
Vol 2 Chapter 1846: 2 people 2 horses

"Little sister, if you like it, you will treat me like your relative."

"Is it really possible?"

Xiao Jiner looks happy.

Although Xiao Jiner has now been reshaped by Su Shi, her appearance is different from before, but those clear eyes without any mundane dust have not changed, they are still so pure, so naive, So innocent, expectantly asked, "Can I call your brother later?"

"of course can."

Somehow, when Gu Qingfeng finished saying this, Xiao Jin'er's eyes suddenly turned red, and tears couldn't help flowing down, and he flew into Gu Qingfeng's arms and wept.

When Xiao Jiner cried, she felt a bit overwhelmed by Gu Qingfeng, but she patted Xiao Jiner's back and asked, "Sister, why are you still crying?"

"Woohoo ... brother, I don't know ... I just feel so happy in my heart! Woohoo ... I have never been so happy like today, I really feel like my brother is like my loved one, like me A loved one who misses so much, ohh ... "

Gu Qingfeng comforted Xiao Jin'er, listening to Xiao Jin's cry, and his heart was very unpleasant, saying, "Maybe a long time ago, such as in our last life, such as in previous lives, we are really relatives."

Xiao Jiner felt that Gu Qingfeng was like a relative of hers.

And isn't it true that ancient breeze?

Since the end of ancient times, he has been taken away by God, and the world has been reborn in this world. When I first met Xiao Jin'er, I had a strong feeling that I would always guard it like my brother and sister Xiao Jiner, as long as Xiao Jiner is happy, he will be satisfied, even if he really becomes the original sin God in the future, slaughter the Three Thousand Avenues, destroy the heavens and the earth, and start the era of infidelity.

That's true.

In this life, Gu Qingfeng only felt that way to Xiao Jiner.

He himself didn't know why.

Perhaps as he himself said, his former life and Xiao Jin'er were really close relatives.

This can not help but make Gu Qingfeng feel a little bit sad.

Because of the rebirth that year, when I returned to the ancient world, I met Xiao Jiner.

I never thought that this time, I was reborn again, and returned to the ancient world, and I met Xiao Jiner again.

Probably, this is the so-called cause and effect, the so-called destiny, it is already doomed.

Xiao Jiner cried for a long time, lying in the arms of Gu Qingfeng, crying and crying, and fell asleep.

"What's wrong, little girl?"

Luo Xuan's ancestor looked with doubt, apparently, suffering from an elderly idiot, he couldn't understand the scene in front of him, and he couldn't figure out the two strangers who were good at each other. He then became a brother who depended on him. Sister?

"Just asleep."

Gu Qingfeng caressed Xiao Jin'er's hair, looked at Xiao Jin'er in her sleep, and took care of it gently.

"Why is this asleep?"

Luo Xuan's ancestor wanted to wake up Xiao Jin'er, but was stopped by Gu Qingfeng, saying: "This girl ran secretly from a great distance to this world. She was tired and exhausted, but she was exhausted. A belief is underpinning it, otherwise it would have collapsed. "

"That's true."

Luo Xuan's ancestors looked at Gu Qingfeng up and down, wondering, "However, your boy doesn't look as simple as the surface. Who are you?"


Gu Qingfeng smiled and said, "An old man."

"Old man?"

Luo Xuan's ancestor was puzzled: "What old man?"

"Come, I'll tell you after drinking this glass of wine."

Gu Qingfeng raised his glass and drank, but Luo Xuan's ancestors did the same, but when Luo Xuan's ancestors drank a glass of wine and dropped the glass, they were already on the table.

"Old ancestors!"

Seeing this scene, Luo Xuan Lao Tang's guys rushed over, pointed at Gu Qingfeng, and yelled, "What have you done to our ancestors?"

"Your ancestor is just drunk."

Gu Qingfeng stood up, hugged Xiao Jin'er, and looked at Luo Xuan, who was sleeping on the table, and said, "Father, there will be a period later."

Say nothing.

People have disappeared without a trace.


Early in the morning, the sun rose.

Two people rode two horses slowly down the country road.

A seemingly unruly man with long hair scattered casually, riding an old horse, holding a jug and drinking.

An innocent, cute and cute girl holding a sword and riding a white horse with a bell hanging around her neck. The bell made a crisp sound as she moved forward slowly.

It is Gu Qingfeng and Xiao Jiner.

Xiao Jin'er looked very happy, talking and laughing with Gu Qingfeng along the way, said, "Brother, do you know? I'm really happy to meet you and I'm very happy. I have never felt this way before."

"What? Have you been unhappy before?"

"No, I have been very happy before, but this happy feeling is different. When I was with my brother, I felt very relaxed, and I slept in my brother's arms last night, really ... I really felt very Happiness ~ ~ I have never felt so happy to sleep. "

Xiao Jin'er blinked her big clear eyes and asked, "Brother, do you say that we were really loved in our previous lives?"


"Brother, do you believe in reincarnation in this past life?

Hearing that Xiao Jiner raised the cause and effect, Gu Qingfeng frowned, and asked, "Why did you suddenly say this?"

"Actually ... I always have a secret in my heart. I have never said it to outsiders, even to my family. But after meeting my brother, I suddenly wanted to tell my secret to my brother."

"Secret? What secret?"

"Brother promised me to keep it secret, don't tell anyone, okay?"

"Rest assured, I will never tell anyone."

"Brother, actually ... I used to have a strange dream."

First is cause and effect.

Then there is the dream.

Gu Qingfeng suddenly had an ominous hunch in his heart. Guessing that Xiao Jin'er's previous memory might show signs of recovery, and may even be worse than imagined, she pondered for a moment and asked, "What dreamland?"

"In a dream, I seem to have been to this world before. Not only have I been here, I also met a big brother here. The first time I met a big brother, I felt that the big brother was the person I had been waiting for. , I do n’t know why I am waiting for my elder brother here, I only know that the person I am waiting for is the elder brother. "

"The elder brother treats me well, he will make me happy, make me happy, and he will guard me desperately. He worried that I was in danger and gave me a bracelet, a heart bracelet. As long as I call in my heart Big Brother, Big Brother will appear in front of me regardless of where he is. "


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