
Vol 2 Chapter 1741: Changhong Guanri

"Ah-old miscellaneous hair! You dare to hurt me! Today I will let you die without a burial place!"

Wu Yuanwu's face was completely white and hesitant. Regardless of his injury, he madly operated the immortals in his body. When he leapt up, the violent immortal power broke out again, forming a bright day again in the air.

I saw Yuan Wu holding a flying sword, and suddenly he picked, and in a flash, a silver-white Changhong stood up to the sky, running through that bright day.

That round of bright big Hitachi flashed madly, each flash contained infinite mystery, infinite change, it is really mysterious and mysterious, wonderful and wonderful, and the power of creation is unparalleled!

没有 No one in the audience did not recognize this creation!

Xun is the famous stunt of the floating emperor, and also a great wild catastrophe. It is regarded as a classic by thousands of immortals, and Changhong runs through the sun.

The reason why Changhong Guanri can be a great disaster is that this small thousand creations can make the full of the great power of the big day, and at the same time it can also stimulate the power of the bright blood in the body. Will become more powerful.

The most terrifying thing is that if it is shrouded by Changhong Guanri and other small thousand creatures, it can be said that there is nowhere to hide, no escape can escape, only resistance.

If it can be blocked, it is good. If it can't be blocked, it will be penetrated by Changhong on the spot, it will be immortal if it is not dead, and it is not impossible to die.

At this moment.

In the air, Yuan Wu was set off by Xiao Qianhuahua's Changhong Guanri, and his whole body was glittering. He looked extremely sacred, like a **** of war. The pure immortal power was spinning wildly, which was very powerful.

"Old miscellaneous hair! Let's die!"

Yuan Wu, who was holding a fairy sword, was another pick. A Changhong condensed under Huo De's feet. What was shocking was that Huo De shook himself and escaped so easily. This is really incredible. .

"I see when you can hide!"

Xi Yuanwu held the fairy sword and picked up wildly. One after another, Bai Hong condensed out. What was astounding was that the Bai Hong sacrificed by Yuan Wu were all avoided by the fire.

"Changhong runs through the sun, the sun rises!"

Wu Yuanwu was so angry that he held a fairy sword and faced the bright day.

I heard a loud noise, and a hundred meters of Bai Hong rose into the sky like a dragon.

This time, Huode did not dodge, but shook his body. The black and white brilliance of the whole body bloomed. He spread his legs, squatted down, took a step, and twitched his hands with a method. ! "


When Bai Hong rushed out at his feet, instead of penetrating the physical body of Huo De, he was also forced down by Huo De!

"Changhong Guanri is indeed a great little Qianhuahua, unfortunately! You bunny hasn't cultivated home yet! Want to kill Laozi? You are not even qualified enough!"

Holding on to the fire morale of the horse, his fingers changed with ten fingers, the Taoist tactics condensed out, and he raised his finger to the big day in the air, and shouted, "Wanfa sword heart, break me!"


The peach-wood sword that I had been hanging behind him turned out instantly and turned into a sword-mangling, which instantly pierced the bright day hanging in the air.



Yuanwu's bright day was so pierced by the fire-dark peach sword. The so-called Xiaoqianhuahua Changhong Guanri also disappeared, and Yuanwu was also pierced by the bright day. The physical body was affected. Wow , Vomiting blood, falling from above.

"Little bunny! Roll over for my husband!"

Feng Huode leaped forward, stretched out his hand to grab Yuan Wu's neck, and held him in the air.

Wu Yuanwu was afraid.

I was completely scared.

He wanted to struggle, but because he was seriously injured, the immortals in his body were exhausted, and he had no strength to fight and struggle again.

"What are you still doing, kill him! Kill him, kill me !!!"

Wu Yuanwu hissed and shouted, but his voice didn't fall, and wow, he vomited more than blood.

not far away.

前 The predecessors are all practitioners of Yuanwu's fairyland. They went out with Yuanwu to protect their personal safety.

After all, Yuan Wu was the upper immortal who died on the immortal path. Wonderland really spent a lot of resources to train him. Usually when Yuan Wu went out, many seniors from Wonderland accompanied him.

Each of these wonderland predecessors is an old guy who has cultivated for many years. He is highly advanced and has rich experience. They are not unable to see the existence of Huo De, which is unfathomable. They just did not expect Huo De to do it. Be scary.

He not only defeated the bright sunlight of Yuanwu with a single palm, but also the Changhong Guanri of Xiaoqianhua who exhibited by Yuanwu was pierced by a sword.

How can they dare to do this!

The answer is yes.

They dare not shoot.

Wu Yuanwu didn't know the sky was thick, but they knew it.

Looking at Huo De holding Yuan Wu's neck, these seniors did not hesitate, rushed forward, hugged fists.

"Yuanwu doesn't mean to offend, and I hope that Your Excellency will show mercy!"

"Yuanwu was young and ignorant, he didn't know how to advance and retreat, you can take a lesson to learn, so as not to hurt your life!"

These seniors knew that they were out of reach, but they had no choice but to stand up and ask for Yuanwu's pity.

"Old miscellaneous hair! My Yuanwu is a descendant of Miluo Tianyu's Baiye family, and also a disciple of Miluo Tianyu Wuling Wonderland ~ ~ It is also the Shangxian who died on Shangcheng Xiandao. If you dare to kill me today, Our Baiye family will certainly forgive you, our Five Spirit Wonderland will not spare you, and Jiutian Immortal Road will also heal your sin! "

I want to say that Yuan Wu is really arrogant and arrogant.

He was seriously injured at the moment, and Huo De was holding his neck, as long as Huo De was willing to flick his fingers, he could kill him.

Even so, Yuan Wu dare to be so crazy, trying to bring out his family background to scare Huode.

Don't say.

Xi Yuanwu's family background is indeed very deterrent.

Both their Baiye family and Wuling Wonderland are very influential in Miluo Tianyu, especially Wuling Wonderland. It can be said that it is one of the top ten wonderlands in Miluo Tianyu. Most people really dare not mess with it. Even if his shot hurts him, he also faces the pursuit of the Baiye family and Wuling Wonderland.

The most important thing is that after all, Yuan Wu was the **** who died on Shang Chengxian Road. He carried the death of Xian Dao on his body, just like Tianzi's disciples. His status is very honorable. Killing him is equivalent to disobedience to Jiu Tian Xian Tao. It will even be punished by Jiutianxiandao.

You must know that in the ancient times, Xiandao ruled the heavens and earths. There are nine days to set up a fairy house in all the fields of the Great Wild, and all heavens and heavens have nine days to set up a fairy dynasty. If you want a nine-day fairy road, it is absolutely nowhere. Hiding, nowhere to escape.

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