
Vol 2 Chapter 1742: Fire play

It is precisely because of this that Yuan Wu dare to embark on such a wild and fearless journey.

"Little bunny! His mother's death is imminent, and dare to talk hard to the old husband? Why, do you think the old husband really dare not kill you?"

Fen Huo De held Yuan Wu's neck with a sudden force, and clicked, Yuan Wu suddenly hissed and cracked his lungs.

"Please also read to the Baiye family, and also to the Five Spirits Wonderland, and even to the face of Jiutian Immortal Road, to show mercy!"

More than a dozen old seniors in Wuling Wonderland were so anxious that they kept pleading, if a Yuanwu died here today, then they would have no face to go back.

Although Yuan Wu was the **** who died on Shang Chengxian Road, most people didn't dare to kill him, but it was only the majority.

凡 Those who immortal killed Shangxian are rebellious against Xianxian and disrespect to Xiandao, but if the people in Changsheng Pavilion, such as Bai Ze and Leng Jue on the field, killed Yuan Wu, there would be no fart.

Even if there is no background like Changsheng Pavilion, killing Shangxian, and then there is a lot of people who ca n’t run, especially the old bachelor who has no family background and no background, kills Shangxian and runs away. It's really hard to find. In the future, change your face and act in a low-key manner. As long as your identity is not revealed, it will not be a big deal.

At this time, mother-in-law Jinhua also stood up and said, "You Huo Dedao, although Yuan Wu has always been arrogant and arrogant. The monk looked at the Buddha's face, and he hoped that the Taoist friend could punish him for it, so as not to hurt his life. "

The centrifugal fairy also came out to persuade him, "It's just a young ignorant little guy. Why should the Huo Daoyou have general knowledge with him? Moreover, this little guy has already got his due lessons, and I think he should have a little memory in the future. This time, Leave him alone. "

She Qiaoer also persuaded, "Yeah, yeah, old Huode, you really don't need to have general knowledge with people like him."

Seeing the mother-in-law and the centrifugal fairy of Changsheng Pavilion stand up to woo Yuan Wu, the old predecessor of Wuling Wonderland hurriedly reprimanded: "Yuanwu, don't hurry to admit wrong to senior Huode!"

Huo Yuanwu was pinched by Huo De's neck, and he was in pain. Although he was unwilling to accept it, in order to survive and to avoid suffering, he finally chose to bow his head and admit it.

"Predecessors, seniors! I ... the juniors know that they are wrong ... should not be wrong, shouldn't ... should offend you ... and hope ... and the seniors' mercy! The juniors will never dare ..."

The old man in Wuling Wonderland said with an arched hand: "Huode, Daoyou, Yuan Wu has already mistakenly confessed, and please raise your expensive hand and let him go."

"It's not the old man who is offended by this bunny! It's not the old man who can save his little life today!"

Beacon's words came, incomprehensible.

What's not offending him?

If it was not him who offended, who offended?

What does it mean that Yuan Wu can save his life today? He doesn't count?

若 If he said nothing, who said it?

When the people were puzzled, Huo De carried Yuan Wu and flashed back to the deck, still holding Huo De in front of Gu Qingfeng.

"Uncle Gu, grandpa ancestor, what are you going to do with this little cub? You look at it."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

I couldn't think of why Huode could let this mysterious master dispose of Yuan Wu.

They thought about it and couldn't think of it. I don't know when Yuan Wu offended the mysterious master, and after listening to the words, Huo Defang only said that today Yuan Wu can keep his life, depends on the meaning of the mysterious master?

Everyone is a little embarrassed, including Jinhua Mother-in-law and Centrifugal Fairy. They are also confused, wondering what it is all about.

"I said Huode, you hit someone. Now what does it mean to deal with him?"

Gu Qingfeng was still lazily lying on his back, drinking wine, and glanced at the bloodless Yuan Wu, who said that he was not bloody. He said with a salty smile, "How? Are you going to let the grandfather carry the blame for you? Take the charge of killing the immortal? "

"What's your kid talking about! When did the old man let you carry the blame? This bunny just made a fuss and was disrespectful to you, isn't this the old man to help you learn lessons!"

"Yo, isn't it? I have to thank you for not being able to say that?"

"Thank you, who do we talk to, and what else do we see with my husband?" Huo De sat down, took a sip of wine, and said, "Say, what should I do with this boy, kill or kill, or cook?" It ’s still cooked. "

"This is a Shangxian who died on Shangchengxiandao. If he kills, the crime is not small, I can't afford it."

"Oh! Uncle Gu, my great ancestor, are there people in your world who dare not kill, ca n’t afford the crime? Come on, I said that this kind of thing that even a three-year-old child ca n’t fool, What good person do you pretend to be in front of the husband? "

"What is pretending to be good? Grandpa, I've always been good, and ..."


Before the words of the ancient breeze were finished, Huo De looked impatient and interrupted him, saying, "Stop it, the old man is too lazy to listen to you, and you just say what to do with this kid."

"What to dispose of, what to dispose of, who hasn't been a frivolous young person, everyone came here like this, understandably."

"Say that a little life for this bunny?"

"Otherwise? Are you planning to kill him? Do you have the courage?"

"Guzi, don't look down on the old man, as long as your boy says a word, I will kill this rabbit on the spot!"

"real or fake?"

"Crap! Of course it is true!"

"OK, you kill it."

Huo's voice dropped, Huode suddenly choked in his heart, swallowed a saliva, and choked his throat and said, "What a killer?"

"What's wrong? Dare?"

"Who said the old man didn't dare, UU reads It's just ... Although this bunny is a bit arrogant and offends you, but it's just too fast to talk about it, if it kills him like that, yes Isn't it a little too ... that? Not to mention your kid just now, who was n’t young and frivolous, when your kid was young, his mother was more arrogant than this bunny. The characters are his mother-in-law, Lao Tzu and God, have n’t you kid in your eyes? "

"You hit a man. After you hit him, you said to him to deal with him. He said to kill him. You talked to him again. The bad guys are you, the good guys are you, and his mother's bad guys and good guys are you. I ’ve done it for my grandpa. What else do you call my grandpa? What should I do? Huode, can we play less snacks, play less tricks, and be more sincere? You are also a big boss, can you do something serious? "

Fang Huode was blushed by Gu Qingfeng's old face and mumbled, "Isn't this old man afraid of you ... the boy is angry and wants to let you suffocate. Your boy doesn't appreciate it, how can he teach the old man?"

"Huode, Grandpa and I have been in this wilderness for so many years and experienced so many things, even if Grandpa can't do everything in one's heart, the four big things are empty, but he won't be angry about this trivial matter, let alone. If I had already been angry, would I still sit here and watch your kid sing and jump here to sing for Grandpa? "

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