
Vol 2 Chapter 1536: Asking for overlord love, but paying for overlord ceremony

The ancient breeze did not say a word. This is called Dan Lei and others are very bottomless, and I don't know what attitude. After thinking for a moment, Dan Lei said again.

"Xuanyun's three juniors, I do not know that the heavenly and offensive offends the grandfather, and it is the old man who has no way to discipline. Here, the old man first pays the grandfather."

Luo Danlei held his fists in his arms and bowed his head to pay for his sins. Liu Kaiyun and Bai Teng also paid tribute.

"Xuan Yun, what are you three doing?"

Bian Danlei turned around and stared at the three of Xuan Yun, yelling, "Come and apologize to Grandpa!"

The three Xuan Yunyun looked at each other. Although they were very unconvinced and very unwilling, but in this case, they did not dare to say anything. They could only come forward arrogantly, hold their fists and apologize.

"I don't understand any rules! Sincerely apologize, kneel!"

Xuan Danlei was furious, and the three of them were shocked. They knew that since the elders had come forward today, an apology could not be avoided, but in no case did Dan Lei let himself kneel and apologize.

He Mo said that they did not expect that even the fellow Liu Kaiyun and Bai Teng, and even everyone present, including Mu Lingyao and Huadie Fairy, did not expect it.

In bipolar heaven, the juniors caused troubles. It is not uncommon for elders to apologize for apology, but they are just apologies for apology. Rarely, the junior kneels and pays off.

Because kneeling represents too much meaning, it is not only related to the dignity of the young people, but also the face of the family behind them.

Once kneeling, the meaning is different.

Most people want to come, even though this old man looks very mysterious, weird and weird, ascending the gold tower of the 989th floor is enough to show that he was definitely an unfathomable master before, but also It ’s just the past. After all, it ’s an ironclad fact. Even if it ’s mysterious, weird, or weird, it wo n’t turn up.

Moreover, the luxuriant Bai family and Jinwuliu family are also the family of immortals, and the secret place of lotus is inherited from ancient times.

I do n’t need to kneel at all?

How could this kneel, named Xuan Yun, Liu Feng, and Bai Yufei, raise their heads to be human?

Wu Xuanyun was not convinced. Hearing that Dan Lei had made himself kneel, it was even more upset that he was about to speak. Unexpectedly, before he spoke, Dan Lei yelled, "Kneel down!"

This dan lei is a town star and golden immortal. Although he has n’t returned to five, he has practiced for tens of thousands of years. , Dizzy, looking at the calm Dan Lei, Xuan Yun's face was as dead as death, opened his mouth, but what he wanted to say, but stopped talking, turned his head, turned away, staring at Gu Qingfeng, biting his teeth, Kneeling on one knee.

He looked at Xuan Yun on his knees, and Liu Feng and Bai Yufei looked at their elders Bai Teng and Liu Kaiyun. The two looked at the calm Dan Lei, and Liu Feng and Bai Yufei also knelt down.

Aside, looking at this scene, Mu Lingyao secretly transmitted a message to the Huadie Fairy, and asked, "This old Dan Lei predecessor made Xuan Yun kneel down to pay for their sins. Which one is this? He is so afraid of Master ?"

"Master is mysterious and weird, weird and unknown. It can be described as unpredictable. Old Dan Lei had to be afraid of it." The Huadie Fairy whispered in a whisper: "However, this is just one of them. Yun knelt down, not only for the grandfather, but also for everyone, so that everyone in the audience knows the sincerity of their apology. This is based on retreating, seeking for overbearing feelings, and paying for overlord rituals. "

Listening to the Huadie Fairy saying, Mu Lingyao seems to have comprehended, and said, "I understand. Since then, Grandpa is also embarrassed to let them perform the gambling about the ten million sounds, this Dan Lei is indeed an old senior, and the means of playing are very clever, but ... "

Qi Mu Lingyao glanced at the ancient breeze and found that this guy was still sitting in a chair so idly, without saying a word, and asked, "What do you think the old master will do? Will it be so?"

The flower butterfly fairy also looked at Gu Qingfeng, shook her head, signaled that she did not know and could not guess.

Qi Mu Lingyao asked again: "If Grandpa insists that they fulfill their gambling contract, what will Dan Lei do?"

"I do n’t think senior Dan Lei will allow it. They are so low-profile and give hands, and make Xuan Yun and others kneel, just for everyone to see. If the old man really told them to fulfill the gambling gimmick, then Will appear to have no weight, since then, the old man would have become reasonable and irrational, and they can take this opportunity to take the opportunity that the old man has no weight or even deceives people, and does not fulfill the bet, even if they finally The old man started, the two sides fought, and afterwards, things would spread. No one would say that the secret of Lotus is not, after all, everyone at the scene saw them kneeling and sincerely apologized. "

Mu Lingyao didn't expect such an unusual apology, which contained so many means, and said indignantly: "Sure enough, people are mature! They are too mean, aren't they? Promise, do you agree?

"So I said that they are doing this by retreating, seeking overlord love, paying overlord rituals, and saying overriding apologies."

as expected.

After Xuan Yun, Liu Feng, and Bai Yufei all kneeled on one knee in front of Gu Qingfeng ~ ~ Dan Lei's senior stood out, still holding his fists, bowing his head and apologizing: "Master, three The junior offended earlier. Although they did not know the heights and heights, they were not malicious. Old people and others have reprimanded them. They have also realized their mistakes. They also hope that the old masters will read about their young ignorance and forgive them. return."

After that, Liu Kaiyun and Bai Teng also came out to apologize, and then everyone in the Lotus Mystery, Jinwu Liu Family, and the wealthy Bai Family also unanimously apologized for the three of Xuan Yun.

Looking at this scene, there was a lot of discussion in the room.

In everyone's opinion, since Dan Lei, Liu Kaiyun, and Bai Teng have all pulled down their old faces, and they have lowered their postures and salutes and respected titles, they even let Xuan Yun and the three kneel down to apologize. Sincerity is how sincere, not only sincere attitude, but also to the right side.

I am afraid that no one will care about it any more.

How do you say that the three Dan Lei have a head and face in the bipolar heavenly realm, and represent the lotus mystery inherited from ancient times, the white house of the wealthy family, and the Jinwuliu family of the immortal. The face of the mysterious family behind them, if they do n’t give it, they will not only have no weight, but they will also be a little ignorant. If the relationship is stale and they do n’t see their heads down, in case their juniors offend others later, then do n’t Easy to handle.

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