
Vol 2 Chapter 1632: King of Gold

大家 In everyone's impression, the King of Jinling has been arrogant for so many years in the vain land, and the number of times the spiritual incarnation has been damaged is at least dozens of times even if there is no one hundred.

After the puppet was damaged, it didn't take long for this guy to pop up again. The spiritual incarnation was not only weak, but more powerful and powerful than before.

Even more incredible is that this guy's spiritual incarnation was also destroyed by the gray fly of the master three times.

Then it won't take long before it will pop up again.

The spiritual incarnation not only recovered as before, but also more powerful and powerful than before.

This is really unbelievable.

Everyone can't imagine what kind of existence this Jinling King is, how could it be so amazing.

He stumped what great creatures he possessed, which could keep his spirit alive?

I don't know.

Because everyone does not know the true identity of King Jinling, no one knows how he exists.

"It looks lively today. A lot of acquaintances have come."

The spiritual incarnation of King Jinling is a giant named Jinjia. At this moment, holding his arms, he stands in a vain place. His proud look is like a **** of heaven. He looks down at more than one hundred spiritual incarnations gathered around the illusion.

"Little guy, I haven't seen you in a vain place for a while. Many people say that your spiritual incarnation has been destroyed by the ashes of others. Is it true?"

He laughed at the spirited incarnation that looked like a dragon.

If you change to another person and use the character of King Jinling, I am afraid that you have already started teaching this guy who laughed at yourself, but in the face of this evil dragon-like incarnation, King Jinling did not do it because he had been with this evil before. The dragon has fought, and more than once, knowing the power of this evil dragon, he is not an opponent at all.

of course.

This does not mean that King Jinling was afraid. Instead of not having fear, he didn't even put evil dragons in his eyes, disdaining: "What if the spirit incarnation of the king is destroyed by the ashes? Standing here? Who else has the skill of a king? "

"Oh, this seems to be the case." The evil dragon incarnation sighed, "My Tao is curious, which Taoist friend this time killed your spiritual incarnation?"

The King of Spirits pointed at the incarnation of the evil dragon and yelled, "Old thing! Don't think that the king can't help you now, you can do whatever you want in front of the king and tell you that it won't take long for the king to beat your spiritual incarnation. The ashes are gone! "

"Really? Then I really wait for that day to come."


Jinling Wang lengheng, ignored the evil dragon.

"You are the King of Spirits?"

At this time, a spiritual incarnation came forward, a girl.

I'm right.

I am a girl.

A young girl with two pony tails and a colorful dress, a petite and exquisite girl, she looks innocent.

There are more than a hundred spiritual incarnations in the market, each of them looks fierce and evil, not evil dragons or tigers, not demons or ghosts, not sacred gold giants like war gods, or evil giants like demons.

This petite, exquisite and innocent girl stands among such a group of fierce spiritual incarnations, which is particularly idiosyncratic and incompatible, especially when the girl stands in front of a gold-like giant like King Jinling, even more so. Small as inconspicuous as a mosquito.

No one knows who this girl is.

Even many people met girls for the first time.

at least.

In the impression of the old witch, this is the first time that she has never seen a girl-like spiritual incarnation here since the appearance of vanity in ancient times.

"It's my king!"

King Jinling stared at the girl like a mosquito in front of her, dismissing: "What are you doing to find the king?"

"It's nothing, I just heard that you look terrific. It seems that the spiritual incarnation has died out in a short time. It can be restored in a short time and is stronger than before?"

"What is it?" King Jinling said: "Do you want to see the power of this King?"

"I ..." The young girl laughed, "I do have that idea."


King Jinling opened his eyes, stared at the girl, and yelled, "Since you want to see the power of the King, then the King will satisfy you!"

The lingering voice did not fall, King Jinling raised his hand and slapped it. This slap was powerful.

I just.

When he slapped the fan, the girl's spiritual incarnation had disappeared without a trace.

When He appeared again, he was far away from King Jinling.

The young girl smiled and smiled, "Why are you so anxious, although I want to see and see you so well, I haven't said that I can see now. After the illusion comes out, how will you let me see and see?"

"No need to wait for any illusions, the king will satisfy you now!"

King Jinling was about to do it again, but suddenly he stopped again.

Everyone was curious, looking down at King Jinling's eyes, and found that King Jinling's attention was not on the girl, but on a man next to the girl.

The man was wearing a white coat, his hair was casually scattered, his appearance was ordinary, and if he closed his eyes, he would no longer remember the person, and the man looked not only powerless, but his spirit seemed weak. .

Spiritual incarnations are strange and strange. Although there are not many incarnations, they are not small.

As for mental power, most people will converge.

It's not strange to be stingy.

What really makes people feel strange is that this man in white is obviously weak and insane, even dare to appear in a vain place.

This has to make people wonder ~ ~ There is no such fear of death?

I still say that this man, like King Jinling, has a magical fortune, even if the spiritual incarnation is destroyed, he can be restored as before.

"You look familiar!"

King Jinling stared fiercely at the man in white, his emotion seemed very excited.

The people gathered around the illusion are even more confused. King Jinling is stumped to know this man?

"Is it you who killed the king's ashes last time!"

King Jinling stepped forward and stared down at the man in white.

His voice came, and everyone in the field seemed a little surprised.

I have n’t seen King Jinling for a long time. Many people doubt whether King Jinling ’s spiritual incarnation was destroyed by another powerful fly, and just after the dragon asked, the King Jinling did not respond positively, but everyone It also seems that this must be the case.

Looking at King Jinling questioning the man in white at this moment, everyone was very curious inside, and it was hard to say that it was this guy who killed King Jinling last time?

It's unlikely!

家伙 This guy's spiritual incarnation is so weak, it doesn't look like it can wipe out the ashes of the spiritual incarnation of King Jinling!

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