
Vol 2 Chapter 1617: Turn back to shore

"It is said that there is a prophecy recorded in the book of destiny, when the original sin finds God, the avenue will fall, the heavens and earth will be born again, and the era of injustice will open ..."

The voice of Xun Daxing's monk came, and Gu Qingfeng murmured. I felt familiar, and seemed to have heard it somewhere, but it didn't make any impression.

What a pity this prophecy sounds, it is worth pondering.

"Guzi, you carefully savor this sentence, when the original sin finds God ... What does it mean? Explain that the original sin has always been looking for God, meaning the true master of the original sin, and I guess that those of you who were the original sins were conceived. It may really be the ghost of the original sin. The reason why so many original sins are born, I am afraid that the original sin also knows that heaven and earth can't tolerate it. Therefore, it has long been widely spread the net to fish, in case any of the original sins died , You can choose another person with original sin. "

Looking at the silent Gu Qingfeng, the Daxing epic continued, "I guess that the previous original sin must want to cultivate your kid into the original sin God, but I didn't expect your kid to ignite the original sin karma, and want to die with the original sin, but, The original sin has long guarded against you. When your kid dies, people quickly turn to another person with original sin. "

"It sounds reasonable to hear you say that."

The ancient breeze pondered along the meaning of Daxing Leng Monk, not to mention that Daxing Leng Monk's words really made so much sense, at least it sounded fine and logical.

当然 "Of course, this is just my guess. Since your kid can ignite the original sin karma, presumably he knows the original sin very well. Doesn't he feel a little stumped?"

The ancient breeze shook his head and said, "I can ignite the fire of the original sin, which does not mean that I know the original sin very well. Instead of not knowing it, I know nothing about it."

"No, it's not. How could your boy ignite the fire of the original sin if he didn't understand the original sin?"

The ancient breeze did not explain, but clasped the daxing monk's wrist and said, "Whose hand is this?"

"Who's hand, this is not nonsense, it must be Lao Tzu's hand!"

"Can you control your hands?"

"What does your kid mean? What is it that I can control my hand? This is Lao Tzu's hand, of course I can control it."

"Do you know your own hands? Know why you have hands? What the **** is this hand, you know?"

The question of Gu Qingfeng really asked Daxing episcopal to stop him. He looked at his hand, thought about it, and couldn't understand the question asked by Gu Qingfeng. Why did he have a hand? What the **** is this hand? He only knew that he had a hand when he was born, but never thought about why he had a hand, let alone what happened to the hand.

"The original sin is just like an arm to me. I can control it, but you have to let me say what the original sin is. I do n’t know for myself. I ignite the original sin karma, like touching my nose with my hand. In the same way, I don't know why my hand can touch my nose, but I just can touch my nose with my hand, and so does the fire of the original sin karma. "


The Daxing monk scratched his head. He seemed to understand it, but he was more puzzled. He asked, "Wait! It ’s not like this, your kid is almost sanctified. After sanctification, he is free from everything. See Sin? "

"You said that it was almost impossible, yeah, I didn't sanctify in the end."

"Even if your boy is not sanctified, then you have realized the great imagination, see through all the true and false, there is nothing between heaven and earth that can hide your eyes."

"What kind of living Buddha is it because of your old boy and his mother, do you know why I haven't been sanctified?"

"Yes, I'm wondering, why didn't your kid get sanctified then?"

The ancient breeze shook his head slightly, as if ridiculing himself, toasting and drinking, and said, "Silence is not silence, vanity is not vanity, compassion is not mercy, and freedom is uncomfortable."

"What do you mean?"

Xun Daxing's epilepsy couldn't understand.

"Master and I realize great silence, people may be detached from life and death, but their hearts are not detached, they are utterly illusive, they may be detached from true and false, but they are not detached from the heart, and they have great compassion, they may be detached from beings, , Realized that he was at ease, the man was detached from the avenue, but his heart could not be detached. "

This time the Daxing epilepsy became even more confused, saying: "Who is detached, the heart is not detached, the great silence, the vainness, the great compassion, and the great freedom are the four states of mind of my Buddha. Since it is the state of mind, since your mother can understand, then It means that the heart is detached. "

"This is the mystery of the Dharma." Gu Qingfeng sighed: "To put it plainly, Ye and I seem to be empty, but they just seem to be empty. There are always a lot of people or things in my heart that have not let go. So, I ca n’t escape. I ca n’t pass the last level. This is probably the root cause of my failure to be sanctified. When I can be truly empty in my heart, I may be sanctified. "

Found that the Daxing epilepsy stared at himself with a very strange look, Gu Qingfeng said, "What is your old boy's look? How? With no one to see you for a long time, your old boy's preferences have also changed? He started to like men? "

"piss off!"

Wu Daxing's epic shook his eyes without curiosity and said, "I think your boy has changed."

"What changed?"

"Lao Tzu just met you. The kind of arrogance and domineering on your kid was called a strong one. Later, I met you after the ancient times opened. Although the arrogance and domineering on my body has some convergence, but I can still feel it. Today, the original arrogance and arrogance are gone, not only the former arrogance and arrogance, but even the original arrogance and indifference disappeared without a trace. It feels like your kid's character is flattened. Speaking of The words are also old-fashioned ~ ~ Just now when you talked about the Dharma, his mother is more like a Buddha than Lao Tzu. "


Laogu Qingfeng laughed loudly, and the sound was full of helplessness, full of nagging, and full of daze.

"What kind of laugh are you doing?" Daxing epistemic despised: "Why, shouldn't your kid be afraid of being tossed? Did you bow your head to cause and effect? ​​Did you admit to fate?"

Gugu Qingfeng shook her head and laughed, "Don't say, Ye has been tossed for so long. I'm really scared of tossing. I can't do anything without bowing my head. What can I do if I don't admit it?"

"It's not like what your kid said."

"I'm sorry." Gu Qingfeng poured another glass of wine for Daxing epic, saying, "But this is what I said."

"It's a bad thing if your kid does admit it."

"how to say?"

"From ancient times to now, I do n’t know how much power I want to change my destiny, and how much power I want to cut off the cause and effect, but the result ... Except for the Supreme Master, who really changed the destiny? Who really cut off the cause and effect? ​​No , Never, not even one, but ended up lost in the sea of ​​bitterness ... "

"How else do you Buddhists say that the sea of ​​suffering is endless, and it is the shore when you turn back? Yeah, I saw that the situation was wrong. Isn't it time to go back to shore?"

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