
Vol 2 Chapter 1446: envy, jealousy, hate!

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The 1.8 billion things in the casino are circulating in the small world of Fengyue.

Many people were talking on the road. Xuan Yun, Qian Ling, and others also heard that they were okay and did not get much stimulation. Chidori was different. Every time I heard someone mention it, she was envious. .

"1.8 billion! Oh my god! How much immortal is this! Even if you spend too much, you will endlessly spend it. It is almost envious of me. Why didn't I win 1.8 billion? My aunt and grandma earn two a year. Thirty thousand cents! When will I be able to earn 1.8 billion yuan, I am afraid that it will take many lifetimes! "

Chidori is envious of envy and hate, hate why she has no such good luck.

"1.8 billion, this huge sum is really much better ... it sounds scary."

Liuli also lamented that although she is a disciple of the Lotus Secret, she has no worries about food and clothing, and no shortage of cultivation resources. She can still face 1.8 billion immortals, and said, "That guy's luck is really good. ... the last life must have saved the fate of life, otherwise how could this life have such good luck. "

Xuan Yun also nodded and said: "Playing dice can win 1.8 billion, which has never happened before in the casino of Fengyue Small World. I have to say that his luck is really good."

"I heard that when the guy was losing money, he lost tens of millions of chips directly, and they were all 10,000. The shots were really too generous. I heard that many people picked up a lot of chips. Ten Tens of thousands, and some people have picked up more than one million. "

When I think of it, Chidori is mad at his chest and said, "I am so mad! I am so mad! Why am I not in the casino! Damn it! God! Even if you do n’t let me win 1.8 billion, Anyway, let me pick up some chips, I'm not greedy, just picking up a few million! "

"Yeah! No wonder we were out of luck. If we were in the casino then, we could pick up a lot of chips, oh!"

Not only Chidori feels regret, but Liuli also feels regretful. She hasn't picked up more than 10,000 immortals since she is so big.

Xuan Yun said, "I'm more curious about how that person drank more than four hundred pots of Bitao wine without getting drunk, compared to the tens of millions he had scattered."

"I heard that there are more than four hundred pots of Bitao wine, worth ten or twenty million. That guy is too good to drink."

Xuan Yun shook his head and said, "This is not a question of whether you can drink it, but ..." After a pause, Xuan Yun didn't know how to describe it, and said, "The bitter wine of the casino is not low, Most people are drunk when they drink a few pots. Even if they can drink, they only have more than ten pots, and that person drank more than 400 pots in one breath, which is incredible. "

Qian Ling, who had been silent, frowned and said, "I also feel strange."

Chidori asked, "I heard that the guy is a mortal who has lost everything, and now he is just a mortal with flesh and blood, and Bitao wine, drunk is a fairy. Is it because he is a mortal, without a fairy, so Drunk. "

Liuli said: "Bitao Liquor contains the essence of Wuling, and it will indeed react with the immortal after entering the body. The more it absorbs, although the immortal can be tempered, the immortal will become more and more intoxicated."

Chidori said, "So, I said whether he would not be drunk because he doesn't have a fairy."

"No." Qian Ling explained: "The misty essence contained in the Bitao wine is very powerful. It cannot be said that the spiritual person cannot bear the spirit and must be refined. If it flows in the body for a long time, his physical body Can't bear it at all. "

Xuan Yun nodded and said, "Qianling Fairy said it well. The misty essence contained in Bitao wine is a great tonic after refining. However, if it is not refined for a long time, it will not stagnate in the body. Poisonous, ordinary practitioners do n’t even have a fairy spirit. Primal spirit alone ca n’t refine the essence of mist spirit in Bitao wine, and he ca n’t even drink a glass. If there are no babies, how can they be refined? "

Xuan Yun frowned and continued, "But if he said he did not refine, let alone drink more than four hundred pots, that is, drink a cup. His flesh and blood cannot bear it, like my current practice, if I drink a few pots of Bitao Wine, without refining and stagnating in the body, would endanger the body within three days, but he drank more than 400 pots ... "

Qian Ling said: "Want to come, his physical body should not be ordinary flesh and blood."

Chidori said, "Yeah, yeah! Isn't it that guy was so lost? He said it seemed to be a great grandfather before. Since he is a grandfather, it must be the power of the Megatron, physical. Nature is extraordinary. It may not be what the physical body of others is. It is not lost, it does not mean that the physical body will disappear. "

Qian Ling and Xuan Yun both nodded, and felt that only for this reason could they be explained.

Chidori suddenly said excitedly: "Otherwise, let's go to the casino and win 1.8 billion."

"Yeah!" Ruri smiled. "Sister Chidori, how dare you think that you won 1.8 billion and lost 10 bets. Have you never heard of it? You only heard that someone won 1.8 billion and was stumped. Haven't you heard that many people lost their homes? "

"Okay! Let's not gamble, just look at it?"

"Chidori, you are a girl," Qian Ling said, "how can I go to that kind of place."

"I just want to see it."

Xuan Yun laughed: "If Chidori wants to see it, the Fengyue Small World will host a gambling tournament in two days. I can take you to see it then."

"I've also heard that this month's event, Fengyue Small World, will host such a gambling tournament. I don't know what to gamble, is it dice?"

"How can such a big bet bet on the dice? The dice won't be on the table. Naturally, the bet is the heaven and earth bureau!"

"Wow! Gambling in the world! Is Tai Chi changing? Really great. I like watching Tai Chi changing in the world. When I was young, I often watched my ancestors playing them."

"Really?" Liuli smiled. "Then you can have a good feast this time. At that time, there will be a lot of gambling experts in our bipolar world."

"But ... such a big bet, do they let us in?"

"Of course, Brother Xuanyun is invited to this gamble, and he can take us in!"

"Ah! Brother Xuanyun was invited to the gamble?" Chidori was a little surprised.

"How ~ ~ Xuan Yun smiled lightly:" No? "

"Hee hee! Sister Chidori, you don't know yet, my brother Xuanyun is a master of gambling."

Chidori stared at Xuan Yun, if there was some worship, he said, "Wow! Really, it's just too good. Brother Xuan Yun is not only handsome, extraordinary, temperament, good fortune, strong, strong , Or a disciple of the Lotus Secret, and a master of gambling in the world, it ’s really admirable. "

Xuan Yun shook her head, smiled helplessly, and looked at Qian Ling again, and said, "Linger, you will come together at that time."

"I ... look at it." Qian Ling hesitated for a moment and responded: "If nothing else, I will definitely go."

Seeing Qian Ling agree, Xuan Yun was quite happy.

"It's not early, we have been out for so long, and we don't know what's going on with them." Qian Ling worried about the others in Xiao Luo's mystery and proposed: "Why ... go back first?"

"Yeah, it's been a long time since I came out, and I don't know if the little drunk guy is bored in the garden on the floating island."

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