
Vol 2 Chapter 1569: Magic fog

Gu Qingfeng looked around and found that the indifferent vanity land is almost similar to the debris space of the previous Wudao era, but it seems to be different. What is the difference? He couldn't think of it for a while, just wanted to walk over and ask Clearly, the old witch in the distance flashed back and retreated instantly, looking particularly jealous of the ancient Qingfeng, and she cried, "What do you want to do!"

不要 "Don't get me wrong, I just want to ask you something."

"If you ask, ask, don't come over."

Gugu Qingfeng shook her head and smiled, and said, "Big sister, I have no other meaning."

Maybe it was the first time that I heard someone call themselves like this, and the old witch couldn't help but respond, "Your talk and behavior surprised the old man, are you really a man of original sin?"

"It's true."

"Yes, no, no, what's going on?"

"You just claimed to be a person of the Infidelity Age. I think it means two words. You should have a deep understanding."


The old witch stared at Gu Qingfeng, wondering what she was thinking.

"Sister, how much do you know about the land of falsehood?"

"Since you are a man of original sin, you don't even know the land of imagination?"

"Is this relevant?"

"As far as the old man knows, the original sinner is, in a sense, the half-owner of this vain land. How could he not know the vain land."

"How to say?"

但 "Everyone who has the original sin has fused the blood of the original sin, and the original sin dominates the Apocalypse Age. Since this is the illusory land of the Apocalypse era, isn't it half the master who stumped the original sin?

"That's what it really is, after hearing what you said, but my original sinner was a little confused, and I just woke up and came here for the first time."

"Just awake? How long have you been asleep?"

"It's been too long, I can't remember it for a long time."

The ancient ancient breeze said half-truth and half-false, and asked again, "I remember there seemed to be no illusory place in the past, but only the debris space in the era of injustice."

"The land of vanity is the fragmented space of the era of infidelity."

The voice of the old witch came, and Gu Qingfeng asked, "Why is it called a vain land? And I find that the vain land seems to be a little different from the fragmented space of the previous innocent era."

The old witch groaned for a moment, as if hesitating to tell Gu Qingfeng, thinking about it for a while, and then said, "That's because ten thousand years ago, when the ancient times just opened, Wudaoshan happened. Field change. "

"Anomalous?" Gu Qingfeng moved his heart and asked, "What anomalous?"

"The specific changes are not well known. They only know that 10,000 years ago, after the fall of Wudao Mountain, there was a catastrophe. After the catastrophe, some ancient ruins of the Wudao era were born. Fragmented space also merged with each other inexplicably, and it didn't take long for this conception to conceive. "

After listening to the words of the old witch, Gu Qingfeng could not help but fall into meditation.

Twenty thousand years ago, when ancient times opened, after the fall of Wudao Mountain, there was a catastrophe?

I was stumped and said that it was the catastrophe that I participated in?

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng continued to ask: "What happened to the catastrophe ten thousand years ago, do you know?"

"I'm not sure. I heard that when the catastrophe happened, the ancestors of Sanqian Avenue all stopped it, including the incarnation of Heavenly Father and Mother. It is said that the old man of Tianji had also appeared, but although Sanqian Avenue suffered heavy losses, Fortunately, this catastrophe was stopped. "

When I heard this, Gu Qingfeng was basically certain that the catastrophe in the mouth of the old witch should be the one who participated in that year.

I think about that year.

The blood of the original sin that he fused eroded his body and soul little by little. The feeling was very strong. Gu Qingfeng affirmed that once he was completely merged with the blood of the original sin, whether he was still himself or not at that time, he did n’t know. , But will certainly become the embodiment of original sin.


In the end he had to abandon himself and ignite the karma of original sin.

But he did n’t know why he lit the original sin karma fire, which would affect the whole innocent era, and the so-called most mysterious remains of the innocent era even began to appear in this world. Even the fragmented spaces of the innocent era were fused with each other In this so-called false place?

I am stumped because the drop of my own fusion is the blood of the original sin that belongs to the iniquity and has the life to live?

I don't know.

I also wondered.

What Gu Qingfeng couldn't understand was that he had clearly dreamed of the original sin just now, how could it appear in a vain place?

I still say that the original sin nightmare was originally in the vain land?

I wanted to ask, but the old witch was not a person of the original sin, and I didn't know the nightmare of the original sin.


The ancient breeze remembered the mist that had dispersed like chaos before, and asked, "Sister, what happened to the mist just now?"

"Mist? Are you talking about the illusory mist of imagination"

"Illusory mist? Right?"

"Illusive mists occasionally appear in False Lands. These mists are mysterious and weird ..."

怎么 "What a mysterious and weird way?"

"Illusive fog will affect people's spirit. If you stay for a long time, you may lose your mentality, and you will lose your self, and even it will be impossible."

"There are still such things?" Gu Qingfeng said: "But I just saw that you have not been affected."

"When the old man just came, the delusional fog had begun to dissipate, and the impact was not great."

"So it is."

The ancient breeze still didn't understand the connection between the original sin nightmare and this vain land.

"The delusional mist can not only affect people's spirit, but also every time when the mist falls, there is a terrible existence inside."

"Awful existence? What do you mean?"

"The old man is also not very clear. Some people say that it is the demon of the daoist era, and some people say that it is the spirit of the daoist era. What is it is still a mystery. In short, the illusory mist is terrible ~ ~ It's evil. "

When the ancient breeze was thinking, the familiar and strange voice came again.

He has wisdom and confusion, and he discerns things with me, a hundred kinds of yang, a hundred kinds of yin, and turns into heaven and earth.

He sees no good, no evil, but only causes and effects, thousands of holy, thousands of demons, and let others say.


Gu Guqingfeng asked, "Can you hear the voice?"

"what sound?"

The old witch was puzzled.

"Can't you hear?"

"Old man didn't hear anything."

Looking at the appearance of the old witch, Gu Qingfeng pondered, this voice may really only be heard by those with original sin.

At this moment, there is no sky, no earth, and endless darkness, as if the endless void is a mysterious place where the mist appears inexplicably. This mist is like the intersection of yin and yang, the light and darkness are intertwined, and it is as chaotic as everything.

不好 "No! Illusion mist is coming again!"

Seeing the illusory mist coming again, the old witch was suddenly shocked and yelled, "The old man will retire for the time being, there will be a period later."

After all, the old witch disappeared instantly.

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