
Vol 2 Chapter 1871: Stand out

The people who came from the heavens and the world this time can be roughly divided into several categories.

In one category, I want to take advantage of this rare opportunity to rely on the prestige of Jiutian Immortal Road to obliterate the emperor, thereby becoming famous and famous in history. The proud man has more or less this idea.

There is another kind of deep hatred with the Emperor, who ca n’t wait for it to be broken into pieces. I also want to use this opportunity to rely on the honor of the nine heavens, to destroy the emperor, and to avenge the snow, such as the immortals of the imperial palace, and even the cave heaven. In ancient times, they were greatly humiliated by the You Emperor.

There is also a category that listens to rumors and is afraid that You Emperor is truly the original sin God. In the future, you will kill the avenue, destroy the heavens and the earth, and end the ancient times. Therefore, for your own safety, you also want to take this opportunity to rely on the prestige of the nine heavens. Killing the Emperor, such as the major Wonderland families who came this time, think so. For rumors, they are more likely to believe that they have no credibility, and of course, most of them are also thinking of acting on opportunities. .

And whether you want to take this opportunity to become famous, or revenge, or act on opportunity, there is a prerequisite.

That is whether Jiutianxiandao is doing something to Youdi.

Everyone is not a fool, even those proud and arrogant arrogant avenues know how terrible the existence of the Emperor is.

If Jiutianxiandao does not do it, they will naturally not do it. If Jiutianxiandao does it, they will follow suit.

In another category, they are dubious about the rumors. They neither believe nor absolutely disbelieve. They come here purely for fun. Most of these people are old predecessors who have experienced ancient times. Jiutianxiandao really did something to the Emperor, and they would not participate in the excitement.

The reason is very simple. In ancient times, they have all seen Jiutianxiandao doing hands on Youdi, not only have they seen Jiutianxiandao, but even Sanqian Avenue has done it on Youdi. But what happened? What happened to You Emperor? Not only did the emperor fail, but Jiutianxiandao was almost burned by the emperor.

Although in ancient times, the origins of Xiandao have recovered, and the ancestors of Xiandao have also awakened one by one, but who can guarantee that they can destroy the Emperor?

For the old guys who have experienced the ancient times, they may not know whether the Emperor is the legendary original sin God, this is not too important to them, even if the emperor is really the legendary original sin God, these old guys Whether you dare to do something with Youdi is an unknown number.

Because they are all very clear that if the Emperor You are the original sin God, they may not die in the future, but if you do something to the Emperor now, there is absolutely no good end.

of course.

There is also a group of people who did not want to participate in the excitement from the beginning.

For example, Mr. Kaishan of Changsheng Pavilion.

He is not only an elder of the Changsheng Pavilion, but also an old predecessor from ancient times, who has experienced too many things.

He may not know if the Emperor is the original sin God.

I don't know if the things recorded in the book of fate are true.

But there is one thing he knows better than anyone.

That is, even if the avenue falls, the end of ancient times, even if the world is born again, does not mean that all sentient beings will become extinct.

This world.

From the ancient times, through the ancient times, the ancient times, the ancient times, and the ancient times, each time the end of the era, a new era will be opened, and each time the end of the world, the world will be reborn as a result. The end of the era and extinction.

It is for this reason that the thirty-six holes in the Megatron Wilderness and the seventy-two blessings can be passed on to this day. No matter who controls the heaven and earth on the Three Thousand Avenues, the Dongfu heaven and earth will not be affected.

After explaining what happened on the Xuantian ship, Mr. Kaishan returned to Meihua Wonderland with Qing Qing and Centrifuge.

Maybe it was too self-blame inside, guilty, and Qing Qing kept his head down without saying a word.

Although Mr. Kaishan repeatedly persuaded, Ke Qingqing always felt that the emperor who had been killed because of himself had revealed his identity. This matter had become her heart knot. No matter how other people persuaded her, she would never be relieved.

"Sir, aren't we going back?"

The centrifugal fairy asked.

Unlike Qing Qing, centrifugation has nothing to do with the identity of the Emperor. Some are just depressed and regretful.

Everyone knows the story of Xuan Tianchuan. Everyone knows that what she was afraid of when she was centrifugal on Xuan Tianchuan was to massage the Emperor's back and kneel. This face was lost to the heavens and earth. Now Centrifuge just wants to go back to Changsheng Pavilion and retreat for thousands of years. She never wants to go out again, and she has no face to see other people.

"Everyone is here, so eager to go back and do something."

"Father, do you always say that we are not involved in this matter? Now Qing Qing has explained everything to everyone, what are we left to do?"

"Centrifuge, you go back first."

"What!" Suddenly he suspected that he had heard it wrong, and couldn't believe it. "I'll go home first? What do you mean by saying this, old man? Don't you ever go back?"

"Such a big thing happened in ancient times. I don't want to miss it," said Mr. Kaishan, holding his white beard on his chin. What is my attitude, and Lao Shi has always suspected this, some people are behind the scenes, trying to use the hand of the Emperor to disturb the peaceful situation of ancient times, Lao Jian wants to see how terrible is hidden under the peaceful situation of ancient times Undercurrent. "

Pause for a while ~ ~ Father Kaishan sighed again: "There is a more important reason. Although the old and the emperor are not friends and have no friendship, the old admiration is very admired by the emperor himself Since the end of ancient times and the Emperor You was tried, Lao Ju has never seen You Emperor again. This time he returned from the recovery and Lao De also wanted to see him. "

"Oh my God! What is this and what!" After listening to Mr. Kaishan, the centrifugal was almost speechless, saying, "Father, your elders are anyhow the elders of our Changsheng Pavilion, but also the old prestige of the great desolation. The floating emperor who is a modern hero is an apprentice taught by your old hands. Why do your old people admire the You Emperor? "

"Lao Shi has lived for so many years and has never admired anyone else, but to You Emperor, he is admired from the bottom of his heart."

"I just don't understand. What does your old man admire? What is the Emperor you deserve?"

"Any man with a big man, who doesn't want to dominate the wildness? Since ancient times, there may have been a lot of cataclysms and wildness, but there are also a few people who can truly dominate the four words. The old man only knows Youdi did it. He definitely can afford the four words. He has done what all men in all heavens and worlds want to do but dare not do. Is this sorrow worthy of admiration or worth admiration? "

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