
Vol 2 Chapter 2123: Meet the old monk again

"Old monk?"

Gu Qingfeng tried to ask.

no response.

So he tried to ask again, still unresponsive, when he was about to ask again, the old monk's voice finally came.


When hearing this Amitabha Buddha, Gu Qingfeng burst into laughter.

There is no special reason, just want to laugh, and still laugh from the heart, maybe the appearance of the old monk, he was too surprised, too happy.

Don't say it.

When I heard the old monk saying Amitabha, the ancient Qingfeng felt harsh, even though it was used to it, but I still felt that the four words of Amitabha were hard to hear. Every time I heard the four words of Amitabha, I felt uncomfortable. Amitabha doesn't just feel harsh or uncomfortable, but also has a kind feeling.

"Guju, don't come here."

"Me? I'm still the same, I can barely make up for it, and live a day is a day." Gu Qingfeng smiled and asked, "How are you? How are you?

"The old uncle is as old as the old dweller." After a pause, the old monk's voice came again, saying, "Unlike the old dweller, the old uncle wanted to forget every day."

"Want to forget all day?"

Gu Qingfeng heard this statement for the first time and asked, "Why does it sound like Baihuo?"

"Life and death are no different, there is no time and space, nothing to do, what is it for nothing?"

"It sounds nothing wrong. I wouldn't think it was wrong if someone said it. It doesn't sound right to say it from your mouth."

It depends on the ancient breeze and the old monk who have known each other for a long time, but for the old monk, he only knows that it belongs to the era of infidelity. As for the other, I do n’t know. I won't believe it anyway.

"I don't know what the ancient layman said is wrong, what's wrong?"

"It can't be said, it feels wrong anyway."

"The ancient dwellers are more concerned."

"Perhaps." Gu Qingfeng said, "Since we met in the false place last time, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

"A long time?"

Gu Qingfeng asked, "Willn't you be stumped soon?"

"It may be a long time for the ancient dwellers, and for the old man ... it makes no difference."

"Yeah." Gu Qingfeng said, "Old monk, how do I feel more and more wrong, you are a little different from before, why are you listening so negatively, did you encounter something unpleasant? Speak to hear Listen, make me happy. "

"It's not negative, it's not uncomfortable, it's just a little realization."

"Slightly awakened? Not like it, listening to your voice feels like hope is broken, and my heart is dead. Tell me what your hopes are broken?"

"The ancient dwellers are more concerned ..."

The old monk repeated the sentence just now, I wonder if he didn't want to say it, or Gu Qingfeng really thought too much.

"Old monk, we haven't seen each other for so long. Do you think I'm any different than before?"


The old monk read a Buddhist saying, "Congratulations to the ancient dwellers on their deeper understanding of the avenue. The avenue of the visitor is the most. Throughout the past and the present, I am afraid that no one can surpass the ancient dwellers ... "


Gu Qingfeng laughed and said, "That's right, that's what I love."

The conversation turned around, and he asked again, "However, old monk, do you think that the chaos that I realized is a avenue?"

"Then the ancient dweller should not ask the old man."

"Who should I ask?"

"Guju should ask yourself."

"I won't ask you if I know."

"If the old layman didn't know it, the old man wouldn't even know it ..."

"Is there no precedent for this thing?"


"Is there any legend?"

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, at least, the old man hasn't heard of it."

"That's it."

Gu Qingfeng was lost in thought and did not continue to ask.

"At the same time, congratulations on the original sin of the ancient inhabitants ..."


Gu Qingfeng asked, "Do you know this?"

"The perishable bone jade has long been fused with the ancient dwellers. The changes of the ancient dwellers, the old man can see a few or two in this dead space."

In this regard, Gu Qingfeng did not feel strange, but just said, "So, my original sin really started to recover ... Good thing, this is definitely a great thing for me. trip."

"It's not just original sin that the ancients recovered."

"What else?"

"The physical body of ancient dwellers may also be recovering ..."

After hearing that, Gu Qingfeng was quite surprised. He could only feel that the original sin had begun to recover. Although he felt very weak, not only nihilism but also looming appeared, but he could indeed feel it. What's changed.

I noticed it again and found no change. I asked, "How much can I feel when the original sin is revived? You say my physical resuscitation, I can't feel it at all, even I can't feel it, how do you perceive it? of?"

"As the ancient dweller said, you can't detect it, and the old man naturally cannot detect it."

"Since you can't detect it, how do you know that my body is recovering."

"Old man said that the dead bone jade has long been integrated with the ancient dweller, and is closely related to the physical body of the ancient dweller. If the physical body of the ancient dweller did not recover, the ancient dweller would not feel the space of silence. Now that the ancient dweller can Feeling the dead space and being able to come in, then there is only one possibility. The physical body of the ancient dweller has begun to recover ... Maybe the physical body of the ancient dweller is too special, so ... I can't feel it for the time being, the old man believes that it won't take long , The ancient dwellers must be aware of it. "

When the old monk said so, Gu Qingfeng could not help but fall into meditation.

If what the old monk said is true, his own body has really started to recover, then when did it recover?

Gu Qingfeng wanted to go back and forth, there was only one possibility, and that was when he swallowed each other with the savage ancient beast turned into a blood eater. At that time, he felt the blood in his body was boiling and his body was full of strength. That was an unprecedented feeling. It's as refreshing as Jiuhan meets Gan Lin after suffering hardships.

In other words, maybe his physical body started to recover at this time?

Just why?

Why is it this time?

Was it stimulated by the blood of the original sin? Or does the resurrection of the original sin also awaken one's physical body incidentally?

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