
Vol 2 Chapter 1682: Goblin

Mo Baiyu left the deck in the cheers and applause of the crowd.

With it.

All the immortals also left, and Shangguandong looked at the old Taoist priests, and then looked at the ancient Qingfeng, and after the Yunyan Fairy, he scorned with a disdain, and followed.

Gu Qingfeng continued to drink wine with the Yunyan Fairy, Yi Shanghang, and the old Taoist priests.

He could see that he knew that Yunyan Fairy was a demon.

The beautiful boy named Yi Xingxing is the son of a demon.

The so-called demon's son, as the name suggests, is the child of a demon and a demon.

Demons usually have no children.

As for the reason.

It seems to be related to an ancient legend and an ancient curse.

It is said that a long time ago, the ancestors who dominated the demon origin and the ancestors who dominated the demon origin have had such a past, and they also gave birth to a son, the son of the demon.


The child of this demon bred not only possesses terrible powers by birth, but also has great ambitions. His disposition is cruel and ruthless.

In the end, they not only snatched the two origins of the demon and the demon from the ancestors, but also tried to merge the two origins of the demon and the demon. Not only that, but even the demon and the demon were completely killed and prepared After merging the two origins together, create a demon clan.

In order for the two races of the demon to survive, the two ancestors could only endure the death of the demon's son.

In order to prevent future generations from repeating their own mistakes, the two ancestors both vowed to curse, expressly prohibiting the marriage between the demon and the magic road, and even if the marriage did not produce a child.

In addition to this ancient vulgar legend, Gu Qingfeng has heard of another version.

The same is an ancient legend, with an ancient curse.

the difference is.

This is not a legend about the demon's two ancestors' righteousness and sacrifice.

On the contrary, it is the legend that the sons of the demon changed the fate of the two major races of the demon and changed their lives against the sky.

The existence of the devil is all conceived by the turbid gas.

The demon is cultivated by the beast absorbing the turbid gas.

The cloudy air is from heaven to earth.

In other words, whether it is a demon or a demon, it is a ghost.

Since ancient times, only yin and yang have been born, but yang, yin and yin cannot have each other. Just like a woman and a woman, a man and a man, it is impossible to give birth to a child.


Heaven and earth are not absolute.

It seems that in history there has been a pair of demons that gave birth to a demon's son.

This demon's son is also extremely powerful since childhood, and has extremely terrifying power. Unlike the previous legend, this demon's son has no delusion to merge the two origins of the demon, nor does it destroy the two major races of the demon Create a demon race.

Not only did not, but also led the two major races of demons to battle the heavens and earth, to open up territory, it is said that they also conquered the immortal road, dominated the wilderness, and said that when the battles of the heavens and earths were conquered, the souls were covered with charcoal, blood flowed into the river, committed Hell of sin.

He was finally judged by heaven and earth ...

Since then, there has been a legend between heaven and earth.

Once the demon has a child, the son of the demon may be a catastrophe between heaven and earth, and a great disaster.

in fact.

What a catastrophe, what a scourge.

All nonsense.

Others may not know how ancient Qingfeng feels.

Between this heaven and earth, everything that threatens the existence of immortal Buddha and even heaven and earth is a disaster for them.

This is the usual method of immortal Buddha and heaven and earth.

For uncontrolled unknown variables, Avenues always like to give them a big hat of disaster.

He is one of the victims himself.

The demon and the demon are both sullen and overcast, which could not be mutually compatible. If a child of a demon was bred, then the child of the demon must also be a variable. Even if it is not a variable, it is definitely not a good thing for all roads Controlled unknown exists.

Why the son of the demon named Yi Xingxing was on this ship, he didn't know, and was too lazy to think about it, let alone care.

Compared with a demon like Yunyan Fairy, and a son of a demon like Yixing, Gu Qingfeng has a little more interest in this old Taoist priest who seems to be shabby.

The existence of Taoist priests is very rare in ancient times and ancient times, even in ancient times.

Gu Qingfeng hasn't seen many Taoist priests in his life. He can count them with one hand.

And in the impression, the Taoist priests he met, without exception, were pretty evil.

Say it's a fairy, it's not a fairy, it's not a fairy, it's a fairy.

Say it's a person, it's not a person. Say it's not a person. His mother is also a person.

This is the feeling of being immortal and being immortal.

Whether the existence of Taoist priests is in Xiandao or humane, Gu Qingfeng has not been clear about this problem. It seems that the existence of Taoist priests is not on any avenue, but also on any avenue.

He once met a Taoist in the great wilderness, and the relationship between them was good.

Gu Qingfeng also asked the Taoist a question, what exactly is a Taoist ~ ~ To this day, he still clearly remembers that the Taoist responded to him, "The avenue is called Taoist. However, Tao is obedience, and obedience is the thing, so it is called Taoist. "

Gu Qingfeng didn't understand it then, but now he has carefully understood the sentence, but he understands it somewhat.

He pondered the existence of the so-called Taoist priests, which should be traced back to a long, long time ago, perhaps before the ancient times, or even during the flood and famine eras before the Taoist era.

Because there is only the flood era, the avenue is a pure avenue, and there is no distinction between immortal Buddhas and monsters.

At that time, the practice of mind, the practice of the mind, was the Tao, so those who call it the Taoist are also Taoists.

of course.

This is only Gu Qingfeng's own guess. Whether the Taoist priests have continued from the flood era, he really doesn't know.

After all, the era of floods is a time of mythology, which is not at all reachable by him.

And there are only some myths and legends about the things handed down in the flood season.

The old priest in front of himself looked at it as a priest, and Gu Qingfeng looked at it, and it was similar to the Taoist priests in his impression. The only thing that made Gu Qingfeng curious and doubted was that he felt that the old priest seemed like a wicked person.

That's right.

It's just the wicked, not the original sinner.

The original sinners are all innocent, but the innocent are not the original sinners.

But he didn't know, was this old Taoist alive from the Age of Injustice, or was there any cause and effect with the Age of Injustice?

If it is just that, it is not so confusing as Guqin Feng.

But he also felt a quite familiar feeling from the old Taoist.

Seems to be familiar.

He also couldn't figure out whether this apparent acquaintance was due to the existence of the old Taoist priests or other reasons.

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