
Vol 2 Chapter 2125: Original Sin and Original Sin

"I don't know how much the ancient lay people knew about the ancient times?"

The old monk inexplicably asked such a sentence, although Gu Qingfeng said that he was curious, but still responded truthfully: "I don't know much."

After that, he shook his head again, and said, "No! It's not that you don't know much, but you don't understand at all. Most of the ancient times are heard."

"I don't know that ancient dwellers have heard that in the ancient times, someone had asked God about the original sin, and he also opened the era of injustice."

"I've heard people mention it. It's unknown whether it's true or not." Gu Qingfeng asked, "So it's not a rumor, maybe it's true?"

"As for anyone who has questioned God, the original sin, in the ancient times, the old man does not know, the only thing I know is that in the ancient times, the era of injustice did indeed open."

"Since the era of injustice has been opened, then someone must have asked God, the original sin? Otherwise, how can the era of injustice be opened?"

"This is a mystery, a mystery that no one knows yet."


Gu Qingfeng knew that the old monk would never mention this incident for no reason, and he was not anxious to ask, but waited patiently.


The old monk also said, "When the era of injustice opened, there were some beings who entered it, and ... I heard that they also got the true blood of original sin."

This is explosive news, at least for Gu Qingfeng, he quickly asked: "What is the real blood of the original sin? What is the difference from the blood of the original sin?"

"The difference between the blood of the original sin and the true blood of the original sin is like the difference between the body of the original sin and the true body of the original sin. You can also understand that the blood of the original sin belongs to the day after tomorrow, and the blood of the original sin belongs to the innate. If the blood of the original sin is the mother If so, then the blood of the original sin is the child, because all the blood of the original sin between heaven and earth has been conceived from the true blood of the original sin. "

"You mean ... you can have the true body of the original sin when you say it's true blood, right?"

"Although it is not, it is almost the same." The old monk's tone was very bland, as if saying something very common and common, saying: "A long, long time ago, people who fused the blood of the original sin were called the original sinners. , And the existence of the true blood of the original sin is called the son of the original sin. "

Gu Qingfeng frowned and did not answer.

The so-called original sinner and the son of the original sin, he heard this for the first time.

After thinking about it, I asked again, "Old monk, when you opened the era of the Taoist era, some existences entered into it, and you also got the true blood of the original sin. I wonder how many of these existences you say, and who are they ? "

"How many existences at that time entered the era of infidelity and merged the true blood of the original sin. The old uncle did not know who they were. The old uncle also did not know, but ..."

The conversation turned, and after a while, the old monk said, "One of the crickets that you swallowed up a while ago."

Good guy!

Gu Qingfeng couldn't help but tremble a little. The wild ancient beast that turned into a blood-eating dinosaur was a devourer who had swallowed the sky. He had a headache. I didn't expect that the beastly **** mother had devoured the true blood of the original sin. In other words,饕餮 This beast is the son of the so-called original sin? Maybe it may also be the original sin God?

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng's head hurt even more, but it was not enough time to breathe away. The old monk said a word, and he was almost surprised to not mention it.

"Also, Abi Inferior Evil Shura in the ancient dweller's body and Shang Qinbi's fall to Huang Quan both entered the era of infidelity and merged the true blood of original sin."

After hearing this, Gu Qingfeng was stunned there. He even wondered if he heard it wrong, and asked, "Old monk, are you kidding me or scaring me? May I tell you, I It's very sensitive now, and it's best not to make such jokes. "

"Old man never jokes, especially with you Guju."

"So ... Abi Infernal Evil Shura and Shang Qinbi's fall Huang Huang is the same as that of the beast, have their mothers merged with the true blood of original sin? Are they the sons of original sin?"

The old monk didn't say anything, but just said Amitabha.

This line of Amitabha seems to be full of helplessness and sadness.

But this helplessness does not look like feeling helpless for the ancient breeze, nor is it sad for the ancient breeze.

It's more like being born for this avenue, and this fate feels helpless and sad for cause and effect.

In the dead space.

Ancient Qingfeng's consciousness looks a bit distorted.

This is because his heart is affected by strong emotional fluctuations.


Abi Inferno is a fusion of ancient temples in ancient times.

The fall of Huangquan from Shangqiongbi was inexplicably conceived at the beginning of the ancient times.

He may not know exactly how these two exist, but deep down knows that whether it is Abi Wushenshurao or Shangqianbi and Huangquan are horrible beings.

he knows.

I have always known and can clearly feel ~ ~ even more or less I can guess that these two existences are related to the original sin, and it is definitely not accidental to appear in one's body.

It was just that he did not expect that the relationship between these two beings and the original sin turned out to be so 'intimate'. It was the son of the original sin who had merged the true blood of the original sin.

Coupled with a blood gulp that swallowed the sky, in other words, there are now three sons of original sin in Gu Qingfeng's body.

Isn't that **** exciting?

Of course, this is not the main reason that affects his emotions. What really makes him wonder is that these three beings are already the son of the original sin who has merged the true blood of the original sin. Why is it related to himself? His mother lived dead in her own body and couldn't rush away.

It ’s not that he ca n’t get rid of it, but he ca n’t get rid of it, because Abi Wujian evil sura has become his soul, and Shang Qiaobi has fallen and Huang Quan has also become his incarnation. After that, he was almost integrated with him.

This also means that all three kinds of existence have become a part of the ancient Qingfeng, just like his mouth, ears, nose and arms, how can he be driven away.

The question is why exactly?

If it is a coincidence that a son of original sin is mingled with himself, then two or three stumblings?


Gu Qingfeng remembered a sentence that the old monk said just now and asked, "Old monk, did you say that the encounter between me and you was both destined and causal, what is the cause and effect between me and them? Is it the so-called original sin? They can They have been fused with the true blood of the original sin, and I have not fused with the true blood of the original sin. At best, it is only the blood of the original sin. "

"Guju, old man asked you a question, how do you know that you are not the true blood of original sin?"

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