
Vol 2 Chapter 1457: Erratic truth

"In the past few years, I have been practicing the Tianxuanwan Sword Technique in retreat. This magic sword technique is too esoteric. I have never been able to understand the mystery, and I was eager to achieve it. As a result, I almost went into magic. If the avatar appeared out of thin air, it not only helped me escape from danger, but also transformed me, and realized the true meaning of Tian Xuan Wan Jian Jue. "

To this day, Qian Ling still clearly remembers the scene of that day, saying: "The **** incarnation said that he was wandering in the wilderness, swimming across this place, and seeing that I was in trouble, he helped."

"I also always believed and thought I was really lucky. I even met a predecessor who thought he was in a great wilderness. Until then, by chance, I heard Chidori mentioning Tian Xuan Wan Jian Jue."

"Tian Xuan Wan Jian Jue I found in an ancient cave house, and I have never told anyone about it, even if the ancestors of Danqing do n’t know it, Chidori is even more impossible to know."

"But when I asked her how to know Tian Xuan Wan Jian Jue, she said that when you bragged, you mentioned Tian Xuan Wan Jian Jue, and that was the only time I knew that it saved me from the danger that day and turned me on. It ’s not you who are the predecessors who traveled in the wild, but you are the one who understands the true meaning of Tian Xuan Wan Jian Jue.

The ancient breeze did not explain and refuted it.

I just rubbed my face and looked helpless.


Although his physical body is chaotic and his cultivation has disappeared as much as possible, but God ’s consciousness is attached. As long as he is willing, any wind and wind in the small world of the Wind and Moon will clear him, even if he does not use the consciousness, only a strong mind, Any wind and grass around the body is also clear.

He was basking in the sun and found that there was something strange in Xiao Luo's secret place.

I used my consciousness to look at it, and found that Qian Ling was practicing a problem, so she helped me.

In order not to attract attention, he also lied to be a predecessor of the great wilderness.

As for when I talked to Chidori for a moment, I missed it. The ancient breeze really didn't impress me.

Can't stand it.

Since Qian Ling saw it, he was too lazy to conceal anything, and said, "Well, girl, I admit that the person who rescued you at the time was indeed me."

"Why are you hiding me."

"I didn't want to hide from you, but this is what you asked me to say, stumped and ran over to tell you that I saved you, thank you if you want to, thank me for that, You don't want to, do you? "


Bian Qianling bit her teeth, stared at Gu Qingfeng, and asked, "Who the **** are you?"

"Sister, don't think too much. I, like most practitioners, are just ordinary people, nothing special!"

"No! You are definitely not an ordinary person. The mystery of Xuanwan Sword is particularly esoteric. I have n’t realized Shinji for a long time, and you can just point me to the truth, and you dare to say You are an ordinary person. If you are an ordinary person, there will be no ordinary person in the entire Great Wilderness, not to mention ... let alone your performance in the face of the Jinwu Li family is definitely not an ordinary person. "

Gugu Qingfeng couldn't help crying and said, "I said big sister, what did I do?"

"You have no fear of facing Jinwu Li's family."

废 "Nonsense, Grandpa and I have a stack of Sky Thunder Charm in my hand. I'm afraid they will do nothing. Smashing can also kill them. You are rich, and you are not afraid."

"No! It's not like this! You are fearless, and you're not relying on that horrible spell, nor the earth-shaking mystery ball, nor the one with a value of 200 million, but ... but ..." Qian Ling I really do n’t know how to describe that feeling, shook his head and said, "You do n’t rely on anything, you do n’t have any dependence, you are not fearless, you are like a person who is not afraid of the sky, and does not care about the fall of the sky. It feels like fun to me, yes! Yeah, you're looking for fun. "

"Sister, although I don't want to, I have to admit that you are really careful enough to observe, but you really think too much."

"Then tell me why you seem to be not afraid of the sky."

"This is not you." Gu Qingfeng said: "The others don't know, but I can see that with your strength, it is definitely more than enough to deal with those little rabbits. I am afraid of you with you."

"No! You don't care about me at all!"

Maybe it was realized that he said this sentence was too ambiguous, Qian Ling immediately changed his mouth and said, "You didn't care if I was there or you didn't care what Jinwu Li family did. You felt that I didn't care about anything, as if everything was to you. It does n’t matter, I do n’t know, and I ca n’t imagine what kind of mentality a person would have. ”

The ancient breeze sighed, shook his head helplessly, drank the wine, and said, "Girl, what do you want to know?"

"I just want to know who you were before."

"Why are you so interested in who I was before?"


Qian Qianling didn't know how to speak.

She really wants to know what kind of person Gu Qingfeng was before. Gu Qingfeng is like a mystery. She seems to be curious because she has many secrets hidden in her body, and she has become more and more curious over the years.

Especially today, she witnessed Gu Qingfeng ’s performance when facing Jinwu Li ’s family, so that she could no longer restrain herself, and was determined to ask clearly, as she said, she did n’t know and could not imagine what it was like. People, they do n’t care and do n’t care about everything.

Silent for a long time ~ ~ Gu Qingfeng said: "Sister, the reason why I lie about amnesia is not to conceal it intentionally, but to not want to bring up the past, not to live the previous life, let alone see the past Old friend. "

"What kind of life do you want to live?"

"Life is pretty good now, eating and drinking, playing and having fun, it's quite easy, without telling you, my dream of living a small life is like this life, and now it is finally realized."

可 "But ... but plan to live like this forever?"

"Yeah, didn't I tell you, my dream is to live this kind of life." Then, Gu Qingfeng suddenly remembered something, and said, "Yes, even if you don't come to me today, I plan to go Looking for you. "When I raised my hand, a jade card appeared on my palm and passed it.

Qian Qianling took the jade card and saw that it was the jade card of Fengyue Small World Bank.

The result is not the same, Gu Qingfeng said, "There are 500 million immortals here. You take them first."

"I do not want!"

Xi Qianling just wanted to give it to Gu Qingfeng, Gu Qingfeng said, "I didn't tell you."


Qian Qianling was embarrassed.

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