
Vol 2 Chapter 1656: Save one's hand

that's it.

The ancient ancient breeze endured the dual exhaustion of body, mind and spirit, and passed through three heavens.


He really couldn't handle it, so he decided to find a place to rest for a while.

If you continue to hurry, even if you are not exhausted, you will die of boring spirit.

I just.

之中 Where can I go to find a place to rest for a while in this vast wilderness?

The ancient breeze took out the astrolabe and took a closer look.

Wherever the astrolabe is marked with the names of the major celestial spheres, it will also mark the more famous secret world of each celestial sphere, especially the trading world of the major celestial spheres, which will basically be marked on the astrolabe. .

Those who practice cultivating cannot do without resources, whether they are immortals or monsters. Those who practice or travel in foreign countries will go to the world of trading as soon as they come to an unfamiliar world.

In the first place, you can supplement the required resources for your practice.

Twenty-two can also update the sign of the astrolabe.

By the way, Sanlai can also learn about the local customs.

The most important thing is that each of the major secret realms will establish a teleportation array in the trading world of their celestial realm. Therefore, the trading world of each major celestial realm is not only a trading center for buying and selling spiritual resources, but also a transmitting center.

If you are looking for relatives or friends, as long as you come to the trading world, you can teleport to various secret realms.

In addition, the trading world is also a port in the major sky domains.

If you want to go to other heavens, you can take the Xuantian ship in the port.

The ancient breeze knew from the imprint on the astrolabe that the domain name it was in today was called Jinyang Tianyu. The astrolabe also marked the location of Jinyang Tianyu's trading world and several famous secret places.

After the ancient breeze pinpointed the location, he set off for the trading world of Jinyang Tianyu, ready to go there for a few days and talk.

Jinyang Tianyu also does not know what kind of heaven.

The mysterious world looks quite a lot.

I walked along all the way, and occasionally there were groups of practitioners galloping by, and a mighty Daquan team Hu Xiao ran past, looking around, and there were also a few Xuantian ships sailing.

When I saw the Xuantian ship, Gu Qingfeng suddenly stopped.

I wondered whether it was a few days off anyway. Rather than go to the trading world of Lao Zizi, it would be better to take the Xuantian ship.

to be frank.

Although the ancient breeze has seen a lot of Xuantian ships, it has not been used in this life, even once.

When he was in the wild, he could not live with the world. Either he died on this avenue, or he fought with that avenue. He had no time and no time to take the Xuantian ship.

既然 Now that I have run into it, I have to sit and sit.

Thought of this, Gu Qingfeng did not hesitate anymore, and was ready to find a Xuantian ship to mix in and take a look.


A howl came from a fierce beast.

The ancient ancient breeze looked up and found that a ferocious beast in the distance was chasing people and biting.

野 This beast is not small, a foot or twenty meters long, with blue smoke all over it, a huge skull with a black horn, and when the mouth is opened, there are two sharp fangs.

This does not look like a beast, but a monster, and a monster with a violent temperament.

虽然 Although this monster looks awkward, its power is scary. A group of fairies joined forces to encircle them. Instead of shaking the monster, they were chased away by the monster.

Thanks to the speed of the monsters, those immortals were able to escape, but there is a young man who may be because of the low cultivation. It seems that the immortals have dried up and people are almost collapsed. The escape speed is faster than other people. Speak slowly.

I want to say that the monster is also quite clever, knowing that he can't catch up with other people, so he tries hard to chase this prostrative young man.

"Help! Brother Raylie! Help!"

The young man was terribly scared, with a pale face and a desperate spirit, and ran his head daringly, calling for help.

I'm a pity.

His immortal spirit has dried up, and people have collapsed, even the glory of the flying sword at his feet is looming.


The depleted fairy spirit of the young man can no longer support the flying sword under his feet, and finally, the glory of the flying sword disappears, and the young man suddenly falls down.

嗷 ——

I found this scene,

Suddenly the leprechaun jumped forward, rushed over, opened his mouth, and wanted to swallow the young man with a sip.

I said time and time soon.

I saw that Gu Qingfeng raised his foot one step, and before this foot landed, a person had appeared beside the young man. When he raised his hand, he clasped the young man's shoulder.

At this time, the monster was also over, Gu Qingfeng didn't look at it, just grabbed the young man's shoulder with his left hand, and gently waved his right hand with a bang. The monster didn't even hum, and the gray fly went out on the spot. .

"Little brother, how are you?"

Gugu Qingfeng glanced at the young man, this guy has passed out.

Then, at this moment, alas, five moments of kung fu rushed forward.

He is five people.

An unfathomable gray-haired old man.

A handsome young man looking handsome.

He also has an elegant woman.

威 A majestic middle-aged man.

There is also a man with a tiger-backed waist, wearing a fairy armor, thick eyebrows, a beard, and a long knife.

When the twenty-five people appeared, they all stared at Gu Qingfeng with a strange and weird look. They seemed shocked and confused.

"What's wrong?"

The ancient Qingfeng looked at the sudden five people and asked, "What's your advice?"

"This ... Daoyou ~ ~ Don't get me wrong."

The man with a thick eyebrow and a beard put away the long knife in his hand, pointed to the young man who was grabbed by Gu Qingfeng's shoulders, and explained, "Dao You, the person you are holding is ... it is Lao Tzu. ... Oh no! It's the next little brother. "


The ancient breeze still passes the young.

The thick-eyed man saw that the young man was just fainted, and it was not a big deal. The stone hanging inside finally fell down. At this time, a group of people came again. These people seemed to know the faint young man. He seemed to come to him on purpose, and found that the young man just passed out and was relieved.

"Thank you for the rescue of your friend. Otherwise, the little brother who is down might be dead!" The man thanked him in a fist, and then asked politely: "In Xie Leilie, I haven't asked Taoist to name him. . "

The ancient breeze did not speak, not even a word, but just waved his hand and turned away.

"Taoyou Daoyou!"

The man named Lei Lie hurried to catch up, arching his hand: "I also hope that the Taoist will inform the surname of the surname and where to practice. Someone in Lei will definitely go to worship ..."

Before the last word of thank you had time to say, the figure of Gu Qingfeng had disappeared without a trace.

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