragon and light phoenix circled up around it.


A person descends from the sky with colorful clouds in a silver beam.

This man is slender, with a pair of eyes, his left eye is like the sun, and his right eye is like the moon. He is dressed in a holy white robe with a handsome and handsome temperament.

He then descended from the sky in the holy beam of light under the auspices of dragons and phoenixes. The sacredness was like a real life son, and like a **** descending from the sky, it was amazing and even more worshipful.

This person is known as the world leader and has the official reputation of Taijirenjie, who is guarded by dragons and phoenixes.

Shangguan's reputation came. Most of the lords of the major gates and practitioners gathered in and out of the Qing Dynasty. Most of the practitioners in the entire Weiyang area bowed to the ground to greet the coming of the reputation.

Tai Chi.

Dragons and phoenixes are auspicious.

Hanging pot all over the world.

Parade sermons.

For the country and the people.

Today, Shang Guanyu is the most famous in this world in terms of popularity and influence. No one can match it. Su Xun, a nine-day goddess, cannot, even if it is the overwhelming king of the ancient times, Chixiao King. Therefore, Shangguanyu is definitely one of the most deserved figures in this world in ancient times.

"You don't need to be polite, please hurry up."

After Shangguan's arrival, in the wave of his hands, Guanghua flickered like stars, and everyone kneeling on the ground seemed to be held up by a breeze.

"Shangguan Gongzi, you are here. Just be sure to preside over justice for our world!"

"Yes! Shangguan, son, the disaster star comes to the world, you must immediately eliminate it, if not then endlessly!"

The leaders of the major gates emotionally requested Shang Guanyu to come and kill the disaster star.

Shang Guanyu stood on top of the colorful clouds, holding a mixed light and dark fan, waving slightly in front of him, and a pair of deep and bright eyes gazed at Xiao Jin'er in the blood-colored light column, which looked quite like Surprised.

"The old man met Shangguan."

Although Dao Lin is a respected predecessor in this world and an elder Jinxian of the Xian Dynasty, in the face of Shang Guanyu, he also had to shout a politely Shangguan son. After all, Shang Guanyu is a Tai Chi man who lives on in life. Regardless of whether he can be the king of human beings in the future, or whether he can become the humane master who dominates all sentient beings, he dare not have any neglect, because he knows clearly that the four words of true inheritance are better than ancient destiny. Be distinguished.

"Senior Daolin is too polite. Call me by name."

Shangguanyu has always been a gentle and modest gentleman, from the big Luo Jinxian to the insignificant monk who has just built the foundation. He has always been treated equally and he has never placed the frame of Tai Chi in front of anyone. The reason why everyone regards him This is one of the most important reasons for being a world leader.

"Shangguan, son, this little girl's status is unusual, and she still wants him to think twice."

"how to say?"

"The little girl is not only the sister favored by the fairy Xian, but also the sister especially favored by the King of the Red Sky."


When I heard about the fairy Xian and the King of the Red Sky, Shang Guanyu was a little confused, but it was only a doubt. Apart from the doubt, there was not much emotional color. Looking at Xiao Jin'er in the blood column, he smiled lightly: Loved by the fairy Xian and the famous King Xiaoxiao, it seems that this little girl is really extraordinary. "

Then, Dao Lin stated his concerns, saying: "Whether it is the fairy Fairy or the King of the Red Sky, the existence of the two is beyond the imagination of the old man. If the two do not know, I will be the master without permission. If the little girl is beheaded, she may cause unnecessary misunderstandings, so the old man thinks it is better to discuss the matter from a long-term perspective. I wonder what Shangguan ’s son would like? ”

"Senior Daolin, did you just say that you were worried about misunderstandings? I wonder what this misunderstanding means?"

"This one……"

Tong Daolin was a little hesitant because he didn't know whether Shang Guanyu really didn't know, or pretended not to know.

"Shangguan, let me tell you." Seeing Dao Lin being silent, Mahayana Sovereign King Jin Chanzi, stood up and said, "Senior Dao Lin is worried that if I kill this little girl today, the ancient Sirius will find me in the future. For the trouble, I told the senior Dao Lin early on, as long as there was a son of Shangguan, and he borrowed the three courages of the ancient Sirius, he would not dare!

"Oh, that's it."

Shang Guanyu smiled slightly, and said, "Of course, the little girl looks pitiful, but after all, she is the disaster star of the world, and it will bring disaster to the world. So, even if we don't want to, we have to wipe it out. I Since Shangguanyu inherits the true destiny, it is for the Taiji people, so he has the obligation to protect one world, and this responsibility, if not, I am sorry for the true life given by the heaven, and I am sorry to support my people at dawn. "

After a pause, he said, "Xian Xianzi is a nine-day goddess and a nine-angel. I think that even if she is here today, she will certainly not stop. As for the ancient sky wolf of King Qixiao, haha ​​... He made a fuss over this and asked him to come to me for official reputation. "

The words of Shangguanyu continued to cause a burst of cheering. The practitioners of the major gates cheered excitedly and shouted the name of Shangguanyu.

What did Dao Lin want to say ~ ~ I just spoke but was interrupted by Shang Guanyu: "Before Dao Lin, but rest assured, I said that if the killing of this disaster star would cause any trouble today, Wu Xianzi also All right, King Chixiao, or whatever. All responsibilities are on my own. "

The words of Shangguanyu sounds like a great meaning, but in this sense of righteousness, there is also a unique pride that belongs to his Shangchengzheng Taiji Renjie. This sentence is even clearer to everyone, and he has no fear of Jiutian Xuannu The fairy is not afraid of the mysterious and unpredictable ancient sky wolf king of the sky.

of course.

He is also qualified to say this.

But it is only qualifications, which does not mean that he has the ability to say this.

At least, Qin Yang, the big head of the silent watch in the distance, did not think that Shangguanyu had the ability to despise the King of the Red Sky.

Not only did he disagree, nor did the female ancestor Ye Tianlan.

The difference is that Big Palm Chu Qin Yang continued to be silent, and the maiden maiden Ye Tianlan suddenly said at this time: "The grandeur of Shangguan's son is admirable, but you are afraid of the responsibility of beheading Xiao Jiner. "

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