
Vol 2 Chapter 1570: Avenue Grave

"Is this **** thing the so-called illusory mist?"

The ancient ancient breeze carefully felt the imaginary mist that came, and the more he felt, the more he felt that the thing was similar to the chaotic fog that he saw in the nightmare of the original sin.

Do not!

He is not very similar, this is the mist of chaotic change in the original sin nightmare.

How could this be?

He stumped and said that the original sin nightmare was in this vain land?

I do n’t like it.

Gu Qingfeng was wandering in the mist of delusional illusion while feeling it. He found that this thing can really affect people's spirit. After the spirit is affected, it is not a mental disorder or a loss of self. .


Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng seemed to have some feelings. In his wish, the so-called illusory mist was like a miracle.

Miracles come, each person's perception is different, and the mysteries that they think of are different.

This is the case of this delusional illusion. After the spirit is affected, the illusion produced by each person will be different. To be exact, it is not an illusion, but also a kind of imagination.

Especially the illusory mist is like chaotic changes, each change is like the endless world space, and each change also contains the past, the present and the future. It is really mysterious and wonderful.

He has wisdom and confusion, and he discerns things with me, a hundred kinds of yang, a hundred kinds of yin, and turns into heaven and earth.

He sees no good, no evil, but only causes and effects, thousands of holy, thousands of demons, and let others say.

The familiar and unfamiliar voice came on and off intermittently, as if from ancient times, ancient times, ancient times, and even deserted, as well as from the past and from the future, as well as from the near present.

The ancient breeze pondered this passage.

I do not know how long it has been, seems to have some feelings.

He looked like he had thought of something, like a dream, and came to a strange place.

There is still no sky and no earth here.

Is also foggy.

The difference between 虚 and False Land is that here is not nothing, but there are many, many mountains.

There are really many puppets, one next to the other, everywhere, as if there were no other things here except the mountains.

And every mountain has a mountain above it.

Weishan seems to be carved with some strange characters.


The ancient breeze wandered past and took a closer look. When he saw the large characters on the mountain peak, he couldn't believe his eyes, because the four large characters carved on the mountain peak were not other, but the tomb of witchcraft.

I looked at the other peaks, which said Tomb of the Demon Road.

There is also the tomb of Lingdao.

Tomb of the Imperial Palace.

Tomb of the Ghost Road.

Tomb of Shinji.

Gu Qingfeng looked more and more scared as he looked, and the creepier feeling became more and more. Just now he was wondering why there are so many mountains here, and why every mountain has a mountain peak. Until now he did not know, this mother-in-law At first, it is not a mountain, but a tomb, and the peaks on each grave are not peaks, but tombstones.

I was even more shocked by Gu Qingfeng that these tombs were actually the tombs of Sanqian Avenue.

The demon demon road, the demon road, the ghost road, the witch road, including the immortal road, even the graves of heaven.

what's going on?

怎么 How come there are so many avenue graves here?

Moreover, the avenue is now good, especially Xiandao. It has become the first of the avenue to dominate the wilderness. Although the demon and ghost roads have fallen, they have not disappeared. Although the heavens, magic roads, and witch roads have not appeared for a long time, they have not died. what.

Whoops, his mother's leisure is so painful, so many graves have been made here.

Forcing the feeling of scalp numbness, Gu Qingfeng continued to look. Almost all the tombs of the avenues are here. Some of them are really disappearing, but some of them are not disappearing, and there are many avenues in the grave. He I have never heard of it before.

What kind of sad way, what kind of way, what kind of law ... There are sin, evil, good and so on.

Who actually made so many avenue graves here?

And where is this place?

The ancient breeze thought about as it explored the tombs.

I felt something in the imaginary mist, in other words, I thought of this place by myself.

Suddenly, the illusory mist is coming in the illusory land, which belongs to the era of infidelity.

Sorry to say that this is also an era of injustice?

That is to say, the graves of these avenues were buried during the era of infidelity?

I want to come, it should be so.

所以 The reason for Wudao era is called Wudao era.

That's because in that era, the Supreme Master wiped out all the avenues between heaven and earth, which created the most mysterious Taoist era ever.

I thought of this, Gu Qingfeng estimated that these tombs should have been built in order to sacrifice the various roads after the fall of the roads in the Roadless Age.

Looking at the graves of the avenues, Gu Qingfeng was a little puzzled. I wondered what terrible things happened in the era of the infidelity, and how the various avenues offended the infidel, so that the infidel could honor the uncle. In one breath, his mother cleaned all the roads.

This is really crazy.

Ancient Gufeng has never served anyone in his life, but after integrating the blood of the original sin, as he learned more and more about the Innocent Age, he really admired that Innocent.

In the Age of Wudao, the Three Thousand Avenues were destroyed. He was buried by his mother in heaven and earth. He heard that his mother cut off the cause and effect and achieved the true god. He also heard that he had beaten the gods and knew the secrets of heaven and earth. .

I can say that this Supreme Master is definitely a hegemon who has taken the world by storm. There is no one.

When people are alive, they are so powerful. Live the toss of death ~ ~ After you die, make an original sin, and create a causal black hole. Just a drop of the blood of the original sin scared the Three Thousand Avenues. I was shocked.

This had to admire Gu Qingfeng and sighed, "It's still the old saying, your uncle will always be your uncle, your uncle when you are alive, and your uncle when you are dead. Your uncle. "

If the Supreme Master is still alive, Gu Qingfeng will definitely send him a knee to show her admiration in her heart.

Can't stand it.

Admiration is only admiration. Although Gu Qingfeng admires that infidel, he doesn't want to be the second infidel.

He has neither this ambition nor this ambition.

The most important thing is that he is a lazy man. He only likes to drink and sleep in his life. He has no interest in anything else.

He is too lazy to toss.

If he really wanted to toss, he would not abandon himself and ignite the karma of the original sin when Wudao Mountain came down.

I wandered here for a while. Except for the tombs on the avenue, this broken place has nothing, and Gu Qingfeng has no interest in staying, but just as he was about to leave, he suddenly found that someone was cleaning a grave tombstone.

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