
Vol 2 Chapter 1528: Shuttle between heaven and hell

Looking at Qiandiao, who is full of confidence in the ancient breeze, and looked at the King Ma who worshipped the ancient breeze extremely, whether it is a flower butterfly fairy, Mu Lingyao, or Qian Ling, he knows what the two birds just said. it is true.


They can't figure out how the ancient breeze did it.

If other things are predicted, it ’s the gold medal tower, but it ’s the gold medal tower with a lot of luck and a lot of variation. I do n’t know how far I can go in the gold medal tower. He is How to predict it?

I do n’t understand!

I really don't understand.

Even if I want to break my head, I don't understand.

At this moment, they did not have the thought to think about this problem, because Gu Qingfeng was already standing on the first floor of the Golden Tower.

"My big master! Your elders must not be eliminated on the first floor! Never!"

Ling Mu Ling Yao folded her hands and prayed inwardly.

Because this gambling game is not only a gamble between the three of Gu Qingfeng and Xuan Yun, but also the battle between Mu Lingyao and Jinwu Liujia. If the ancient Qingfeng loses, Mu Lingyao knows that Jinwu Liujia will definitely Take this opportunity to do everything possible to make yourself look bad.

Can't lose!

Never lose!

At least not too bad to lose!

She Mu Lingyao kept praying in her heart, maybe she was too afraid to lose. When the first floor of the Golden Tower condensed two teleportation arrays, she didn't even dare to look, and closed her eyes.

After a while, Mu Lingyao still dare not open his eyes and asked, "Is that guy going up or being eliminated?"

No one responded to her.

"Sister Huadie, why don't you speak? Was it eliminated? You said it! Let me be prepared!"

I still no one responded to her.

what is the problem?

Mu Lingyao couldn't bear it, but he didn't dare to look directly. Instead, he covered his eyes with his hands, peeked through the gap between his fingers, and found that there was no ancient Qingfeng on the first floor of the Golden Tower. She held back the uncle's heart and looked at the second floor, but she still could not find the figure of Gu Qingfeng.

At this moment, Mu Lingyao's heart was cold for a moment, and she held her breath again, looking at the third floor, but still could not find the figure of Gu Qingfeng.

If Mu Lingyao's heart was only half cold just now, then it is completely cold at this moment.

But Mu Lingyao still hasn't given up. She still has a hint of hope in her heart. She has the courage to look at the fourth floor again. Although she knows that the hope is slim, she still wants to fight.

I'm a pity.

There is no ancient Qingfeng on the fourth floor.

The only hope of my grandmother disappeared at this moment.

Qi Mu Lingyao knew that if there was no ancient Qingfeng figure on the fourth floor of the Golden Tower, then he must have been eliminated on the first floor.

"It's over, it's over."

At this moment, Mu Lingyao just feels spinning, dizzy, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and some people are not stable. This feeling is like pushing all the net worth all over and losing everything.

I'm right.

Now Mu Lingyao feels this way.

"I know that this guy is brave and unreliable, but I ... still have a glimmer of hope for him, I didn't expect ... I didn't expect it to be planted in the end! Why do you say I'm blind to believe that a brain is abnormal? It ’s a guy! ”

Qiu Muling's braided **** filled her feet. At this moment, Qiandiao came over and asked, "Sister Yaoer, what's wrong with you?"

"What are you saying about me? This guy has been eliminated now. The Jinwu Liu family will definitely take this opportunity to make me lose face!"

"Little drunkards haven't been eliminated!"

"Don't lie to me! I have all seen ..." Mu Lingyao looked to the area to the right of the Gold Tower. Anyone who was eliminated on the Gold Tower will be passed here, but when she looked over , Found that there is no figure of Gu Qingfeng.

"Oh? What about that guy? What about people?"

"Little drunk is still on top of the gold tower."

什么 "What! Impossible, right? Sorry, I just watched?"

Mu Lingyao suddenly came to the spirit and looked nervously. She thought that she had just watched the eye, and then she looked up from the first floor, the second floor, the third floor, and once again saw the figure of the ancient Qingfeng on the fourth floor. I saw it several times, but I didn't see Gu Qingfeng.

"Thousands of birds! Aren't you saying that guy is still winning the gold tower? Why can't I see it!"

"Sister Yaoer, look up!"


Xu Mu Lingyao continued to look up, the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth floors, but the ancient Qingfeng figure was still not seen when she saw the ninth floor.

"Where? Where is it? Why can't I see it!"

"The little drunk was on the 16th floor just now."

"What! Sixteenth floor? Impossible!"

Mu Lingyao didn't believe it at all. After a while, that guy could go up to the 16th floor. She looked over with excitement and sorrow, and she was disappointed again because she didn't see Gu Qingfeng at all on the 16th floor Figure.

"Thousands of birds! Didn't you say he was on the sixteenth floor? Where is the person? Where is it?"

"I can't see it now."

"Did your little girl deliberately tease me?" Mu Lingyao looked at the flower and butterfly fairy next to her, and found that the flower and butterfly fairy was holding her head up and staring at the gold tower in shock, as if she was seeing God. It ’s the same, not just the flower and butterfly fairy. Qianling, Ma Wangye, and more than ten people in Xiao Luo ’s secret place, all the people present seemed to be the same.

When Mu Lingyao felt a sense of insanity, Xiao Qianniao's voice came: "Sister Yao, look at me, I have found a little drunkard, he is on the twentieth floor, no! Now it has arrived The twenty-first floor is ~ ~ Ah! The little drunk is so good, it's up to the twenty-second floor. "

Jian Mu Lingyao resisted the doubts in his heart, looked up again, and sure enough, he really saw a strange and familiar figure on the 22nd floor of the Golden Tower.

It was a bland young man, wearing a suit worth 200 million yuan, standing on the twentieth floor of the Golden Tower, while eating Daluo Jingjing, and boredly waiting for the forthcoming teleportation formation. .

Who is not Gu Qingfeng?

Perhaps this scene is too exaggerated and incredible for Mu Lingyao, and too incredible. Mu Lingyao couldn't believe his eyes, closed his eyes, opened them, closed his eyes, opened them again, Several times in a row, until she was sure that she was not mistaken, her whole body was like a lightning strike, her mind was instantly blank, and her mind was frozen.

The feeling of dizziness turning round and round again appeared.

the difference is.

Just now she felt as if she had lost all her possessions and lost her home and made her desperate like hell. Now it feels like she lost her homes and lost a big pie in the sky and smashed her severely. She seems to be resurrected if she dies, as if she jumped to heaven from **** momentarily. Maybe the happiness came too suddenly, or maybe the surprise was so exciting that Mu Lingyao stood there like a statue for a long time. Come back to God.

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