
Vol 2 Chapter 1447: Meet Jinwu Li again

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The people who Qian Ling and Qian Niao are concerned about Xiao Luo's secret realm want to go back, but Xuan Yun and Liu Li have no objection, so they are going to fight back to their home.

The four had just returned to the floating island, and their feet had not stood still. More than a dozen people came forward to prepare to leave.

Floating Island is not just one manor, but there are many manors, and people come and go.

Of the more than a dozen people who were about to leave, two of them had a holiday with Qian Ling. To be precise, there was a holiday with Xiao Luo's mystery, and this holiday was caused by Chidori.

Speaking of, Xiao Luo ’s mysterious world has always been in contention with the world, and he has been tolerant everywhere in the foreign experience. Only once, when the uninformed little girl Chidori went out, because of a beaded grass, with the people of the Jinwu secret place Disputes, but also beat the people in the Jinwu secret realm, the Jinwu secret realm family of the Li family.

Since then, Ronaldinho's mystical sphere has formed a beam with Jinwu's mystical sphere. Although the young ancestor of Ronaldinho's mysterious ancestor took the bird to apologize in person and compensated a lot of resources, it still does not work. Willing to let go of Xiaoluo ’s mystery, but also let out ruthless words, so that all the immortals in Jinwu ’s mystery would meet the people of Xiaoluo ’s mystery and fight.


The years of Xiao Luo's mystic life are not good these days. Fortunately, there is always a big Luo Jinxian who can stand on his own, Qian Ling. If not, the people of Xiao Luo's mystical land will be bullied to death by the people of Jinwu's mystical land.


The more than ten people who were about to leave face to face were the people in the secret place of Jinwu.

What's even more unfortunate is that one of them, a man and a woman, is a member of the Li family of the Jinwu Mysterious Fairy Family.

One is called Li Tianhua and the other is called Li Jingya.

Regardless of their cultivation or creation, or their popularity or influence, they are above Li Fengyan, especially Li Tianhua, known as one of the seven sons of the Li family. Many immortals in Jinwu's secret realm are living under his hands.

"It's really a narrow road for enemies."

Li Jingya dresses up with flowers and branches, whether it is a dress on her body, a necklace on her neck, a bracelet on her wrist, or a ring on her finger. The value of this body is high, and she is afraid of it, especially her. A small golden snake held in his arms is even more valuable. This is a spirit beast named Jinsi Xuanyin Snake. It is very sensitive to the spirit of Xuanyin and can discover the resources of Xuanyin's properties at the first time. The market price is around five million.

"I didn't expect to meet here, it really surprised Miss Ben." Li Jingya caressed the Jinxuanyin snake in her arms, looked at Qian Ling disdainfully, and then looked at Xuan Yun next to her. "I said that they, one of the fairy dwellers in the small secret country of the countryside, could not afford to live in the garden on the floating island. It turned out that they came with the son of Xuan Yun, ha ha."

"Brother Tianhua, Jingya Fairy, don't come here."

Xuan Yun walked over, stood in front of Qian Ling, looked at the two, and said calmly: "Linger is my friend, but there is a sentence you made wrong, Linger didn't come with me, they also Is there any problem living here? "

Xuan Yun said that although he intended to maintain Qian Ling, this is also true. After Qian Ling was invited to the garden, he gave Xuan Yun the cost of seven days according to the price of the garden. Xuan Yun knew that Qian Ling had a personality comparison. To be strong, he did not refuse, but he only charged half of it, because he lived here himself, and the cost was shared equally.

"Hehe, Miss Ben really looked down on you before." Li Jingya stared at Qian Ling, and said, "I didn't expect you to find a backer."

The lotus mystery is one of the mysteries inherited from the ancient times of the bipolar celestial world. It has a deep foundation. Although it is not powerful, the master is like a cloud. Xuanxin is the leader of the younger generation of the lotus mystery. Tianyu's reputation is very great. Not only is his strength great, but also the Ten Arts of Immortal Tao is especially good. It is an idol worshipped by many little fairies.

"Mystery Xuan Yun, Xiao Luo's mystery once offended our Jinwu Li family." Li Tianhua stepped forward and said, "Do you know this?"

"Slightly heard."

"If you know, why bother?"

"I was going to take a moment to talk to your Jinwu Li family. Since Brother Tianhua mentioned this today, I wonder if I can give me face. Let's sit down and have two drinks together."

Li Tianhua heard it. Xuan Xin wanted to make peace with Xiao Luo's secret place. He snorted and said, "Xuan Yun, it's not that I don't give you this face, but that I can't do it. We are now There is still work to be done, please let it go. "

Li Tianhua wanted to leave, but instead of letting him go, Xuan Yun stopped him.

"Xuan Yun!" Li Tianhua was a little angry, and his words were no longer polite, saying, "What do you mean!"

"It's not interesting, I said, I just wanted to invite you for two drinks, that's all."

Li Tianhua yelled, "I also said that I have something to do now, let it go!"

"If I don't let it."


Li Tianhua stared at Xuan Yun, angry, and compared with angry Li Tianhua, Xuan Yun looked peaceful and smiling, gentle and elegant.

"My son Xuan Yun, are you too much, do you really think our Jinwu Li family is afraid you will not succeed?" Li Jingya sneered coldly: "Tell you, Xiao Luo's secret place dares to offend our Jinwu Li family. Miss Ben said that she would definitely let They ca n’t eat and walk, and no one can mediate! ”She said, pointing at Qian Ling, and yelled,“ And you, do n’t think you are near Xuan Yun, you can talk to Miss Ben with his back, tell You, you are just a humble little fairy in the eyes of Miss Ben! As long as Miss Ben is willing, I can kill you at any time! "

"it is good."

Qian Ling's beautiful face was expressionless and said, "I'm always here!"

Li Jingya sarcastically said: "Humble country little fairy people!"

"You're endless. If we are a humble country little fairy, what are you!" The Chidori beside him couldn't help it, and went back angrily, drinking, "Are you a noble big sow?"

"Humble country little fairy people! I think you are looking for death!"

Li Jingya was furious ~ ~ Raised her hand and attacked Chidori. She was very fast, but someone was faster than her. When she raised her hand, she held her in one hand. His wrist, not others, was Qian Ling.

"Don't you stop me?"

Li Jingya runs the fairy, and wants to do it, but unfortunately, she did n’t have the opportunity. When she was running the fairy, Qian Ling took the first step, holding one hand of Li Jingya's wrist. Will Li Jingya Zhen back more than.

Li Jingya did not expect Qian Ling to repel herself with a single move, and she was instantly ashamed and angry, and at this moment, a shout came.

"Jingya, stop."

The answer appeared to be an old man with a goatee. After he appeared, he stared at Qian Ling and said: "The little girl is hidden, really. Dan Qing is looking for you to control Xiao Luo's secret place, and he is also looking for the right person. Now. "

"Senior Jin Lie, how come you have come to the small world of Fengyue."

Xuan Yun's voice came. This old man named Jin Lie laughed and said, "It's Xuan Yun's friend, it's been a long time since I saw him."

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