
Vol 2 Chapter 1535: plead

When Dang Mu Lingyao said this sentence, Xuan Yun couldn't help it anymore, and looked up angrily and yelled, "Mu Lingyao! I bet with others on what you do!"

"I didn't say anything about me."

"What are you talking about here!"

"Miss Ben is happy, can you manage it?"


If today someone else would dare to humiliate themselves so much in the public, whether they are Xuan Yun, Bai Yufei or Liu Feng, the three will not hesitate to pay a heavy price, but in the face of a strong family background, Mu Lingyao None of the three had the courage to dare, even if their elders were around.

"Yuner, don't make trouble!"

Old Dan Lei scolded Xuan Yun.

As a well-informed and experienced senior, he is very clear that this situation is not at all strong in Mu Lingyao ’s family background. Even if he is changed to a person with no family background, he will also scold. Xuan Yun, because of the bet, they lost, and the matter is so big. Now only big things can be reduced, and small things are small. Resting is the best solution. The most taboo is to make things big. The bigger the trouble, the bigger they lose.

The lotus mystery has been passed down since ancient times, and it also has a lot of reputation in the bipolar heavens. It does n’t matter if you fight or lose, it does n’t matter if you lose or lose, but if you lose, you ca n’t ignore it. You ca n’t afford to lose. Can't afford to lose it.

Although the Jinwuliu family and the luxuriant Bai family are not as influential as the Lotus Mystery, they are not as good as the reputation of the Lotus Confidence, but anyway, one is the fairy family and the other is the wealthy family. No problem, but now that their elders have stepped in to interfere, betting on this matter must also be recognized. How can they say that they are also bipolar Tianyu's predecessors, betting that they will lose their pledge? Things they can't do yet.

Whether it is the ancient secret realm, the immortal family, or the wealthy family, who want to establish a foothold in the bipolar heavens and inherit it for a long time, in addition to relying on their own strength, they rely more on the accumulated reputation.

If the word of mouth is not good, in the long run, Mo is not a giant family, nor is it a family of immortals. Even the secret place of ancient inheritance will be eliminated after all.

of course.

Besides, there is a more important reason.

That is the mysterious grandfather who bet with the three men, their existence is too mysterious and weird, and it is too weird and unknown. None of them knows how sacred the great master is, but they know everything. This grandfather can easily climb to the 981th floor of the Golden Tower. It is definitely not a ubiquitous generation. It is not as simple as the surface, and its existence may exceed imagination.

Xuan Yun, Bai Yufei, Liu Feng and other young people may not take it seriously, and they do n’t think it ’s a big deal. When they want to come, even if this master is really an expert before, he has a strong sense of God, but it ’s just a sense of God. What good is God's consciousness? It's not too scary to cultivate it like a toothless tiger.

Luo Danlei and his elders also acknowledged that in the wilderness, many elders and seniors had made mistakes, leading to the loss of repairs, and their situation was indeed like a toothless tiger.

But now the question is.

Although the mysterious grandfather, he lost everything, but he could still scare four Taibaixian on the floating island. This is enough to explain a problem. Losing something does not mean that he has no strength.

However, Dan Lei and others who have practiced for thousands of years know that it is not terrible to be strong and that your family background is not terrible. The terrible thing is that you do n’t know how strong the other ’s cultivation is. I don't know how deep the other's family background is.

The best way to face such people is to stay away.

If not, once the other party is a mysterious master, it may be destroyed.

This is not an exaggeration. From ancient to modern times, this kind of thing is not uncommon. In some powerful secret realms in the bipolar heavens, it has been ruined because it has provoked people who should not be provoked.

These old people in Dan Lei want to come, even if this mysterious grandfather is not such a person, but it is almost the same.

Because I do n’t know the master, and I do n’t know his character and nature, Dan Lei ’s seniors are also not good at interceding. I wanted to ask Mu Lingyao to intercede for the three members of Xuan Yun. But who knows Mu Lingyao directly, she just Think of foxes and fake tigers, and make fun of Xuanyun three people. As for courtship, I'm sorry, others can't control it. If you want courtship, go to the grandfather yourself.

The old man Dan Danlei thought for a moment, walked to the luxurious nine-headed Huoyun, and said with an arched hand: "The old lotus mystery Danlei, I have seen the master."

Because I do n’t know the depth of the ancient breeze, Dan Lei did n’t dare to entrust him, not to mention that he is now begging for Xuan Yun, and naturally he has to lower his attitude. In addition, his predecessor, Luo, who was the gold medalist and his predecessor with his peers, is also known as the grand master. After thinking about it, he can only honor the Grand Master.

Dan Lei has practiced for tens of thousands of years. No matter whether he is a repairer, he is better than the white rattan of the giant Bai family, and the Liu Kaiyun of the Jinwuliu family. He now honors the ancient breeze as the master, Baiteng and Liu Kaiyun. After coming here, he first introduced his identity, and then, like Dan Lei, honored the elder master and performed the ceremony of meeting.

Theoretically speaking, the three old seniors of Dan Lei are also honored as grand masters. Even if the other party ca n’t afford to be polite, they should also be polite. After all, the three are all influential seniors in Bipolar Heaven, especially Dan Lei. Cultivating for tens of thousands of years ~ ~ is also the elder in the secret place of lotus. Throughout the entire bipolar celestial realm, there are definitely not many people with such low profile.


To everyone's surprise, the mysterious grandfather neither got up to be polite nor polite, even if he didn't even respond, he was still sitting in the comfortable chair with his legs wide, Leaning, leaning on the armrest with one hand, playing with two earth-shaking mysterious balls, holding a purple gold and white jade cigarette pot in one hand, squinting his eyes slightly, looking at the three Dan Lei, but also just looking, one sentence, one word did not say.

Master Lema stood honestly beside him, holding a jug in his hand, waiting for the fine wine of the ancient breeze.

Qian Mu Lingyao, flower butterfly fairy, Qian Ling, Qian Tou stood behind, and they looked at Dan Lei, Liu Kaiyun, Bai Teng and others, and looked at the ancient breeze here.

When they were with Gu Qingfeng before, they all felt that this guy was scornful, and he was very energetic, especially when Gu Qingfeng was sitting on this chair. They felt as frivolous as they were frivolous.

I don't know why.

At this moment, when Dan Lei and others came to salute, Gu Qingfeng was also sitting on a chair so casually, also with Erlang legs, and smoking a spirit, and they felt that Gu Qingfeng had already Not frivolous, but a feeling of indecision.

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