
Vol 2 Chapter 2124: Devouring Blood

The old monk didn't say this, and Gu Qingfeng himself couldn't figure it out.


He was never a sharp-pointed person.

If you can't figure it out, you don't keep thinking.


Speaking of the physical body, Gu Qingfeng suddenly thought of another thing and asked, "Old monk, what kind of thing do you think my physical body is, and how it feels like a hard stone."

"I don't know ..."

The old monk's voice came intermittently, and his tone seemed to hesitate, saying, "According to various signs, Lao Su suspected that the physical body of the ancient layman might be the legendary immortal body."

Gu Qingfeng was not surprised when he heard about the immortal body, because this is not the first time that he has heard people say that his physical body is an immortal body, which has been said by the acolyte monk before.

Regarding the immortal body, he just heard about it, knowing that there is such a kind of treasure, he has never seen it, nor has anyone heard of it before, asking, "You ca n’t be sure?"

"Old man just said the existence of the immortal body, he hasn't seen it, so he didn't dare to make an assertion."

"Did anyone make the immortal body in the era of infidelity?"

"I don't know ..."

"I don't know or don't want to say?"

"Although the old uncle belongs to the era of infidelity, the memory of the era of infidelity has long disappeared."

"Sorry, if you don't say it, I really forgot it."

In the impression of Gu Qingfeng, the existence that belongs to the Taoist era is not normal. Jun Xuanyu is lost. The whole person is deity and god. The previous life of Huo De also belongs to the Taoist era. It is also crazy. Gu Qingfeng remembers that the old monk was not only Once said, all existence in the era of injustice was lost ... including himself.

It is not clear whether this is true or not, but it looks real.

one way or another.

It doesn't matter whether the physical body is immortal or not, as long as it can wake up, it is good for the ancient breeze to come.

After all, such a lifeless body has always made him very unhappy. This unpleasantness is not only exhausted physically and mentally, but also mentally tormented, all day long, as if trapped in a dark cage, extremely depressed.

Since the beginning of ancient times, his spirit has always been very weak. In addition to supporting the ancestors in the body, the greater reason is to be dragged by this physical body. If he can wake up, it is naturally excellent. Wake up, Gu Qingfeng is not forced.

to be frank.

He has no interest in the physical awakening or not, and whether it is immortal or not is not important to him.

It is best to be awake, not to be awake, or to be immortal, or not, he doesn't care.

What really cares about him is the original sin. As long as the original sin can wake up, everything else is easy to say.

"Secondly, the old lady also congratulates the ancient dwellers on the blood-sucking blood."


"What the **** is swallowing the heavens and the blood?" Gu Qingfeng suddenly thought, and asked in surprise: "You mean the wild ancient beast turned into a blood dipper?"


"Wait, you said that wild ancient beast was a puppet? Was that puppet known as one of the four big beasts in the legend?"


Hear the words.

Gu Qingfeng couldn't help taking a sip of air-conditioning. He'd heard of Da Ming's name. It was definitely an ancient existence from the past, and he called it the four beasts in Chaos, Wu, and Qiqi, and his reputation is comparable to Qinglong, Suzaku, and Xuanwu , White Tiger's four great beasts.

When consuming each other with that wild ancient beast, Gu Qingfeng knew that the existence of this thing was unusual and absolutely terrible, but he never thought that his mother was one of the four big beasts in the legend, and it was still known Devouring the sky!

This **** is too exciting.

Just thinking, Gu Qingfeng suddenly felt wrong, and said, "No, how can I hear that all four of the legendary beasts have been wiped out in the ancient times? Is this legend false?"

"The four major beasts did die in the ancient times, including the tadpoles."

"Since they are all dead, why do you say that the blood eater is a puppet?"

"After the death, he turned into a blood eater."

Gu Qingfeng understood a little bit, and said, "It means that the maggot I swallowed is not the real maggot."

"Although it is not, it is almost the same. He may have died in the ancient times, but its existence does not really die."

Gu Qingfeng nodded, and he also thought that the existence of a cricket would not be so easy to die, even if there was only a trace of spiritual will left to make a comeback, the blood-thining tripod was thought to be transformed by the spirit of cricket.

But even so, Gu Qingfeng was terrified.

After all, I ’m so famous. What the legend says about this thing eats up, no matter what kind of immortal Buddha or demon you are, no matter how powerful you are and how powerful you are. Children ~ ~ There are even more rumors that they have also swallowed Dao Cangsheng, even heaven and earth, otherwise, they will not be ranked among the four big beasts, and they will not be called swallowed blood.

After originally swallowing the desolate ancient beast transformed by the blood-eating tripod, Gu Qingfeng had some headaches, and he had to be careful not to mention the offering, but now his mother knows that this thing turned out to be rampant. I have a headache.

His courage is indeed very big, and his heart is not small.

But no matter how bold the courage is, the heart is no longer small, and it is impossible to hold a gnawing devour in the body.

"The folds are in trouble," Gu Qingfeng said. "Old monk, is there any way you can get that stuff out of me?"

"Why did the ancients do this?"

"Isn't that nonsense? That **** **** is a devourer, I don't want to have such a thing in my body."

"What about you, it's not been swallowed by you."

"You can't say that. I'm not ignorant or fearless. If I knew that this thing was insane, I wouldn't devour it!"

"The ancient dweller was too self-confident. With his understanding of you, he said that you didn't know it was a puppet, even if you knew it, you would still swallow it."

"There was nothing I could do. If I didn't devour it, it would devour me."

"This is the end, so the ancient dweller does not need to worry too much. It is also so-called when it is so-called. You are destined to meet you, and your cause and effect are also doomed. After you meet, either you swallow him or it You, cause and effect are already doomed ... "

"Why is it related to cause and effect again?" Gu Qingfeng asked depressively: "Is the cause and effect too chaotic, just a couple of inexplicable causes and effects, just now, how can I still talk about this kind of fierce beast? Go up? "

(End of this chapter)

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