
Vol 2 Chapter 1616: Evil

"Gu Gu, you are wrong. I was not involved in what happened in the Little Secret Realm of that year."

"Fuck me, right?"

Gu Qingfeng said: "Your old boy was there when Wudaoshan appeared, and you were there when I ignited the fire of the original sin. I heard that what happened in the little secret world of Quicksand later, Jun Xuan and the ancient nameless All tearing into the space and breaking in, will your kid not participate? "

"Ancient boy!"

The Daxing epistemic explained: "When Wudaoshan appeared in the world, I was indeed on the scene, but after your boy ignited the fire of the original sin karma, the whole fire was filled with the fire of the original sin karma. When Lao Tzu saw something was wrong, he hurried Shout. "

"and then?"

"What then?"

"What's the matter, you dare to know that such a big thing happened in the Little Secret Realm, you know nothing?"

"I don't know anything about it, but ... I didn't know it until later. When I knew it, the Quicksand Little Secret Realm was already in a mess. At that time, my brother and my white eyebrow didn't know what happened."

"I didn't know then, how much should I know now?"

"If you asked me about the events of that year, you would be wrong. You should ask Jun Xuan 玑."

"If I can find Jun Xuan 玑, I ask you what to do."

"It does."

The monk Dai Daxing also sat on the top of the statue of Buddha, took over the fine wine handed over by Gu Qingfeng, and said, "I didn't know that thing until then. It's true or not, and I don't know yet."

"What the **** happened?"

"I heard that not long after your boy lit the fire of the original sin, almost at the same time, an incarnation of the original sin emerged from the Little Secret Realm."

"You mean I didn't ignite the fire of the original sin for long, and an incarnation of the original sin emerged from the Little Secret Realm of Quicksand?"

"That's right." Daxing epic nodded and said, "My brother and I were frightened at the time, thinking that your boy was reborn again after being swindled to death by Wudao Mountain. Not only we thought it was Your boy, Jun Xuan, they, and the ancient nameless people, I thought they were your boy. "

"and then?"

"Then I do n’t know. When I was here with Brother Baimei, Jun Xuan and the ancient nameless men were fighting. You also know my skill, I ca n’t get involved, I have n’t understood what happened. The mother has finished her work. "

"You said that the reason why the ancient and unknown people broke into the Quicksand Little Secret Realm was because a new incarnation of original sin emerged here, and they all thought it was me who was reborn?"


"What happened then? What about the newly incarnate original sin?"

"I don't know! I heard I ran away."


"I also heard that it is not clear whether the newly incarnate original sin incarnation ran away or what happened, but later, the ancients said that the original sin incarnation was not your kid."

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and whispered, "This thing sounds a bit wicked. Grandpa and I ignite the fire of the original sin karma, and an incarnation of the original sin emerges from the back foot of the quicksand little secret world? This is not a coincidence? Evil. "

"Hey, it's evil, even more evil is still behind. Do you know why after the fire of the original sin karma was fired, the quicksand little secret world immediately emerged an incarnation of original sin?"

"you know?"

"How much do I know about that."

"Talk about it."

"No maiden, should your kid know?"

"of course I know."

"She used the drop of blood of the original sin in the northwestern region to conceive many original sinners, including your kid. One of them was that in the northwest, almost all of the original sinners who were conceived in the northwest were killed by Wuyou Niangniang. Now, there are only two people alive, one is you, and the other is who do you know? "

"I've heard that in addition to the original sinner in the Northwest, there is a woman who is still alive. That woman seems to be the oldest sister of Canyang Valley. As for who I am, I don't know why. It's difficult to listen to your voice. Couldn't the original incarnation that emerged in the Quicksand Little Secret Realm be the master sister of Canyang Valley? "


The Daxing epilepsy drank a glass of wine without hesitation, and then continued to say, "Truth tell you the truth. In the past, Wuyou Niangniang used that blood of original sin not only to conceive the original sin person in the northwest, but also in the quicksand The little secret world has also conceived the original sin, and there is more than one. "

"What else is there?"

Wu Wenyan said that Gu Qingfeng was quite surprised. He really didn't expect that Wuyou Niangniang was also conceiving the original sin person in the quicksand little secret world, and asked, "What does the Wuyou Niangniang person conceive so many original sins for?"

"In this case, you ask me, who do I ask?" The words turned, and the Daxing epistemic replied: "However, it is not yet possible to say that Wuyou Niangniang used the blood of the original sin to conceive the original sin. In words, she seemed to suspect that the blood of the original sin played by herself, and seemed to be involved in something fateful.

"This is what ancient namelessness said?"

"Not only did the ancient nameless say this, but Jun Xuan 玑 said the same, anyway, listening to their meaning, it seems that they suspect that the blood of the original sin is engaging in ghosts."


The ancient breeze once asked Jun Xuanyuan, and also asked Wuyou Niangniang a question, that is why he is the original sinner.

Regardless of whether it is Jun Xuanzhen or Wuyou Niangniang, they have become the original sinners, perhaps due to cause and effect, or the fate arrangement, or even the blood of the original sin chose themselves, why they do not know.

If it is really caused by cause and effect ~ ~ is also a fate arrangement, or even the blood of original sin chooses itself.

Why are there other sinners besides yourself? More than one?

and also.

I ignited the fire of the original sin in Wudao Mountain that year. Why did the quicksand little secret world immediately emerge an incarnation of the original sin? What's the connection?

"Gu Gu, you should know that the blood of the original sin is unusual. Is it true that the blood of the original sin still comes from the Supreme Master?"

The ancient breeze shook his head, and he couldn't explain it.

"If you think about it, it ’s very evil. Why did that drop of blood of the original sin conceive the original sinner, and it also conceived more than one person? What is its purpose? Why did your boy ignite the blood of the original sin at the same time? Then, a new incarnation of the original sin immediately emerged from the Little Secret Realm? "

The ancient breeze shook his head again, and the matter was also unknown.

"There is a mystery for the authorities, and the onlookers are clear. I have thought about this for a long time. I have come up with so little meaning. I don't know if it's right. Your kid just listens."

"You said."

"The Book of Destiny has a prophecy, do you know?"

"No prophecy, I haven't heard it."

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