
Vol 2 Chapter 1657: Is it big?

"What about people! What about people? He was gone just now. Why is it suddenly gone?"

After Lei Leilie found that Gu Qingfeng had disappeared, he looked around with his eyes wide open, and immediately saw the sacrifice of divine knowledge. However, when he looked around, he could not see the eye and could not detect the divine sense, as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

"How could this be?"

Lei Lie was dumbfounded, and 愣 was there, at a loss.

I'm not alone.

The white-haired old man, the Junyi man, and the elegant woman who appeared with him only when the ancient breeze disappeared, like Lei Lie, offered sacrifices to investigate, but no matter how they probed, However, the trace of Gu Qingfeng has never been detected.

叫 This makes them neither understand nor understand, and even if they do n’t see it with their own eyes, they ca n’t even believe it to be true.

Especially Lei Lie.

Originally, he took a group of brothers to take the Xuantian ship to go to Miluo Tianyu. When he passed Jinyang Tianyu, he was ready to ventilate, and went to the world to buy some resources or something. He spent seven or eight days in the trading world and was preparing to return When I went to the Xuantian ship, I did not expect to be attacked by a monster.

Although there were a lot of monsters emerging, fortunately, there were many passengers on the ship, and many of them were experts. No one was injured. After returning to the ship, he found that one of his little brothers had not returned. And he took someone out to find him.

他 When he found the little brother, the little brother was already a depleted fairy and also collapsed, and was being chased by the monster.

Lei Lie hurry and hurry, still one step late.

What he never expected was that when he thought that his little brother would be killed by Huang Quan, a mysterious man suddenly appeared out of thin air, not only saved his little brother, but he waved gently. That monster was so dead.

You must know that the monster is a ring-shaped blue horned beast. Its strength is so strong that even the big Luo Jinxian who is one of the five concubines is not an opponent. Got a ringed blue horned beast.

Suddenly the mysterious man just waved his hand, and the ringed blue horned beast disappeared.

Lei Lie thought that this mysterious man was a master, at least it had to be a desolate spirit fairy, but what he did not think of was that the mysterious man was not only a desolate spirit fairy, not even an immortal, just one without Any mortal person who cultivates for nothing.

He is really just a mortal.

Xun Leilie couldn't believe it at first. To this end, he deliberately probed several times. He was very sure that the mysterious man was just a mortal man who had not cultivated or created.

Not only he can be sure, the white-haired old man, the handsome man, and the elegant woman can also be sure.

But it's only affirmative.

几 How many of them can't figure out how an ordinary mortal can wipe out a ring-shaped blue horned beast with a wave of his hand?

What's even more incredible is that just now all of them could see clearly that the mysterious man just lifted his feet up and his feet disappeared, and people disappeared without a trace, no matter how they searched or explored could not find it.

what is this?

Sadly is space teleport?

Speaking of space teleportation, although it is not a great magical power, these people can also.

The problem is, this is a vast and vast wilderness.

Anyone with a bit of common sense knows that it is a taboo to perform space teleportation in the wilderness. Once it causes space changes and gets involved in the turbulent flow of space, it is completely finished.

A mortal person not only understands the magical power of space teleportation, but also acts recklessly in the wilderness?


"I was stumped. I was wrong. Isn't he mortal?"

Xi Leilie scratched his head and couldn't figure it out. He turned around and looked at the white-haired old man and others.

"He doesn't have any cultivation or any good fortune. It's neither immortal nor Buddha, nor is it a demon or ghost." The majestic middle-aged man is also a look of sadness, saying, "As for whether he is mortal ... ... this is unknown. "

"There is no cultivation, no creation, not a fairy or a monster, then what is not a mortal?"

"How does a mortal kill a ringed blue horned beast without any cultivation or creation?"

"Yeah! Why?"

Lei Lie looked at the white-haired old man and arched his hand and asked: "Lao Huang, you are a senior and well-informed. Can you give me some pointers? What was the mysterious man who saved my little brother just now? presence?"

The old man with white hair, known as Huanglao, looked at the direction where the ancient breeze disappeared, and frowned deeply, as if thinking about something. After a while, he said, "In ancient times, all things are recovering, many ancient Power has also come to break the seal to wake up and return, maybe ... the person is the legendary ancient power that broke the seal to wake up. "

"Ancient power?"

Xun Leilie opened his mouth and wanted to say something. After all, he didn't say anything, not because he didn't want to say it, but was afraid to say it.

I must know that the masters who can be regarded as mighty are, without exception, the presence of majestic storms.

存在 This existence is already powerful and incomprehensible.

If the ancient two words are added before the power, it is not only powerful and incomprehensible, but horrible and incomprehensible.

句话 A word has been circulating in the great wasteland ~ ~ When the catastrophe came, the power of heaven slept, and the power seal of the underground.

This so-called heavenly power refers to the power in the avenue, such as the Five Great Kings of the West Heavenly Buddha Road, etc. Do not retreat to protect the origin of the avenue.

As for underground power, it refers to those evil powers, such as Jiuyou's old demon, hell's old monster, and so on.

Because heaven and earth will judge all sins when the catastrophes come, therefore, the power of those sins will have to seal themselves.

"It might be an exaggeration to say that he is ancient power," said the majestic man, "but ... his situation reminds me of an existence."

"What exists?"

"Have you ever heard of the word superior?"

I heard that the majestic man mentioned the word "Senior", and several of them were lost in thought.

I want to say the legend about the superior, they have all heard it.

Knowing that in this world, there are always a few extraordinary people in each era. These people are not immortals, demons, demons, or Buddhas. They are no longer in any avenue. Although they are mortals, they are Extraordinary, and each of them is superb, so this kind of person is called superior.

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