
Vol 2 Chapter 1445: Yaxian of the City of Moonlight

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Lord Ma is driving nine fire clouds and red flame tigers outside, and Gu Qingfeng sits in the big **** and enjoys it leisurely.

He opened an altar wine, poured two glasses, handed the old treasurer a cup, and smiled, "Get a price."

The old treasurer took the wine glass. After thanking him, he seemed hesitant. He groaned for a moment, and stretched out five fingers, saying, "One price, this number."

Gu Qingfeng glanced, smiled, and continued drinking.

The old shopkeeper said: "Master, I believe the value of this car, you should also have some experience. Others don't say, the pure flame of the nine-headed Huoyun Red Flame Tiger is worth 300 million. This car is An innate superior magic weapon, and innate superior magic weapon has always been priceless and the price is increasing every year. This car is only a little over a thousand years since we built Huoyunzhuang. Refined by one drop, the price of 200 million yuan is just the cost price, absolutely not much. "

Putting down the wine glass, the old shopkeeper went on to say, "In the past few years, whether it was to teach the nine fire clouds and red flame tigers, or to temper the fire cloud whip, and to build this big cock, it has cost countless years of hard work and energy. The value is far more than 500 million. "

Gu Qingfeng still did not speak, but continued to drink.

The old treasurer didn't know what he meant, and for a moment was silent, and said, "Originally this carousel was the treasure of our town in Huoyunzhuang. It has always been used to entertain guests, and it is not intended for sale, but recently For a few years, we at Huoyunzhuang have always wanted to exaggerate. However, we have insufficient funds, so ... we can only endure pain. "

"If the grandfather is satisfied, we will trade. In the future, as long as the grandfather comes to visit us at Huoyunzhuang, oldness will give you a cost price. If the grandfather is not satisfied, oldness will not be difficult, and everyone will be friends. "

Gu Qingfeng looked at Ma Ma and asked, "Old horse, how do you feel?"

"It feels great!"

"Hahaha!" Gu Qingfeng laughed. "If it's cool, don't just go shopping and go to the money house."


Upon hearing Qianzhuang, the old treasurer seemed to realize something, and asked with surprise: "Master, did you agree?"

"Of course." Gu Qingfeng raised his glass and said, "Did you not say that, just be a friend."

"OK! OK! OK!"

The old treasurer repeatedly said three good things, and the excitement in his heart overflowed with words.

In fact, as he said, this carpenter has devoted a lot of his efforts. If it was not for the huge amount of funds needed to expand Huoyunzhuang in recent years, he would never sell this carcock. The reason why it cost 500 million yuan He also thought about it for a long time. If 500 million is just a cost price, it may be a bit exaggerated, but the old shopkeeper has a saying that it is absolutely not an exaggeration, that is the cost, but these years, in order to build this car The value of effort and energy is definitely much higher than 500 million.

In recent years, he has not thought about selling this big cock, but also found a few buyers, but in the end, it was not negotiated. The other party did not mind that the price was a little high, but it was 500 million regardless of anyone. It's not a small number, especially when it costs 500 million to buy a big salamander. Those who are wealthy overnight, and those immortal families, even those who are in charge of the secret realm have to weigh.

The old treasurer did not expect to meet the big master who won 1.8 billion in the casino today.

I didn't expect the big master to buy this big cock.

Not even thinking that this big master didn't even bargain, and agreed directly.

"Master, you are definitely the most magnificent person you have ever seen, no one!"

The old treasurer drank the glass of wine and said, "For the grandeur of Grandpa, I will give you a great gift later!"

"Yo, that's how you feel."

Gu Qingfeng and the old shopkeeper came to Qianzhuang. After the transaction, they returned to Huoyunzhuang. The old shopkeeper said that he would give a big gift. Gu Qingfeng did not take it to heart until he received the so-called gift. I have heard the cubs of three flaming Firebirds with pure blood, and I heard that this thing is rare and worth more than Huoyun Chiyanhu.

The head of the line has been set aside, the aunt has also been there, and Gu Qingfeng has left.


Day Sun City is lively.

The city of Jiaoyue is equally lively with its popularity.

the difference is.

Some local tyrants are strolling around the city.

And strolling around the city of Jiaoyueyi is more aristocratic nobles and beautiful fairies.

Jiaoyueyi City doesn't look as grand and grand as Dayiyi City, and it gives people a more peaceful feeling.

Things in Day City, in addition to expensive or expensive.

The things in Jiaoyueyi City are not cheap, but they are exquisite and elegant.

The mounts of the local tyrants in Da Ri Yi City are, without exception, fierce fiery cloud beasts.

On the other hand, Yaxian strolling around Jiaoyueyi City is more docile. Most of them are white feather cranes, astral stars, purple and blue birds, and silver horses.

of course.

Not all Yaxian rides and rides, there are many strolls.

on the street.

A team of four people are traveling together.

The four were one man and three women.

The man Junyi is dusty and handsome, holding a white jade fan, looking personable.

A woman with a beautiful appearance and a melancholy temperament.

Another woman was lively and cute, and seemed to be very excited along the way.

There was also a woman who was gentle and moving, as angry as a orchid.

The four were not others, but Xuan Yun, Liu Li, Qian Ling, and Qian Tou.

After the four left from the manor, they played in the Fengyue Small World. After playing, they went to Jiaoyueyi City to hang out.

Qian Ling's temperament is cold, and as always silent, compared to that, Chidori is much happier. Since the girl came to Jiaoyueyi City, she wanted to buy what she saw.


It's too expensive.

The things here are tens or even hundreds of thousands.

And Qiandiao ventures outside, but can only earn 20,000 or 30,000 cents a year. Although she really wants to buy it, she also knows that she can't afford it.

Both Xuanyun and Liuli are the masters of not bad money. The price of tens of thousands or even tens of thousands is not much for them. I wanted to buy small jewelry for Qianling and Chidori, but, Qian Ling didn't want to, and although Chi Tou wanted very much, she also knew that it was not good to collect things casually. Her character might be careless, but she also had her own rules for being a person.

"Well, it's boring to walk like this."

Chidori still felt very fresh at first, but just looking at so many beautiful accessories and couldn't afford it, it was really a painful thing.

Ruri smiled: "Sister Chidori, you just can't buy it, naturally it's boring."

"Do you think I don't want to buy it? Isn't it unaffordable? ~ My brother Xuanyun didn't say just now. He buys whatever he likes. He helps you pay the bill. What are you afraid of? In my case, he will definitely kill him severely, but he is very rich.

Xuan Yun shook his head and smiled helplessly, looking at Qian Ling next to him, there seemed to be a helplessness in his eyes.

"Oh! Forget it, Brother Xuanyun's money was not brought by the wind. We were invited to live on the floating island, and we are very grateful. On which day, Miss Ben will make a fortune. You must have a big meal . "

"real or fake?"

"of course it's true."

"Sister Chidori, when you get rich, we may all be old ..."

"Sister Liuli, you will make fun of me and tell you, maybe one day Miss Ben's luck will come. This man's luck comes, but it can't be blocked. When you are on the road, you didn't listen to others. Let ’s talk about it, say that today, a guy in the casino has won 1.8 billion in a dice! ”

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