
Vol 2 Chapter 1631: Spiritual incarnation

"Yo! This is not a big sister, it's a coincidence that we met again."

Looking at this gloomy old witch, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help laughing. I remembered that when I came to the False Land last time, I met this old witch who was fighting with another person. I did not expect to come to the False Land again this time. Meet this old witch.

"Daoyou still remembers the old man, it is a great honor for the old man."

The old witch did not come over, but still stood in the distance, communicating with the ancient Qingfeng in spiritual secrets.

"Big sister, which one are you playing?" Gu Qingfeng glanced at the rotating light group not far away, and asked, "Is it stumped to say what space world has been born from this illusory place?" "

"Don't you know it?"

"I really do not know."

"is it……"

The old witch's eyes were like black caves staring at Gu Qingfeng, and after a moment, he opened his mouth and explained, "The land of imagination is not a great wasteland, how can it conceive a space world."

"This is ..."

"This is a delusional illusion, and it can also be understood as a relic of the era of infidelity."

原来 "So it is." Gu Qingfeng nodded and realized, and asked, "I can understand the relics of the infidelity era, but why is it also called a delusional illusion? Any idea?"

敢 "Dare to ask my friends, how much do you know about this vain place?"

"Know nothing."

"Do you know whether the vain land is in heaven or not?"

"I don't know."

"Is it true that this illusory place really exists?"

"I don't know."

"I do n’t know, I do n’t know the old man, and no one knows whether the illusory place is in the world or not. No one knows whether this illusory place really exists. Therefore, everything in the imaginary place is like a dream, illusion, and nothing. What is false, not falsehood, or fantasy? "

Wu Wenyan said, Gu Qingfeng laughed abruptly, and said, "This is how the illusory imagination comes."

He said, "Hey, there are always illusions in vain land?" He asked.


"When I came last time, I didn't seem to see any illusions."

"The illusion of a vain land is not stable, sometimes it lasts for a few days, sometimes it can last for a few hours, or even shorter, and of course, sometimes it can last for months, even years ..."

"The so-called illusion is really a relic of the infidelity era?"

"Yes in rumors."

"Rumor?" Gu Qingfeng asked, "You haven't been in before?"

"Goed in, but the old man didn't know whether the so-called fantasy world was a relic of the infidelity era."


After a moment of silence, Gu Qingfeng found that after just a while of work, he actually came to a few more spiritual incarnations and roughly counted them. Nearly a hundred spiritual incarnations gathered near the illusion and asked: "These stumblings are all innocent. Man's spiritual incarnation? "

"It depends on how the Daoyou define the word of the Dao."

"how to say?"

"I do n’t know if the infidel in the mouth of a friend refers to a person who has survived the era of the infidelity, or a reincarnation of the infidel, or a person who has cause and effect with the era of the infidel, like a friend of the Tao Of the original sinless. "

"Listen to the big sister and think about it, it really is the case." Gu Qingfeng asked: "I don't know what kind of wicked person a big sister is?"

老 "Old people belong to the era of infidelity, but they are not original sinners."

怎么 "Why, listen to the big sister's tone, as if there is any prejudice against the original sinner?"

"Taoyou must not misunderstand, the old man has no prejudice against the original sinner, nor dare to have any prejudice."

When Gu Qingfeng was chatting with the old witch, suddenly, a powerful voice came.

"Oh, I didn't think there was another illusion in this vain place today. It seems that Wang's luck is really good!"

In response, a glittering giant appeared.

This giant has a bright red cloak behind it and a large sword on his waist. It looks majestic, like the invincible gold armored **** of war. The golden light that blooms all over the body is like a round of domineering sun shining in the dark and illusory places. Brighten up, showing dignity and domineering.

When I saw this Jinjia giant incarnation, there were more than a hundred people on the court with different expressions. Some looked very afraid of the Jinjia giant, some had a headache for the Jinjia giant, and others saw the Jinjia giant full of Hate, and some see the Jinjia giants, expressionless and calm, some disdain, some are quite fun, seemingly funny.

It seems that they all know this golden armor giant.

The fact is true.

There are more than 100 people in the field. At least half of them know this giant gold giant. The reason is very simple, because this giant gold giant is a frequent visitor to the illusory place. Many people have played against it, and they all know this giant gold giant. What King Jinling is arrogant and arrogant, arrogant and treacherous. He likes to provoke wrongdoing when things are okay in a vain place. Many people have suffered in the hands of this king of gold. Of course, the king of gold is also because of his aggressive personality Have suffered a lot.

Anyone with a normal mind knows that those who can enter the vain land are related to the era of iniquity. Even if they are not iniquitous, they may be reincarnate and iniquitous. Those who have cause and effect in the Taoist era are more likely to be those with original sin.

He can be sure that no one who is innocent is not the one to be provoked.

and so.

Most people enter the vain land, and they are almost cautious, cautious and cautious, for fear of provoking people who should not be provoked.

I ca n’t believe that this King of Jinling is an exception. Even if he has suffered, he is still arrogant and arrogant in the vain land.

Can't stand it.

The King of Jinling also has the qualification to be arrogant and arrogant ~ ~ In the end, the spirit of the King of Jinling is indeed very powerful, and the ordinary master is really not his opponent.

It does not matter.

It is important that this 厮 does not know what kind of existence it is, no matter how serious the mental avatar is injured, even if the spiritual avatar is destroyed by people's ashes, it will not be long before it is restored to the original state.

This has to be surprising.

Spiritual incarnation, and God incarnation.

Regardless of the name, it is a person's consciousness and a person's spirit.

Regardless of whether it is consciousness or spirit, it is closely related to its own mind and soul.

一旦 Once the incarnation of the spirit is damaged, the mind may collapse, the consciousness may be blurred, the consciousness will be blurred, and the soul will be affected.

This series of effects cannot be restored overnight.

This is only damaged. If the spiritual incarnation is destroyed, the sense of God will be destroyed, the mind and spirit will inevitably be destroyed, and self-consciousness will most likely also disappear. Not only that, even the soul may be destroyed.

It is precisely for this reason that everyone is cautious when entering the vain land with spiritual incarnation.

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