
Vol 2 Chapter 1952: Mother of Heaven

Since ancient times, the heavens and the world have always been very stable. Although occasional battles between the various territories have occasionally occurred, they have not caused much trouble in the wild.

And this time, what happened in Miluo Tianyu spread almost everywhere in the heavens and the world. At the same time, it also caused a huge storm in the wilderness and caused an unimaginable sensation. The impact of it exceeded all. Human imagination, the heavens and the world are all in chaos.

Everyone knows that You Emperor is dead and resurrected.

Moreover, many people were slaughtered in Miluo Tianyu. Not only were ten avenues destined to die without burial, even the tyrants of the Great Desolation, the ancestors of the 36th Heaven and 72th Blessed Land were destroyed.

The Great Emperor has always been spreading that You Emperor is the original sin God, and this time when he died and was resurrected, he would slaughter the Three Thousand Avenues and bring harm to the people.

If everyone had been doubtful about this before, many people have begun to believe this rumor after this incident.

They also think that You Emperor may really kill the avenues and destroy the heavens and the earth as recorded in the book of destiny.

For a while, everyone was in danger, and everyone was afraid of becoming the ghost of the Emperor.

The most important thing is that Jiutianxiandao, known as the guardian of the avenue, has no attitude from beginning to end, which makes all people have an unpredictable feeling.


Soon, the purpose of Jiutian Immortal Road came to the Celestial Mansions of all heavens, and then from Heaven to the immortals of all worlds.

In Jiutian Xiandao's will, he purposely explained what happened in Miluo Tianyu.

This is the Miluo Tianyu incident. There are evil demon roads behind the scenes, in an attempt to provoke the battle between the roads, intended to cause disasters and disasters. Jiutianxian Road is for the sake of the overall situation, but also for the safety and security of the road. After learning about this, The Nine Angels were assigned to deal with the matter urgently, and the crisis has been resolved. I hope everyone will listen to the rumors and not be used by the evil demon. In the last nine days, the Immortal Road has repeatedly stated that it is their duty to guard the avenue, at any time. No one is allowed to endanger the life of the avenue.

Jiutianxiandao lowered its will, and more or less everyone's heart was gradually falling down.

After all, Jiutianxiandao has already expressed its attitude of guarding the avenues in its will.

The problem is that in the will of Jiutianxiandao, it is only said that this is a plot of evil demon, and nothing else is said. To many people, it is not important whether this is a conspiracy or not. They only want to know Know if the Emperor is the original sin God recorded in the Lord of Destiny, and will he kill Dao Cangsheng?

This is the most important thing for the heavens and the world.


In Jiutianxiandao's will, there is no mention of this matter, not even the name of You Emperor. It is as if it was not You Emperor who slaughtered the ten avenues in Tianluo Tianyu and slaughtered the great ancestor of the Great Wilderness.


Just a few days later, another will spread to all realms.

This purpose is not from Jiutian Immortal Road, nor is it from Heaven.

It comes from one person.

Shi Nai, known as the incarnation of cause and effect, the angel of fate, is unknown forever.

To be precise, this is not what the intention is, but in the name of the goddess, the mother of heaven tells all the heavens and earth and informs all beings.

Original sin is not sin.

It is an ancient and primitive avenue.

Like the three thousand avenues, such as the immortal Buddha spirit and the demon ghost, they are all one of the avenues.


Tianji Niangniang also said that in the book of destiny, when the original sin finds God, the avenue will fall, the ancient times will end, the heavens and earth will be reborn, and the innocent era will begin ...

This is a rumor.

There has never been such a record in the book of destiny.

There is no book of destiny between heaven and earth.

Therefore, I hope you will not listen to rumors.

Then, Tianji Niangniang also said that fate has always been in your own hands. If you have good causes, you will have good results, if you have evil causes, you will have evil effects, good and evil will be reported, and cause and effect will be reincarnation.

Throughout the heavens and the world, no one does not know that Tianji Niangniang is old and unknown.

In the eyes of many people, Tianji Niangniang has always been regarded as a god.

If other people say that the original sin is not a sin, everyone may not believe it, including Jiutianxian Tao, Xitian Buddha Tao, and even Tiandao. Such words will not be fully believed.

But if Tianji Niangniang said that the original sin was not a sin, then no one would doubt the truth.

Because everyone knows that the goddess of heaven is the incarnation of cause and effect, the messenger of fate, knows the past and future, controls the cause and effect of fate, and can also deduct the floods of the universe and gain insight into the universe.

These words are not legends or rumors, but facts, and facts that stand the test of time, and are facts that have been passed down from the time of the ancient times.

Now Tianji Niangniang personally came forward to tell the heavens and the world that the original sin is not a sin, and the book of destiny is just a rumor.

This one.

The stone hanging in the hearts of everyone finally fell down. Since all this is a rumor, there is no such record in the book of destiny, then it is not important for everyone whether the Emperor of the Sin is the original sin, as long as it is not destroying the sky God, the original sin of extinction, everyone else is too lazy to care, Mo said that the emperor killed ten Avenue destiny, that is, to kill all the Avenue destiny, and they could not stand by them.

that's it.

First, Jiutian Xiandao lowered his intention to show his attitude, and then the goddess of the heavens told the heavens and the world to come forward to rumor in person.

The influence of the Miluo Tianyu incident on the heavens and the world has gradually subsided.

This day.

Miluo Tianyu.

Yun Xia Zong, in a separate garden.

Gu Qingfeng, Huode, Xiao Jin'er, Feiyue and other four people sat in the gazebo while chatting with small wines ~ ~ On the same day, after returning from the sky and holding Xiao Jin'er, Gu Qingfeng accompanied Xiao Jiner for a while, then went to sleep directly, and slept continuously for seven or eight days, until today he woke up.

For Huode, these seven or eight days are like days, and they are afraid every day, for fear of the great wilderness giants and caves, and the terrible existence that lies in the dark, the trouble of coming over to find the ancient breeze, fortunately, everything is calm, plus nine days Xiandao lowered his will, and Tianji Niangniang came forward to rumor herself, and Huode was relieved.

"Gu Guzi, Jiu Tian's will and Tianji Niangniang have told the heavens and the world, Xiao Jiner said to you."

"what happened?"

"Since the goddess of heaven has already come forward to dispel the rumor in person, the heavens and the world will never talk about your child as a person of original sin. On the other side of Nine Heavens Road, although it was not explicitly stated, the old man pondered that they also I won't bother you anymore, in other words, as long as your kid is safe and responsible, no one will bother you again. "

Huode sighed: "Exactly ... I'm afraid no one dares to ask your boy anymore."

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