
Vol 2 Chapter 1681: Renyi

The words of the old Taoist priests were all red-eared, red-faced, and ashamed, and wanted to refute, but did not know how to speak.

In the face of the ancient Qingfeng, they did not dare to do anything.

There are three reasons.


Because they all heard that in Jinyang Tianyu, Gu Qingfeng once waved his hand gently and wiped out a ring-shaped blue horned beast.

It is said that the ring-shaped blue-horned beast is powerful enough to be comparable to the big Luo Jinxian who has completed the nine owls.

Although these immortals are all barren spirit immortals, and they all have the great light of the nine days to give birth, but to say that killing a ring-shaped blue horned beast, none of them have the ability.

This is just one of them.

The second is because of Yunyan Fairy.

They all know that the existence of the Yunyan Fairy is not trivial, and may even be more terrifying than expected, including Mo Baiyu, who believes that such existence exists. Instead of ignoring Mo Baiyu who died on the inheritance of Xiandao, he was obedient to the ancient Qingfeng. .


It's because of legends about the Master.

It is said that the existence of the Supreme Master is infinitely powerful, with superb power, heaven and earth, and omnipotence.

What's more, Gu Qingfeng always looks relaxed and free, as if there is no fear, this makes them no one in their hearts.

The most important thing is that Mo Baiyu, who died on Shang Chengxian Road, never said a word, even a word.

They are even more afraid to act lightly.

Most of these immortals have cultivated for tens of thousands of years. They can be described as mature and sophisticated. It is clear that the vastness of the wilderness and the mysteriousness are full of endless unknowns. Moreover, in ancient times, all things have recovered and everything has been restored. The ancient powers have all awakened and returned, and even the return to ruins collapsed, and the ghost knew how many terrible existences were born.

They are also afraid of getting in the wrong place.

It is important to maintain the prestige of Xiandao, but if you should provoke people who shouldn't provoke it, and lose your little life, it will not be worth it.

Failure to do so is nothing more than a loss of face.

But if you take a shot, if you lose, it will be more than just losing face.

"Old Taoist, you are picking something!"

Opposite, Gu Qingfeng sat on the chair, looked at the old priest with a grin, and said with a smile, "Why, isn't it too big to see the fun?"

"Boy, as you just said, wine can be drunk casually, but you can't just talk casually, when did I pick something up and when would it be fun to watch the fun? I just watched the atmosphere just now Dull, just a joke on purpose, just alive the atmosphere, shouldn't you take it seriously? Can't you take it seriously. "

To say that this old Taoist is really evil, look at a group of immortals, and say, "Especially you, don't take it to heart. Old Tao, I was just joking, I didn't mean anything, I just wanted to Enliven the atmosphere, that's all. Let's go. I'll punish myself three cups, even if it's an atonement. "

After all, Lao Dao also learned Gu Qingfeng poured three glasses of wine for himself, and even drank.

This act seems to be archaic, but ... it seems more ironic, not only that Gu Qingfeng dared to do it, but also all the immortals standing on the deck are a bunch of soft eggs.

At this time.

Mo Baiyu, who had been silent for a while, finally spoke, saying, "It should be to persuade you not to take it seriously. Since you were on this ship, you are my Mo Baiyu's guest. Although I was killed by Cheng Chengdao, Shangxian, but it is the owner of this Xuantian ship. It is my first task and responsibility to lead you safely to your destination. As for other trivial matters, I will not interfere too much. "

Speaking, he walked to a table next to him. When he raised his hand, a crystal jug appeared in his hand, and he poured a glass of wine for himself. It ’s not offensive to prestige and immortality. At least, it ’s not to me, Mo Baiyu, after all, we are neither Buddha nor sage, we ca n’t achieve all four things, let alone nonsense, not to mention, even if The Buddha, and also the wine and meat, passed through the intestines, and the Lord of the Buddha stayed in his heart. "

The words turned.

Mo Baiyu looked at Gu Qingfeng again and said faintly: "But ... I still advise you, and you must make fun of Xiandao. In the next, you may not account for these small things, but it does not mean that other immortals will not. It ’s a word that has been passed down since ancient times, not to mention that there is a sky outside, and there are people outside of it. Do n’t you think you are great, you do n’t know the size of the world, and the geometry? ”


He gently took the wine glass to his mouth, drank it, drank it, looked at the old Taoist, and said, "Old ancestors, upholding the prestige of Xiandao, although it is our generation's responsibility, but maintaining the prestige of Xiandao is not the same as killing people. This is the act of the demon, not the act of the immortal. As seen by the younger generation, it is to maintain the prestige of the immortal Tao, and more importantly to lead by example, abide by morality, benevolence, and be able to educate all beings. In this way, it is truly to maintain the prestige of the immortal Tao. "

To say that this Mo Baiyu really deserves to be the Shangxian who died in Shangcheng.

That said, what was said was powerful and righteous.

Not only has it resolved the embarrassment of the immortals who didn't dare to do it ~ ~ At the same time, it also took the opportunity to ridicule the old Taoist priests for nothing.

Of course, I also used the words from the mouth to warn Gu Qingfeng.

His meaning was simple, and everyone heard it plainly.

Mo Baiyu is the owner of this huge ship. His responsibility is to **** you to your destination safely.

As for some trivial matters, others won't be too lazy to care about you.

Especially the last words are extremely convincing.

Maintaining the prestige of Xiandao does not mean killing people. This is the act of the demon, not the act of the immortal.

To truly protect the prestige of Xiandao is to lead by example, abide by morality and benevolence-based, in order to educate all beings.

That said is quite exciting.

It is these words that set off Mo Baiyu's incomparably tall and brilliant, and can be called a magnificent gentleman.

At the same time, the old priest was set off as a mean and sinister villain.

Against the background of these words, Gu Qingfeng also became an ignorant person who was unknowingly high after being drunk.

After Mo Baiyu said these words, there was a warm applause on the deck.

Even Gu Qingfeng couldn't help clapping and applauding, looking at some awkward old priests, and laughing: "Old priests, take a good look, listen carefully, look at the others, and look at you, don't be fine in the future Looking for something, the province was scolded. "

The old Taoist stared at Gu Qingfeng fiercely, and unhappyly glanced at Mo Baiyu, whispering, "Little bunny, his mother can be called!"

Looking at the gloating Gu Qingfeng opposite, the old priest sneered, "You boy, how happy you are, can't you hear? That bunny is also sarcastic about your boy's ignorance."

"I'm not wrong. I have lived most of my life and I don't know how thick the sky is."

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