
Vol 2 Chapter 1568: False Land

"My king asks you again, who are you!"

The Jinjia War God shouted loudly, and with the thunder, the killings broke out. After the response of Gu Qingfeng, he raised his hand and patted it, as if the spirit of Gu Qingfeng was to be photographed with a palm.

When the huge palm is pressed down, it is more like the sky rolling down, and the power is very shocking.

The ancient breeze raised his hand by one stop, and lightly blocked the depressed palm.

I may not have thought that the seemingly fragile ancient breeze could block his power, the Jinjia War God was shocked, and the old witch in the distance was surprised, and secretly wondered.

朋友 "Friend, why are you so angry, I didn't mess with you."

Talking, Gu Qingfeng raised his hand gently, and the palm of God of War was suddenly bounced off. The strong elastic force caused the God of War to step back a few steps, and then stood firm.

If the old witch was surprised by the blow that blocked the ancient armor of the God of War just to watch Gu Qingfeng's understatement just now, then seeing the ancient Qing Feng at hand at this moment, the golden armor of God was blown away, and the old witch was even more shocked.

"Look for death!"

Suddenly the roar of the gold armored war **** suddenly turned into a flood beast and swept through.

The horrible flood beasts are pervasive and set off huge stormy waves, just like the ferocious beasts, if they want to devour the spiritual incarnation of the ancient breeze.

This kind of mental power is not weak. If you change to other people, you will encounter the spirit power of the golden armor and the **** of flood and beasts.

When the flood beasts struck, Gu Qingfeng's originally weakened spirit incarnation seemed to become increasingly blurred and swaying, feeling like an ant, surging with the stormy waves.

But that's all.

No matter how violent the flood, no matter how ferocious the beast, and no matter how terrible the spiritual power of the golden armored war god, it seems that if the ancient Qingfeng's weak spiritual incarnation cannot be swallowed up, it is like an ant crawling on a tiger Similarly, the tiger might be very powerful, but it can't pinch the ants that they are afraid of.

"It just means what you want, no need to play it for real?"

The sound of the ancient breeze sounded impatient.

Jain God of War did not stop, not only did it not stop, but the mightiness of the flood beast became stronger.

"Rabbit! It's over, right?"

Originally like an ant, the ancient breeze that was accompanied by the turbulent waves and swelling waves in the beast of the flood, suddenly jumped up, and when it jumped up, the spiritual incarnation instantly turned into a tornado.

The tornado spun madly and immediately swept the flood beast. No matter how the flood beast struggled, it was useless. It could not stop the tornado's rotating suction. After a while, the flood beast was completely stirred by the tornado into a huge vortex.

"Do it when you see someone, whoever **** you to get used to it! Get me back!"

In the whirlpool, there was a drunk sound of the ancient breeze, the voice fell, and the moment of the rush, the beast of the flood was instantly dispelled by the earthquake, as if it had never existed.

The flood beast disappeared, the sky's whole body returned to its calmness, and the spiritual incarnation of Gu Qingfeng also appeared again.


The old witch seemed to be horrified, and after a long time, he began to say, "Thinking that your weak incarnation contains such a terrifying power, it is really an eye-opener, amazing."

怎么 "What's the matter, do you want to compare?"

阁下 "My Excellency has misunderstood, the old man can't even fight with the little one just before, how can he be your opponent."

"Oh, I'm humble yet," said Gu Qingfeng, not salty. "You can easily crush that rabbit with your mental power."


I may not have thought that Gu Qingfeng could see through his spirit, the old witch's expression gradually became calm, and even his voice became cold, saying, "I do n’t know where your sacred person is?"

"you guess."

"Old man can't guess."

"You can't guess it."


"How many are there and why."

"As fellows, everyone should know more about each other."

"Comrades in the same group?" Gu Qingfeng asked with a smile: "How are the fellows in the same group?"

"Why does your Excellency ask?"

"Do you mean the same thing as the original sin?"

"What!" Upon hearing the original sin, the old witch was suddenly shocked, and the whole person became cautious, and asked carefully: "Your Excellency is the original sinner?"

Gu Qingfeng's next turn was strange, he asked, "What's wrong, aren't you stumped?"

"Old man is not a man of original sin."


The ancient breeze once heard Jun Xuanyu say that this is the nightmare of the original sin, and it is also a cursed nightmare. All those who are the original sins are cursed people, and only those who are cursed by the original sins will enter the nightmare of the original sins.

Not only did Jun Xuan 玑 say that, but the mysterious man wrapped in white cloth also said it.

Slammed them both?

It shouldn't be.

Xun Junxuan didn't need to shake himself, the mysterious man covered with white cloth didn't seem to need it either.

I still say that I have been drowsy for 10,000 years. What happened during this period?

Qinggu Qingfeng looked at the old witch on the opposite side, and through a spiritual incarnation, he could hardly tell whether the other party was the original sinner, and asked, "If you are not the original sinner, who are you?"

The old witch just stared carefully at the ancient breeze, as if the eyes of a black hole were burning with a fiery flame.

Gu Gufeng continued to ask, "What do you mean by the fellow you just mentioned?"



"No way!"

"No way?"

The ancient breeze asked in confusion: "Do you mean the same way, do you mean the unwise?"


古 What kind of concept the old witch considered to be a wicked man is unknown to the ancient Qingfeng, and he is not thinking about this issue now.

He wants to come ~ ~ Even if this old witch is a wicked person, he should not appear in the original sin nightmare.

What the **** is going on.

Suddenly, Gu Qingfeng suddenly found that the chaos in the sky was gradually dissipating, just like the mist gradually dispersed after rain, and everything inside became clear until the chaotic fog completely dissipated, and the ancient Qingfeng finally saw clearly.

There is no heaven in the sky, and no earth in the sky.

黑暗 Everywhere is dark and endless.

"What is this place?"

The ancient breeze was startled.

The old witch's surprise seemed no less than that of Gu Qingfeng, and she asked, "Don't you know what is this place?"

"This isn't the original sin nightmare?"

"What is the original nightmare of nightmare?" The old witch asked in surprise: "This is a place of vanity in the era of infidelity."

"A False Land in the Age of Injustice?"

The ancient breeze was completely stunned, and he couldn't understand that he was still in the nightmare of the original sin. Why did he suddenly come to the illusory land of the Innocent Age, and what kind of ghost place was the illusory land?

什么 What the **** is this and what? In the end, is it that Jun Xuanxuan and the mysterious man shook themselves a little, or said that he had been lethargic for 10,000 years, what happened in the era of injustice.

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