
Vol 2 Chapter 1951: The prelude to the era of infidelity officially begins

"If all this is true, then the existence of this kid will be terrible, terrible beyond imagination."

The old beggar drank Longding wine in amazement and said, "No wonder those ancestors who didn't even dare to reveal their true bodies, but dared to sacrifice an avatar to test it out. If this mother-in-law ... It's a question of being able to hold back. "

After listening to the words of the black water maiden, many things the old beggar couldn't understand before were clear at this moment, saying, "No wonder the eternal unknown who has never asked about the world has to intervene in this matter, and stopped Jiutianxiandao in time. Otherwise ... if the kid's spirit of Abi Infernal Evil Shura and the incarnation of Shang Qungbi and Huangquan fall down, his mother will not be able to clean it up. "

With a sigh of sigh, the old beggar said sadly: "The old witch just said that this boy ignited the fire of the original sin and awakened the blood of the original sin in Wudao Mountain. Does this seem to be true now?"

"He did ignite the fire of the original sin in Wudaoshan that year. It is not known whether the blood of the original sin was awakened by him."

"The old man estimates that in all likelihood, this is true." The old beggar said: "Since the boy can ignite the fire of the original sin, it is not impossible to awaken the blood of the original sin, which means that it is difficult for the boy Is it true that God seeks for the original sin? "

"This question ... Looking at the heavens and the world, I am afraid that no one can answer it. Before the beginning of the Innocent Age, no one knew who the original sin is God, including the ancient namelessness."

"I do n’t know the ancient name? It ’s unlikely." The old beggar said, "But she knows the past and future, controls the cause and effect of fate, deduces the universe's floods, and knows the universe."

"Ha ha."

Hei Shui Niang Niang did not answer this question, but looked up at the endless sky, closed her eyes slightly, and said quietly: "After this incident, the prologue of ancient times will be officially opened. I believe that in the near future, various The destiny of life, all kinds of blood, all kinds of treasures, all kinds of real lives born in response to the calamity will come out one after another, with the relics of the Wayless Age appearing, the barren giant, the cave heavenly land, the holy land forbidden area, nine days and nine quiet, including three The original sin sons secretly cultivated by Qiandao Avenue will also surface, and the original sin ancestors who returned to the ruins will also join the WTO ... "

"Dahuangtiandi has gone through the ancient times, the ancient times, the ancient times, and the undercurrents accumulated in the ancient times will eventually set off a torrent of blood and rain in the heavens and the world. The ancient times are destined to be mad because the era of the innocence opened ..."

The old beggar also sighed: "The day when the innocent era begins, the heavens and the world will inevitably bleed into the river, and the barren land will also be the heavenly fairy Buddha. The heavenly demon, I do n’t know how much destiny will fall, and how much blood will become the blood river. I do n’t know how many treasures will be wiped out, and I do n’t know how many ancestors will die in front of the gates of the Wudao era. "

Talking, the old beggar slammed a jerk, as if he saw himself in the near future and died tragically in front of the gate of the Taoist era. Thinking of this, the old beggar was unwilling to pour a glass of Longding wine and scolded angrily. Says: "God, this dog day! If it weren't for him driving Lao Tzu into the market in ancient times, Lao Tzu wouldn't just be staring at him now!"

"Every good product of his mother in nine days! Heaven is, immortal is, Buddha is, what holy land is forbidden, what is 36 holes, heaven and 72 are all for his mother. They are a group of hypocritical and sinister goods, afraid we will rob us today. The opportunity for the recovery of ancient things united us and brought us back to the market, and we sang his eighteenth generation ancestors! This is also the case with the ancient unnamed pussy, and in all likelihood this is the ghost she was behind! ! "

"Even though the ancient namelessness is the incarnation of cause and effect and the messenger of fate, it is only the incarnation. It is only the messenger. Since she cannot be the master of cause and effect, she cannot be the master of fate." The black water maiden shook her head slightly and said, "The reason why you were It ’s because you have done too many sins and you have a cause.


The old beggar chuckled and looked at the black water maiden, and said, "I said the **** water sister, let's be half a catty, so don't you laugh at 50 steps, but also say that the old man has done more evil than you do Is there less sin? Why else have you been driven into the market? "

"I did a lot of iniquity, so I was beaten into the market, and I have no complaints, let alone blame."

The black water maiden walked over, took up a glass of Longding wine, and said, "The evil cause I planted is ready to bear the evil results."

"Okay, you can also talk about the cause and effect in front of the old man. Lao Tzu is sick when he hears these two words. It doesn't make any sense for us two to pull these words here, but think about what we can do in the future."

"What way do you want?"

"Now we have missed the opportunity to revive ancient and ancient things, and all kinds of destiny and bloodline treasures are also well-known. If you grab it, hope is slim."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"Why doesn't it matter?" The old beggar asked, "We have missed the opportunity to recover everything, stumped. Do you still want to miss the beginning of the era of the Tao? In the era of the Tao, the true meaning of the avenue is hidden. Is it holy? "

"I do not want."


The old beggar froze, and looked back at the black water maiden up and down, and laughed: "Hey, black water sister, although we have no friendship, but we have helped each other in the return market, there is no need to hide with the old husband, and then Then said, if you are not interested in the era of injustice, why is it appearing today, still in the public court, and hugging and embracing that boy and me, you tell me honestly, are you hitting that boy Idea? To be honest, the old man is actually very interested in that kid ~ ~ Will we both join together to do him a vote? "

Hei Shui Niang stared at the old beggar, then shook her head and smiled, but said nothing.

"What are you laughing at? What's so funny about this?"

"Old beggar, old beggar, it seems that you really ca n’t change the dog to eat shit. In those words I just said, do you think you are teasing you, or do you think I am scaring you? If you want to grab him Good fortune, go for yourself, don't bother me, my aunt and grandmother just came out of the market, I don't want to die yet. "

"Cut." The old beggar smiled dismissively: "You already have an immortal body, what are you afraid of."

"Old beggar!"

The black water maiden stared at the old beggar and said, "No! Death! And! No! On behalf of! No! Extinction." After a pause, he said, "If you want to see his awkwardness. The spirit of the evil Shura and the incarnation of Huang Qunbi fell into the incarnation of Huang Quan. Grandma did not mind being an spectator once. Just like Grandma, she also wanted to see if the purgatory that slaughtered Cangsheng buried the avenue can refine your immortal body. See if his Shangqianbi, who slayed the bell of the black, dropped the incarnation of Huangquan, and whether he can slay your immortal body! "

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