
Vol 2 Chapter 1645: No Bodhi tree, nor stand mirror

"Ah! Mi! Tuo! Buddha!"

When the Buddha's voice came, it was like the bells of the floodland spread across ancient, ancient, and ancient times. After countless years, they were solemn, sacred, and vast.

"Old monk, you really!"

He heard the sound of the Buddha, and Gu Qingfeng was very excited. He never knew the voice again. It was not someone else. It was the old monk who lived on the lonely mountain in the lonely bone jade world.

"Guju, don't come here."

"No 恙 No 恙."

Although Gu Qingfeng has never seen an old monk living in the dying bone jade, not even once, but when he was bored in the past, he would talk to the old monk and talk about it. Thanks to the old monk Accompanying the Gu Qingfeng alone is not so lonely.

After sleeping for thousands of years, the awakening boneless jade disappeared, and the old monk was also unaware of it. Gu Qingfeng still missed it. At this moment, he saw the old monk in the nightmare of the original sin. Gu Qingfeng was naturally very happy. "How about you? Are you okay?"

"Thank you ancient dwellers, old man, all right."

"Just be fine ... Just be fine!"

I learned that the old monk was all right, and Gu Qingfeng was also relieved. If the old monk really disappeared, there would be no one to chat and relieve on the way after that, maybe he was lonely and lonely.

不过 "But, old monk, where are you now?"

"Old man is still on the mountain of silence."

"Why did I come to Silent Hill in the Nightmare of the Original Sin?"

"Silent Mountain belongs to the era of infidelity, and it is not surprising that ancient dwellers came to Sierra Mountain in their original sin nightmare."

"It does."

Gu Qingfeng nodded. He knew that the old monk was a man from the Wayless Age, but also a person who has survived from the Wayless Age. Not only that, he also knew that the Boneless Jade also belonged to the Wayless Age, and the nature of the Mighty Mountain within it It belongs to the era of infidelity.

From this point of view, it is not uncommon for the Nightmare of the Original Sin to come to Silent Hill.

The only thing that Gu Qingfeng couldn't understand is, where did the silenced bone jade go?

After questioning, the old monk said: "The ancient dweller has long been integrated with the dead bones, and now I am even more indifferent."

"What do you mean, the silenced bone jade has completely integrated into my body?"


"How can I not feel it?"

"I just can't feel it for a while. As the ancient body of Guju gradually recovered, I believe it will be felt soon."

"The old monk is indeed an old monk. He still knows me so well. You used to know me when there was Perdone Bone Jade. Now Perdone Bone Jade is completely integrated into my body. Is n’t it right to you? A better understanding? "

"The ancient dweller must not misunderstand. Although the lonely bone jade is integrated into your body and does not distinguish each other, but the old dweller is only temporarily living in this lonely bone jade. The ancient resident is the master of this lonely bone jade."


Gu Qingfeng smiled and said, "I have heard you said before that you are the guest of Silent Bone Jade, and I am the master of Silent Bone Jade. How many years have passed, the world in Silent Bone Jade No matter whether it ’s Silent Hill or you living on Silent Hill, I do n’t know anything, but you, the guest, know more than my master. ”

After a pause, he said, "Look, we haven't seen each other for so many years, and I just woke up for a short time, and you know that my physical body has decayed, not only knowing the decay, but also knowing that it is recovering. It's not like a guest should know It's okay. "

"The ancient dweller has been integrated with the dead bones without discerning each other, and the old one can infer the changes of the dweller's body according to the changes in the dead world."

"This is the case, it's a bit of a past."

Gu Qingfeng thought about it carefully. If the silenced bone jade really fits into his own body, regardless of each other, then the old monk who lives in it can indeed deduce his own body based on the changes of silenced bone jade. This thing It should be as clear as the weather in nature.

"Old monk, there is a question, I have always wanted to ask you."

"Guju, please tell me."

"Every time I die from rebirth, what's in the bones of silence?"

既然 "Since the extinct bone jade has been integrated with the ancient dweller, it will naturally change as the ancient dweller changes."

也就是说 "That is to say, my ash is gone, and the dying bone jade is also dying. If I die again, dying bone jade will be born again, is that so?"


"Then I have been sleeping for thousands of years this time, and is the dead bone jade sleeping for thousands of years?"


"how about you?"

"Old man is no exception."

"Why is it that I have been sleeping for ten thousand years, and you have been sleeping for ten thousand years?"

"It ’s not just the old man, everything in the quasi-bone jade will live and die as the ancient dwellers go through it, and rebirth will be reborn. If not, how can this quasi-bone jade be called quasi-bone jade, and how the quasi-beach is Silent mountain. "

"I still heard about it for the first time, but it's rare." Gu Qingfeng looked at the misty mountain of silence. The more he looked, the more nothingness, the more he looked. The true and the false. I still can't see this silent mountain. "

"When the ancient dweller fully understands, you can see through the mountain of silence."

"How to understand it clearly?"

The old monk said: "As a linden tree, my heart is like a mirror stand, and I wipe it frequently, so as not to cause dust."

The ancient breeze thought about it, and responded: "The Bodhi has no tree, and the mirror is not Taiwan. There is nothing at all ~ ~ Where to stir dust."

The meaning of the old monk is simple.

说 He said that the body of Gu Qingfeng is a sacred linden tree, and the soul is like a bright table mirror, and it must be wiped and rubbed constantly to prevent it from being blocked by dust pollution.

The answer from Gu Qingfeng was also very simple. Bodhi had no tree originally, and the bright mirror was not a stage. It was originally nothing and nothing, and there was no dust.

The old monk was saying that Gu Qingfeng had some things in his heart that couldn't let go.

Gu Qingfeng replied that he was all alone, and there was nothing to put aside.

"I realized great silence, great freedom, great compassion, great vanity, transcended the avenue, transcended life and death, transcended worldliness, and transcended all beings. Why is my heart becoming more and more unclear, my eyes becoming more unclean, and my understanding becoming more No more, more fetters. "

The old monk's voice was calm and said, "The ancient dweller was confused ..."

"I am really confused. Now I am not only confused, but also live and go back. Are these things in your Buddhist family too wicked, or are they playing me on purpose?"

"The ancient dwellers realized the four states of mind, and they were indeed detached from the avenue. They lived and died, were mundane, and with all sentient beings, but ..." For a moment of silence, the voice of the old monk came again: "The ancient dwellers only did not detach themselves."

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