
Vol 2 Chapter 1646: who am I

"Away from myself ..."

The ancient breeze murmured these four words, groaned for a moment, and then asked, "How to detach myself."

The old monk didn't answer the question and asked, "Do the ancient dwellers really want to be detached from themselves?"

"of course."

"Old man asks again, does Guju really want to be detached from himself?"

"of course."

"Do ancient dwellers really want to be detached from themselves?"

"of course."

The old monk continuously asked Gu Qingfeng three times if he really wanted to be detached from himself, and Gu Qingfeng answered each word without hesitation, of course.

"No! Old man feels that ancient dwellers do not want to be detached from themselves at all."

"That's just what you feel, I feel like I want to be detached from myself."

一次 This time the old monk didn't talk anymore. After the silence, Gu Qingfeng said, "You don't care if I want to or not, I would like to ask you how to detach yourself?"

"If you want to transcend yourself, you must first recognize yourself."

"How to recognize yourself?"

The old monk asked again: "Do the ancient dwellers really want to recognize themselves?"

"of course."

"Do ancient dwellers really want to recognize themselves?"

"of course."

The old monk asked again and again whether Gu Qingfeng wanted to recognize himself three times, and Gu Qingfeng still answered three times of course.

"No! The ancient dwellers not only don't want to be detached from themselves, they don't want to recognize themselves."

"You are not me, how can you know what I think."

衲 "Old man can feel it."

"Really ..." Gu Qingfeng laughed. "That's just how you feel. Unfortunately, you are not me."

"Ancient dweller." The voice of the old monk still came across the ancient, ancient, and ancient, like the bells of the flood, and said, "Who am I?"

"Who are you?" Gu Qingfeng lost his head and replied, "Aren't you an old monk?"

The old monk asked again: "I! Yes! Who!"

"Crap! You are you!"

The old monk asked for the third time: "I! Yes! Who!"

"You didn't tell me who you are," Gu Qingfeng said, "How do I know who you are!"

The old monk asked again, "The ancient dweller, who do you know?"

"Of course I know."

"who are you?"

"I am me! I am Gu Qingfeng."

"No! Laoyang is not asking for a name, it's just a code. You can call it Gu Qingfeng, Laoyang can also be Gu Qingfeng, anyone can call Gu Qingfeng."

"Then you ask me who I am, not the name, what is it?"

衲 "The old man asked, except for the code name, who are you?"

Except for the name, who is he?

This question is really hard to answer.

At least, Gu Qingfeng at this moment does not know how to answer this question.

衲 "Old man asked another question from the ancient dweller, who am I!"

"You already asked this question."

"No! Guju, the old man just asked about himself, now he asks about himself."

Gu Guqingfeng had a headache and asked, "Is there any difference between the self and the ego?"

"When the old man used my code to communicate with the ancient dweller, the ancient dweller's code was also me. What does this mean? Does this mean that you are me and I am you ..."

The ancient breeze was a little confused.

The old monk continued, "Where did I come from and where did I die? Why should I be in this heaven and earth? What does my presence mean for this heaven and earth? Did heaven and earth choose me or did I choose heaven and earth? "

The ancient breeze is more and more confused.


The old monk was still talking, and what he said became more and more profound, saying, "Is there an inevitable connection between the universe and the famine and the heavens and earth? Is there an end to heaven and earth? Is there a length of time? Where does the past time disappear? Where does the future stop? Is the question I am asking at this moment still the same question that Guju just gave? "

"Who is me, are you me, or am I, who am I!"

"Where do I come from?"

"Where am I going?"

The ancient Qingfeng heard only a headache and shouted immediately: "Stop! Stop! Don't say it! I can't stand it."


The old monk sighed and said, "The ancient dweller is not intolerable, the ancient dweller is not incapable of detaching himself, nor is he unable to recognize himself, but the ancient dweller did not want to detach himself from the beginning, nor did he want to recognize himself. "

古 The ancient breeze did not refute this time.

"The ancient dweller has been sleeping for ten thousand years. After waking up, he has realized that he is confused. The ancient dweller's confusion has nothing to do with original sin or causality, but to the old dweller himself. The old dweller knows very well. . "

"Unfortunately, the ancient dwellers did not want to be detached from themselves. The ancient dwellers couldn't let go. They couldn't let go of their" self. "To be precise, the ancient dwellers couldn't hold the memory related to the" self. "

The ancient Qingfeng closed her eyes and looked sad.

After a long while, he asked: "If I abandon myself, after the detachment, am I still me?"

The old monk did not answer this question.

"After detachment, I may still be me, but not me before."

The old monk sighed again and said, "In the final analysis, the ancient dweller still did not want to let go of his heart."

"Although I don't want to, I have to admit that you are telling the truth. I really don't want to let go of my self."

"Old dweller, can you ask me why you can't let go?"

因为 "Because I only want to be myself, this journey has been bumpy, and there are painful memories and good memories, but whether it is painful or good memories, it belongs to me and myself."

The old monk said: "Even if you are detached from yourself, this memory is still the memory of the ancient lay people, and no one can take it away."

"You're right, no one can take it away, but the memory once becomes a memory."

"Is there a difference between memory and recall?"

"Yes, memories are what I have experienced now, memories are what I have experienced before, and memories that I have experienced are still fascinating when I think of them. I have experienced memories ~ ~ Looking back, It just fades away like a cloud of smoke, until it is forgotten. "

"I don't understand."

"You don't understand, I'm right, I'm human, you're a Buddha, how can you understand."

The old monk said: "The Buddha is also a person."

The ancient breeze countered: "But people are not Buddhas."

"Is there a difference between Buddha and man?"

当然 "Of course you are, you are the four Buddhas who are all empty, I am a man of seven emotions and six desires!"

"The four Buddhas are empty, those who are full of affection and desire!"

The old monk murmured: "So it is ... so it is ..."

"My master once taught me a word that adheres to nature and does not forget the original intention. This is the nature of man and also my nature."

所以 "So, the ancient dweller will neither become Buddha nor sanctify in his life, right?"

"of course."

"Even if you are detached from yourself, Guju will still be human."

"After detaching myself, I am still not a person. I do n’t know, but one thing is certain. After detaching myself, it will not be a layman." Gu Qingfeng laughed and said, "Old monk, have you forgotten , I said ... I am a vulgar. I used to be, now, and from now on, I like to be a vulgar.

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