
Vol 2 Chapter 1845: It ’s Xiaojiner

"I want to inquire about the ... that little Jiner, if my little brother knows it, because of some personal things, as long as it is anything related to Xiao Jiner w..lā"

The young girl had big eyes that were pure, clear, and agile. She looked at Gu Qingfeng poorly and begged, "Little brother, can you? I will ... thank you very much, and I will repay you well."

When the young girl first came, Gu Qingfeng just glanced casually and did not take it to her heart. She thought it was the kind of little girl who had just arrived in the world. At this moment, I heard that this girl wanted to inquire about Xiao Jin'er. With the attention of Gu Qingfeng, he couldn't help looking at it seriously.

It doesn't matter if you look carefully, Gu Qingfeng immediately felt a sense of acquaintance, especially when he touched the girl's pair of extremely clear and extremely pure eyes, the silent heart could not help but swell waves.

Immediately someone came to mind, not others, but Xiao Jiner.

Without hesitation, quickly sacrifice to detect.

When he touched the young girl's soul, the inner throb was stronger.


Xiao Jin'er is inexplicably a madman, and leads to the blood moon of the innocent era.

Blood Moon Desire will be fused with Xiao Jin'er. After the fusion, Xiao Jin'er may not be the innocent Xiao Jin'er anymore.

In order to prevent Xiao Jiner from merging with Wudao Blood Moon, Gu Qingfeng killed Xiao Jiner on the spot, and left Xiao Jiner's destiny soul.

As long as there is a destiny soul, he has a way to reshape the body for Xiao Jiner.

Gu Qingfeng was very familiar with Xiao Jin'er's destiny and soul before he offered a sacrifice to investigate. Basically, he was sure that the mysterious girl sitting next to himself was Xiao Jiner.

But if she is really Xiao Jin'er, why don't she know herself? Don't even forget who she is? Want to find out more about her?


Gu Qingfeng suddenly remembered what Huode had said.

Huo De said that after Su Jin reshaped the body for Xiao Jin'er, he was worried that Xiao Jin'er would trigger Blood Moon again. He also worried that Xiao Jin'er would become depressed after going through the blood month. Jiner's previous memories were all taken away.

In other words, Xiao Jiner no longer remembers the past.

But why is she running here alone to inquire about her own news?

Sorry to say she thought about the past?

Not sure.

Although Gu Qingfeng was very excited to see Xiao Jin'er here, he could not show it, let alone show his identity, because he was also worried that Xiao Jin'er would think of the previous events, which led to the blood moon. Repeat here.

"Little brother ... what happened to you?"

Seeing Gu Qingfeng not talking, Xiao Jin'er asked in confusion.

"I said young man, just now the old man still thinks that your boy is a good character. Why are you staring at the little girl now? What is your boy thinking blindly?" Luo Xuan reminded him, "My old man warns you, But do n’t allow any crooked thoughts, otherwise, do n’t blame the old man for being polite to you. ”

"No, I just suddenly remembered something and left God." Gu Qingfeng tried to ask, "Yes, younger sister, what's your name?"

"I?" Xiao Jin'er said quietly, "My surname is Su, Mingyao, and my little brother calls me Yaoyao. Yaoyao can do it."

"Su Yao ..."

Gu Qingfeng thought about this name, guessing that it should be the name given by Su Shi, and asked, "Yaoyao, do you look young? Why did you run out by yourself, your family? Didn't accompany you ?"

"This ... actually ..."

Xiao Jin'er bit her lip lightly, as if hesitating, and after a while, she said, "Actually ... I ran out of the house by myself. My family didn't know I was here, but ... … They should already know by now, and they might even come to see me soon, so ... I may not have much time. "

"Your family is too irresponsible, how can you let yourself run out!"

Gu Qingfeng was a bit angry, because of special reasons, Xiao Jiner was immature, she was so innocent, her heart was so kind, she did n’t even step on an ant, she did n’t know the evil of the outside world, what others said about her What do you believe if you run into a bad person?

The most important thing is that since Xiao Jiner ran here and started to inquire about his own news, he clearly had doubts about the memory that he had lost in the past, and maybe even things were more complicated, maybe he would provoke the curse of Blood Moon again.

Thought of this, Gu Qingfeng would not get angry.

When Wudao Mountain came down, she deliberately gave Xiao Jiner's innate soul to Su Shi, and repeatedly told Su Shi to take good care of Xiao Jiner. After all, the blood moon curse of the Wudao era was an unknown sign, and ancient The breeze is an inexorable existence ~ ~ If not, when Xiao Jin'er caused the Blood Moon curse, Sanqian Avenue would not try to wipe it out.

It was thought that after being handed over to Su Shi, Su Shi could take care of Xiao Jiner, and Gu Qingfeng believed that Su Shi had this ability.

But what she didn't expect was that Su Ying didn't even ask Xiao Jin'er, even Xiao Jin'er ran here alone without knowing it.

"No! Little brother, don't get me wrong. My family is very nice to me. They are not irresponsible. I secretly ran out with my family behind me. When I ran out, they didn't know."

"It can be irresponsible for you to sneak out by yourself, and ..." Gu Qingfeng drank a glass of wine very unpleasantly, and said, "If your family has anything to treat you, you will not It's impossible to run out secretly, "


Xiao Jin'er frowned, staring at Gu Qingfeng inexplicably, and asked, "Little brother, do you know me?"

After hearing Jin Jin's question like this, Gu Qingfeng suddenly hesitated in his heart, quickly shook his head, and said, "I don't know, what happened?"

"But ... listening to your tone, how do I feel like you know me, and ..." Xiao Jin'er crooked his head and frowned deeply, staring closely at the dark and silent eyes of Gu Qingfeng. Youyou said, "I don't know why, I always feel that my little brother is very familiar, as if we knew each other before, especially the eyes of the little brother, I ... really feel very familiar, it feels like the little brother ... like ... ... a close relative of mine. "

If possible, Gu Qingfeng really wanted to tell Xiao Jiner his identity, but he couldn't do it.

at least.

He couldn't say anything until he knew what was going on with Xiao Jin'er.


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