
Vol 2 Chapter 1294: Disappear mysteriously

Seeing Su Shi still kneeling in the air, begging upwards, Lie Shan was furious and yelled: "Bold Su Shi, if you are not obsessed again, don't blame the power of the deity to use the law to seal you!"

The words fell, and Lieshan's left hand suddenly appeared a silver sword. This sword was crystal clear. Like a sword of light, the sacredness contained the immortality.

They were shocked to see this sacred sword, the fairy of Weiyang Dayu, they all knew this sword.

To be exact, this is not a sword, but the immortal seal of the immortal, which can use the power of the immortal.

Immediately after that, a purple-golden flag appeared on the right hand of Lie Shan. Although the flag looked ordinary, it seemed to contain a magical power. When it appeared, the whole world seemed to light up.

Perhaps many people do n’t know what this flag is, but the female ancestor Ye Tianlan on the field, the three mysterious giants, including Shangguanyu and Shi Tian, ​​know that this flag is not the other, but the law and the flag. It can also be used The banner of the laws of the world.

"Su Shi, the deity will give you one last time, you will retire or not!"

Lie Shan waved the flag while holding the law. Above the night sky, the wind immediately swelled, thunder exploded, and the space changed, and the whole world seemed to tremble violently for a while.


Lie Shan has given an ultimatum.

This time, Su Shi was no longer indifferent and no longer begging for God. Instead of standing up, instead of leaving, she guarded Xiao Jiner, who was getting weaker and more blurred in the blood-colored beam of light, raised her head and looked up at the sky. , Said: "I have always been obedient, always, no matter in past life or in this life, it is the same. Whatever you say, I will do nothing. I have never refuted it, I have never resisted it, and I have not even questioned it. Yeah, and now you do n’t even give me a small chance. "

"I said, I don't allow anyone to hurt Xiao Jin'er, no one can do it. Since you don't even give me a small chance, don't blame me Su Shi for being selfish."

Speaking, Su Shi calmly leaped up suddenly, the chaotic brilliance Guanghua rose into the sky in an instant, the tumultuous force burst out, angrily drank.

"For the sake of the world, for the Three Thousand Avenues, and for the heavens and the earth, I can give everything or sacrifice everything. For Jin Er, I can give everything and sacrifice everything. If you dare to move Jin Er today, I Su Su He would not hesitate to be the enemy of the world, nor would he be the enemy of the Three Thousand Avenues, nor would he be the enemy of heaven and earth ... "

Beside, Aunt Mei was horrified, "Aunt, are you crazy? You know what you are doing!"

"Aunt Mei, don't care, I also know exactly what I'm doing, and I'm not crazy, I just have enough. I am a human being, and I live for others because of my destiny. This time, I want to work for me. Live once! "

"What cause and effect, what fate! All shit!"

"From now on, I ’m Su Shi, who is no longer a true robber. Therefore, please impose all kinds of avenues on you, all kinds of heavenly destiny, all kinds of cause and effect, and all. Take everything back to me! "


Su Shi ’s whole body exploded, and an endless stream of good fortunes appeared one after another. As Su Shi said, there are various avenues of death, various heavenly destinies, and various causes and effects of true destiny, which are almost endless forces of creation.

Everyone in this scene was stunned and shocked.

Despite the rumors, Xian Xianzi is a fortune.

It's just that no one has seen it, not even one.

No one can think of Su Shi's creations so much, more scalp, more incredible, more amazing.

Shang Guanyu and Shi Tian are.

The female ancestor Ye Tianlan is.

Even when the three mysterious giants like the mystery witnessed Su Shi's innumerable creations blooming all over his body, he couldn't say it with surprise.

"Reverse! Reverse! Really reverse!"

The fierce mountain was so desperate that he wanted to use the power of the laws of the world to seal Su Shi, but he never imagined that Su Shi could do such a decisive thing. Before he could do it, Su Shi had to personally make that one. Return to Three Thousand Avenue.

You should know that Su Shi is a true robber, and the reason why the Three Thousand Avenues gave her all kinds of goodness, in addition to trying to win over, also wanted to protect her safety.

Now, however, Su Shi is returning his good fortune to Three Thousand Avenues.

What is it called?

This is called Jade Burnt!

Also called Ning Weiyu broken but not full!

The purpose of Su Shi's doing this is obvious. She wants to tell everyone that you can give up Xiao Jiner for the so-called Yunren sentient beings, so-called heaven and earth are in danger, then she can also give up for Xiao Jinren the so-called Yunren sentient beings, that is, so-called heaven and earth.

As she said, she wanted to be selfish.

Just once.

Only once.

Seeing that Su Shi was not so simple, but it was real. Lie Shan didn't dare to hesitate anymore, and was about to seal Su Shi, but at this moment, an ethereal voice came from nowhere.

"My little sister and sister don't bother to do anything."

The sound was extremely loud, as if it were from a distant place. When the voice fell, Su Shi, who wanted to return a good fortune to Sanqian Avenue, suddenly disappeared.


Suddenly it disappeared so inexplicably.

As if it had never happened before, it was silent and without warning.

Where did you go?

Nobody knows.

And who was that voice just now?

Little sister?

Sorry to say that Su Shi's sister took her away?

Who is Su Shi's sister?

Others may not know, but the female ancestor Ye Tianlan knows, not only knows, but also knows that it is Nalan Qianqiu.


She did not think that Nalan Qianqiu could take Su Shi away so silently and without warning.

If it wasn't for Nalan Qianqiu, then there was only the older sister of Su Shi's previous life.

Think of the older sister of Su Shi's previous life.

The female ancestor Ye Tianlan could not help but tremble, and said in horror: Did she come here?


When Su Shi reacted, what came into my eyes was the mountain peaks that run through the heavens and earth, and the waterfall on the top of the mountain flowed down like a nine-day galaxy. On a cloudless blue sky, there are both cranes flying and colorful fairy. Deer in the clouds.

This is his Dongfu ~ ~ Su Shi is no longer familiar with it. Turning around, he suddenly notices that a woman is staring at herself with a frown.

The woman is not someone else, but also Su Shi ’s five-sister sister Nalan Qianqiu.


Su Shi knew very well that it wasn't the Five Masters that brought him back to Dongfu, but the Old Masters.

"Sister, where is she?"

Su Shi looked around, but did not find the figure of the master sister.

"I said Shimei, you are really getting ridiculous. I used to think that you are stubborn, but it ’s sensible, but how can you do something stupid now? You know how dangerous it is, if not You're in trouble, my sister, you know? "

When Nalan Qianqiu saw Su Shi, he scolded his head and covered his face.

At this moment, Su Shi had no intention to listen to Nalan Qianqiu's reprimand. She was always worried about the safety of Xiao Jin'er. When she was about to fly away, she found that the cave had been sealed.

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