
Vol 2 Chapter 1456: 0 Ling's Question

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The sun in Fengyue's small world will never go down, and it has been so high hanging in the sky. It has no day and night, and it makes people have no concept of time at all.


Whether there is a concept of time is not important to the practitioner.

Cultivate a magic weapon, close the barrier, at least a few years, as many as a hundred years and thousands of years have passed, used to become numb, numb, and do not care.

Gu Qingfeng was full of food and drink, and was about to go out to bask in the sun. But just after leaving the house, he hadn't had time to jump off the big cock, and he saw a woman coming to this side.

The woman was dressed in plain white clothes, her appearance was somewhat beautiful, her eyes were still.

It is Qianling.

"Yo, isn't this the big sister Ling Qian?"

"Chidori, are you inside?"

"Yes, how about the blue moon sword in it, or else, I'll call her?"

"No, I'm here for you."

"Looking for me?" Gu Qingfeng was quite surprised, and laughed: "This is a rare thing. Come and sit inside, also telling you to enjoy luxurious luxury."

"Can ... go for a walk?"

"Going for a walk?"

Gu Qingfeng asked, "What are you doing to me?"

"Just ... miss you and chat."

"Chat, okay, let's go."

Gu Qingfeng jumped down from the big salamander, followed Qianling, and walked on the chic path of the floating island.

This floating island is really not small, there are more than a hundred different manor houses, and the scenery on the island is quite pleasing to the eye. Gu Qingfeng followed Qianling for a while, and when she didn't say a word, she found out I sat down in a gazebo and said, "I said girl, let me tell you something directly. You know, my bones are still a little weak now, so I'm so tired to walk around."

The gazebo stood on the edge of the floating island, Qian Ling stood beside, overlooking the scenery of Fengyue Small World. After a long time, he said, "Can you tell me who you are?"

"What kind of person." Gu Qingfeng took out a pot of wine, drank it, and said, "How can I ask this question suddenly?"

"It's not good, and it's not a sudden desire, but I've always wanted to ask you this question."

"What else can I be, but an ordinary person, don't you know?"

Qian Ling suddenly turned around and stared at Gu Qingfeng, saying, "Are you normal?"

"Don't I look like an ordinary person?"

Qian Ling looked at the ancient Qingfeng, looked at it for a long time, then shook his head, turned around and looked at the scene of Fengyue Small World, saying: "An ordinary ordinary person will not appear inexplicably in the small world of quicksand, an ordinary Ordinary people, the physical body would not be so weird, and an ordinary ordinary human body would be confused like this, without spirit, and even less likely to be alive. "

"I don't forget the past."

"You forgot." Qian Ling turned and stared at Gu Qingfeng again, and asked, "I still don't want to say it."

Gu Qingfeng raised his wine glass, looked at Qian Ling, and smiled, "I didn't want to say it, but I really forgot."

"Maybe I have n’t practiced long, but it doesn't mean that I am naive, a person with amnesia, wakes up in a strange place, the body becomes chaotic, and in any case will not be as carefree as you, I have nothing to do, drink and sun all day. "

"Then you say, what should I do when I wake up to be a person with amnesia? Conditioning the flesh? Oh yes! Isn't this a way of conditioning? Well, this wine is hob burned, and the elixir is Da Luo Yi Jing Jing. Pills ... "

"Is bitter bodhi also conditioning the body?"

"This ..." Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and thought for a while, said, "This is not drinking with a hob and burning, eating Daluo jing Jingshuidandan has no effect, so I thought about trying poison with poison? In case? What wonders are you talking about? "

"When are you going to hide?"

Qian Ling asked Gu Qingfeng this question, and asked, "I said big sister, why did you say something that I didn't understand? What does it mean?"

"I've seen the spirit monkey you raised."

"Have you ever seen my monkey?" Gu Qingfeng didn't understand, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's sane."

"This is not normal. The monkey is the smartest of the beasts. What is strange is that the spirit is opened."

"Yes, the lingo is indeed the wiser of the beasts, and there is nothing strange about the enlightenment of the intellect. But the point is that when it was only seven or eight years old, the intellect became enlightened. If wisdom is civilized, it will take at least hundreds of years. "

"Maybe the one I raised is special."

"Of course, the spirit monkey you raised is special. Not only did you become enlightened when you were young, but you also learned to cultivate. Not only did you know how to cultivate, but you also had spells. Are these all realized by itself?"

"Yes, it was realized by others. Don't doubt it. Sometimes monkeys are much more savvy than people."

"You came out this time and brought it with you."

"It's in the aunt, what's wrong."

"Do you dare to call it out?"

"What dare not?"

"Ha ha!"

Qian Ling smiled suddenly.

"What are you laughing at? Why don't you believe it? Otherwise, let's go and call the monkey cub in the aunt now and confront him."

"No, I already asked."

Upon hearing this, Gu Qingfeng froze in his heart and asked, "What did you ask?"

"I understand spiritual language."

"Do you know spiritual language?"

Hearing the Lingyu, Gu Qingfeng knew that it was completely exposed, and asked, "So you have communicated with it? What did it say to you?"

"Everything should be said, and everything that should not be said."

"This ..." Gu Qingfeng smiled a bit awkwardly, UU reading www. said: "I didn't expect you to understand the spiritual language. I didn't see it before."

"Now, do you dare to say that you are just amnesia?"

"Is there no conflict? Amnesia is just a loss of memory, but not everything. I still remember a little trick I learned before."

"A little trick?"

"Sister Qianling, isn't it a big skill to saturate the mind of a beast? Teaching a beast to practice a small spell is at best a little trick."

"Ignite the mind of the spirit beast, is it a little trick? I don't know, but I know ... you secretly realized that I realized that Tianxuan Wanjianjue is definitely not a little trick."

"What Tian Xuan Wan Jian Jue, sister, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"Don't pretend to be confused with me. I know it was you who realized that Ten Xuan Wan Jian Jue was ten years ago."

"Sister, have you misunderstood something, I really don't know what you said, and I have never heard of Tian Xuan Wan Jian Jue."

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