
Vol 2 Chapter 1529: Play 1 on the 27th floor

At this moment, the people gathered in the gold tower, whether it is an innumerable number of immortals, or the small and famous Yaxian, or the senior masters of the big secrets of the bipolar world, one is counted as one, all are Yang Heading, glaring, looking at the Golden Tower, in the expression, there was all shock, all horror, all incredible, all incredible.

They all know that there is a bet between this self-proclaimed grandfather's upstart and Xuan Yun, Bai Yufei, and Liu Feng. The bet is whether the upstart can successfully reach the 27th floor of the Golden Tower.

to be frank.

If this matter was so troubled by Mu Lingyao, Xuan Yun and others today, few people would pay attention to this gamble.

大家 In everyone's opinion, it is impossible for this upstart to reach the 27th floor of the Golden Tower.

the reason is simple.

In spite of the mystery of the outbreak of the **** of Todo, when the floating island was unknown, he had scared and killed four Taijinjinxian by any evil way.

But the battle to win the Golden Tower is not based on his own cultivation for strength, nor is it a magic weapon for creation, nor is it a crooked way, but a deduction ability based on understanding and knowledge.

The most important thing is that the Gold Tower has a very high luck component and a large number of variables. No one knows which floor after the Gold Tower has broken.

What's more, they bet on the 27th floor of the Golden Tower. This height is not high. Not to mention those ordinary immortals, and not to mention the sensible Yaxian, they are the knowledgeable and experienced people on the field. Rich seniors who have not cultivated for many years can't even reach the 27th floor of the Golden Tower.

凭 Why is that upstart?

I want to do it.

I want to be good and not good.

I want to have no temperament.

I want to be powerful but not powerful.

Nothing is necessary, talk and manner, and even more exaggeration, exaggeration, what to say on the twenty-seventh floor is just like playing, even if you are on the ninety-eighth floor, it is easy to speak, someone who can say such a big word, Even if there is no mental disorder, I am afraid that he is an ignorant person who does not know the heights of the earth.

I ca n’t be a grandfather, even if he is ten thousand steps back, even if he is really a grandfather, I ’m afraid he wo n’t be able to ascend to the 27th floor of the Golden Tower.

No one is optimistic about the upstart who claims to be the grandfather. Many people think that if he wins the gold tower, he may be eliminated on the second floor.

I just.

No one ever thought that when the upstart was standing on the gold tower, instead of being eliminated on the second floor, he went up and went all the way to the 22nd floor of the gold tower. Believe in your eyes.

That's really skyrocketing, unblocked all the way.

I really do.

When others rushed to win the gold tower, they were all cautious and focused on their deductions. They did not dare to have any distractions, because the array of gold wins has been constantly changing. Once they are distracted, the deduction will fail. .

呢 And this upstart?

Since he won the gold tower, he has neither been careful nor attentive.

That ’s really not true. Everyone sees it clearly. When the upstart rushed to win the gold pagoda, he was still at ease. Also took out a jug for a glass of wine.

I feel like it's not like winning a pagoda at all, more like a tourist watching the scenery on the tower, and a boring tourist.

I can just be such a tourist who looks at the scenery. After climbing the gold tower, I went through one layer after another, and in the blink of an eye, I went to the twenty-fourth floor.

This can't help but cause deep suspicion.

的 What does he rely on?

Do you rely on luck?

Do not!

Absolutely impossible.

Everyone knows that luck cannot reach the 24th floor of the Golden Tower.

But if it wasn't luck, what would it depend on?

Is it really extraordinary that his understanding is stumped? God is extremely powerful? Unmatched deduction?

But the problem now is that he doesn't seem to be deducing at all. At each level of the gold tower, he is standing by the side and waiting boredly, waiting for the condensate of this layer of formation to condense, After he came out, he randomly chose a matrix method, hesitated without hesitation, stood up directly, and then appeared on the next level, as if he already knew which of these matrix methods led to the next. One layer.

how can that be!

如何 How did he do it?

I wonder.

No one knows.

I only knew that the upstart was rushing one layer after another on the Tower of Gold, the twenty-fifth floor, and the twenty-sixth floor. Finally, his figure appeared on the twenty-seventh floor of the Tower.

The audience was uproar.

No one can believe this scene is true.

Especially Huadie Fairy, Mu Lingyao, Qianling and others couldn't believe it. They always thought that the spirit of Gu Qingfeng was a bit problematic, and their brains were not normal. Otherwise, they would not say outrageous things.

I can now.

Witnessing Gu Qingfeng's ascent to the 27th floor of the Gold Tower, they may still not know if there is any problem with Gu Qingfeng's spirit, and his brain is normal or abnormal, but one thing they all know is that Gu Qingfeng didn't say much .

Ascending the 27th floor of the gold pagoda was really the same as playing for him. He smoked a spirit, drank the fruit, and drank a little wine. Twenty-seven floors.

If you had n’t seen it with your own eyes, no one would believe it. Even if you saw it with your own eyes at the moment, everyone would be incredible.

The ancient Qingfeng boarded the 27th floor of the Gold Tower ~ ~ For the flowers and butterflies fairy, it is incredible and incredible, but for Xuan Yun, Bai Yufei, and Liu Feng, they are not only It's unbelievable, it's unimaginably simple, but a despair.

I was like a gambling game that was supposed to win, but in the end I lost somehow. The loss was inexplicable, and I was completely desperate.

The huge gap before and after their death made them unbelievable, and they could not accept such cruel facts.

at first.

之前 Before the Golden Tower was opened, the reason why the three bet with Gu Qingfeng was purely because of jealousy, and they wanted to take this opportunity to make a splash, and the most important thing was to make Gu Qingfeng stand out.

Later, as Mu Lingyao refuted their appearance in public, the three decided to use this gambling game to destroy the arrogance of Mu Lingyao.

The three did not think about it, what if the ancient breeze really boarded the 27th floor of the gold pagoda, especially Xuan Yun, he thought about this problem, but also deeply worried about it. Gu Qingfeng This calm and indifferent look kept him from having a bottom.

However, Mu Lingyao stood up and tried to stop it, trying to make the gambling agreement invalid, and Xuan Yun's heart gradually dissipated, and as Mu Lingyao blocked it more, his inner worry became less. After lying about the problem of Gu Qingfeng's spirit, Xuan Yun's inner worry also completely dissipated.

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