
Vol 2 Chapter 1870: Whose safety?

"These young people don't care if the You Emperor is the original sin in the rumor. They don't even care whether the You Emperor who appeared this time is true or false. For them, how to improve themselves in this sensation caused by the You Emperor. Prestige is the most important thing. "

"The news of the death and resurrection of the Emperor has spread to all realms, and heroes and heroes from all major heavens and wonderlands have come from all directions. It is no exaggeration to say that the sensation caused by this incident is not insignificant. Any grand event since ancient times, and may even be written into history in the future, ask, but whoever wants to be ambitious, who does not want to take this opportunity to make a name for all the heavens and earth, leave a name in the ancient history of ancient times ? "

A middle-aged man followed, "It is true. The emperor is full of evil. Not only did it upset the ancient times, but in the rumors of the ancient times, he is the original sin God, threatening the avenue of heaven and earth, and all sentient beings. If you do, you will definitely stay in history, but ... "

After a pause, the middle-aged man shook his head and said, "If you want to obliterate the Emperor, just shouting the slogan will not help."

"Ha ha."

The old man who looked inscrutable said: "Must not underestimate the role of shouting slogans. These arrogant lords stood up and shouted slogans in the audience. Once, they told the heavens and the world that they came. Second, They also told the heavens and the heavens that they are not afraid of the Emperor. Three times, they can tell the heavens and the heavens that they want to fight against the emperor for this heaven and earth avenue, for all sentient beings, and even more ancient times. "

"Old man, do you really think these young people can obliterate the Emperor?"

The old man responded: "They naturally do not have this ability, but you must not forget that the existence of You Emperor is inexorable. As long as he dares to show up, Jiutianxiandao and even Sanqian Avenue will not be indifferent. They all know this truth, It is because they know that these so-called avenue pride dare to slogan such recklessly, with a reliance of three thousand avenues, where can they be awed by the Emperor. "

"Old man, do you say that Sanqian Dadao will really do something to the Emperor? Why is it so long that I saw these dads appear, there seems to be no movement in Sanqian Dadao."

"The husband is not very clear about this. Perhaps Sanqian Avenue is ready, but we don't know."

"This is not possible. If Sanqian Avenue really wants to do something to Youdi, the others don't say, why there isn't even a big man on the side of Jiutianxian Road. This is unreasonable."

"I've heard that there are already many Daxingxingjun, as well as Dadao Throne, including Dadao Emperor Seal, have arrived in Miluo Tianyu."

"It's just heard, who has seen it for so long?"

"We haven't seen it before. Others should have seen it. After all, they are the destiny of the avenue. You thought you would stand up and slogan like these lords of the avenue. It's too disappointing."

"That ’s also the point. The key is ... for so long, it seems that there is no movement in the fairy house of Miluo Tianyu. It feels weird to think about it, and it ’s evil, should n’t you dare to do it with Jiyou for nine days? ? "

"It's impossible. How can Jiutian be the hegemon of dominating the world in ancient times? Moreover, the avenues of the Dadao have recovered and the ancestors of the Dadao have also awakened so as not to dare to act against the You Emperor."

The inscrutable old man said, "The things between the avenues are not something we people can touch at all. We are here to say these are meaningless. Everyone honestly look at the excitement. The other things are the best. Don't be blind. "

"Old seniors can't agree with this. What does it mean to watch lively? I am sorry that your old people came here to watch lively?"

"Otherwise?" The old man asked, "Don't you want to be the same as these arrogants? Want to take this opportunity to make a name for yourself?"

"Qing Shi's name? Your old people are too deserving of us. We know that we have a few pounds and a few pounds. We don't have that ability or the qualification to register in Qing Shi. We are not here to be famous or to watch the excitement. "

"Then what are you doing here?"

"Old predecessor, are you really confused or pretending, the existence of You Emperor in the rumor is the original sin, God, which may kill the avenue in the future and end the ancient times. This matter is about everyone's future, and it is also about your life or death. Can't we just sit back and wait? Don't you worry about your elderly? "


The old senior laughed, everyone around him laughed a little, some even wondered if there was something wrong with the old senior's brain, and they didn't know what was funny about it.

"It's ridiculous! It's ridiculous!"

"Old senior, what do you mean?"

The old man said with a serious expression: "Do you know what is original sin?"

Everyone around you sees me, I see you, all shaking their heads. They only know that the meaning of the words original sin is the original sin, but no one can say exactly what the original sin is.

"You don't even know what the original sin is, but just listening to rumors, you have to shout and shout, don't you think this is a funny thing?"

"But the book of destiny records that if God is found, God will fall, and ancient times will end ..."

"Have you ever seen the Book of Destiny? No, you do n’t know how it is recorded in the Book of Destiny? The elder old man known as the cause and effect incarnation, the elder of the destiny, has never known it before? Did n’t he? Even the elderly Tianji never said this, how can you believe such rumors? Not to mention, even if it is recorded in the book of destiny, how can you be sure that You Emperor must be the God God sought for? "


After hearing the words of the old seniors, everyone around them was speechless, I don't know what to say, think about it, and it is true.

"Old man, such a big thing ~ ~ We would rather believe that it is untrustworthy, in case, I mean, in case the You Emperor is really the original sin God, threatening the safety of all living beings in the world, So what do we do? We can't wait to die? "

"Young people, don't you think the old man doesn't speak well. Everyone is just a group of ordinary immortals. I don't know if today or tomorrow, and even worry about the safety of beings in this world. Don't you think you are funny? The safety of all living beings in the heavens and the earth need us to worry about all the immortals? Is the Three Thousand Avenues for dry rice? "

The old people said that everyone was red and red.

"To make an awful statement, those avengers who are clamoring for an attempt to obliterate Youdi are easier to kill than kill an ant. For us, the threat of these avenues is much greater than that of Youdi many.

Someone asked, "Why?"

The old senior said faintly: "Because we are standing at the foot of the mountain, but Youdi is standing on the top of the mountain. It can be said that Youdi is far away from us, as far as one in the sky and one underground. There can be no intersection between them, and his actions will not affect us, but these arrogants stand on our heads. As long as these arrogants are slightly unhappy, our lives have come to an end. "

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