
Vol 2 Chapter 1295: Light, Pure Land, and Hope

"Sister, I know you can hear me. Please come and save Jiner."

It was learned that the old lady was trapped in Dongfu. Su Shi was very anxious inside, but she was not angry, not only was not angry, but she had a spark of hope in her heart. She knew that even if the old lady did not show up, she could do It's just trying to delay time as much as it can't save Xiao Jin'er.

It ’s a pity that the sister did n’t show up and did n’t respond. Instead, she was next to Nalan Qianqiu. Looking at the anxious Su Shi, she could n’t bear it anymore and stopped reprimanding, but she said, “Sister, you let us How to save? Xiao Jin'er is a disaster star in the era of injustice. "

"You know better than anyone that San Qian Da Dao will certainly not be able to accommodate her, and she will surely wipe it out without hesitation, whether or not Xiao Jiner's presence threatens the world, or whether Xiao Jiner will endanger the world. That's what happened in Cangsheng. "

"They can't afford to gamble, they can't afford to lose, they dare not gamble, and they never gamble."

"I'll tell you this. Even today, even if the master came out to help you save Xiao Jin'er, she successfully prevented Xiao Jin'er from merging with Xueyue and won't wake up, but Sanqian Avenue still won't let her go. The possible threats, whether it is the Three Thousand Avenues or the heavens and the earth, are always willing to kill and never let go. "

"The guy named Gu is a good example. That guy is so perverted, mysterious and unknown, the variables are big and not easy to mess with. How many losses did Sanqian Avenue suffer from in his hands? Time and time again, I ca n’t count them. There is no way even Tiandao can take that guy now. I am afraid that as long as the guy with the surname Gu is mentioned now, they will be very painful. If they can, I believe they would rather keep things quiet and stop consuming with the surname Gu. "

"Between heaven and earth, who doesn't know that surname Gu is not easy to mess with? But the point is, even if it ’s not easy to mess with them, they have to mess with it. After all, surnamed Gu is the original sinner of the infidelity era. "

"Although Xiao Jiner is not a person of original sin, it is a disaster star of the Taoist era. It is worse than the surname of the ancient one. The surname of the ancient one is so difficult to mess with, and he has not let him go on the three thousand roads, let alone A little Jiner. "

In the words of Nalan Qianqiu, Su Shi is not unaware, but even so, she still doesn't want to give up, even if there is little hope, she wants to let go, but unfortunately, no matter how she begged, the elder sister still didn't respond.

"Master, I beg you ... okay!"

Su Shi did n’t know if Master Sister could save Xiao Jiner, but she knew that if Master Sister appeared, she would have greater hope than herself. Most importantly, she knew that Master Sister always loved herself, so she kept suffering. Begging.

as expected.

In the end, the elder sister still couldn't hold back. There was a misty voice from the elder sister in the cave.

"Little sister, why do you have to save that girl?"


Su Shi paused for a moment, and then said, "Perhaps because of a hope."


"Yes, hope, I am a human being, no matter in previous life or in this life, it is doomed to cause and effect, so from the day I was born, I was locked into the fetters of fate ... in my life, next life, maybe Life and death cannot escape the fetters of fate. "

The elder sister responded: "You are like this, who is not, so are all sentient beings, and Xiao Jiner is no exception."

"Yes, I admit that all beings are the same, and Xiao Jin'er is no exception. Because of this, I do n’t want to give up. The doomed cause and effect are not terrible, and the fate is not terrible. The terrible thing is to know And we cannot escape. "

"Why can Xiao Jin'er escape from the doomed cause and effect and fate?"

"Because Xiao Jin'er can't escape, so I have to help her."

"Are you going to help her escape from fate?"

"No! Sister, you have misunderstood what I meant. I don't mean to help Xiao Jin'er escape from fate. I don't have this ability either. I just want to let Xiao Jin'er carefree and innocent. That's all, as long as she can live like this, I will be happy ... "

This is indeed Su Shi's inner thoughts, her hopes, and her spiritual sustenance.

Su Shi, a man of two lives, has gone through too much, bright, dark, evil, kind, hypocritical, deceitful, etc ... She thinks people are too complicated, and the world is too complicated ... she He couldn't escape into this life, and Xiao Jin'er, who didn't want to be innocent, also fell into this life.

In Su Shi's mind, innocent Xiao Jin'er is like the only light in the dark world, and the only pure land in the dirty world. She does not want to let the only light in the world, the only pure land, To be engulfed by the darkness, from the pits, from the complex world.

This is her hope.

Nalan Qianqiu may not understand, but the master seems to understand. After a while, a sigh came from the cave.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Master, do n’t you often say that there is always hope in life. If there is no hope, it is like a walking dead. My hope is that Xiao Jiner is alive, carefree, innocent and alive, as long as she is alive. , I am very happy, seeing her laugh, I will also laugh ... I think the master sister must be the same as me, and I hope the innocent Xiao Jiner live, isn't it stumped? "

After turning silent, the sister's voice came, "I can't save her."

In a word, the hope that made Su Shi rekindled suddenly extinguished. She knew that if she couldn't save her, she couldn't save it.

It was just such a result that Su Shi couldn't accept it at all. Where was her dull sting, she was desperate, and murmured, "Is there any way?"

"Xiao Shimei ~ ~ The key to the problem is not just that Xiaojin Avenue can't tolerate Xiaojiner, but Xiaojiner can't tolerate herself. Sanjin Avenue doesn't want Xiaojiner to be a threat Xiao Jin'er also doesn't want to be a threat. As you said, Xiao Jin'er is innocent, her heart is pure and kind, pure without any thoughts, kind and even flowers and plants can't bear to step on. How can we hope to become a threat to the earth and endanger the existence of the common people? "

The word from the master came, Su Shi gave a **** in her heart, until now she realized that she only thought about how to save Xiao Jin'er, and completely ignored Xiao Jin's inner feelings. She also clearly remembered that the Xiao Jin'er has been struggling, but Xiao Jin'er's struggle is not to live, he just doesn't want to wake up, he just wants to die.

Remember this.

Su Shi suddenly slumped on the ground, and the face of a country that fell into the country also became ashamed and fell into deep despair. He closed his eyes and shed tears. The only light in his heart seemed like It is being eroded by the darkness, and the remaining pure land is being engulfed by the pits.

"Sister, you must not be discouraged. I can't save Xiao Jiner, it doesn't mean that other people can't save it."

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