
Vol 2 Chapter 2126: When

The old monk really asked the Gu Qingfeng, saying, "What do you mean, the drop of the fusion that year was not the blood of the original sin but the blood of the original sin?"

"Guju, you shouldn't ask old man this question."

The voice of the old monk came, and Gu Qingfeng thought about it. It was also the drop of the original sin blood that was integrated in the northwest of the ancient and secular world, and the owner of the drop of the original sin blood was Wuyou Niangni. He also asked Wuyou The origin of Niang Niang's original sin blood, but Wuyou Niang Niang also said that it was related to Jun Xuanyu.

Whether that drop of original sinful blood was from a lonely maid or Jun Xuanyuan, Gu Qingfeng has not yet figured out.

To say whether this original sin blood is the original sin blood or the original sin blood, Gu Qingfeng didn't really understand for a while, but just faintly thought that it might be the so-called original sin blood.

Fang Cailao said that all the blood of the original sin between heaven and earth was conceived by the true blood of the original sin. The relationship between the two is like a mother-in-law. It is a coincidence that although Gu Qingfeng himself was not born of the drop of original sin blood in the Northwest , But was born because of that drop of original sin.

The most important thing is that when the Daoshan came down, the reason why Gu Qingfeng was able to ignite the original sin karma fire was not because he was able to endure it, nor because he was highly capable, nor was it because he knew the original sin karma as much as how to light the original sin karma fire. Yes, to be honest, Gu Qingfeng hasn't been able to figure it out until now, and somehow ignited the fire of the original sin karma.

If only one drop of ordinary blood of original sin was fused at that time, I am afraid that I cannot ignite the fire of original sin anyway?

From this point of view, the drop of original sin blood that stumped him was really the so-called original sin blood?

Rethink that every time someone or something sees the Innocent Age, they have a sense of acquaintance, and the blood of the original sin is mostly born of the true blood of the original sin, which belongs to the acquired original sin. In other words, only the true blood of the original sin really belongs to the innocent era. Blood of congenital original sin.


Gu Qingfeng thought of Abi Wujian evil Shura and Shang Qinbi falling down Huangquan, including the blood swallows that swallowed the sky not long ago.

He also has a familiarity with these three kinds of existence. The old monk said that these three kinds of beings are the sons of the original sin that have merged the true blood of the original sin. ?

The more I think about it, the more this is possible.

Do not!

It is not possible.

Gu Qingfeng felt that the original sin in his body was the true blood of the original sin.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that Abi Wujian Evil Shura cannot become his own soul, and Shang Qinbi's fall to Huang Quan may not be his incarnation.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng asked, "Old monk, how much blood of original sin is there between heaven and earth, and how much is the true blood of original sin?"

"I don't know ..."

"When the era of infidelity started, how many people incorporated the true blood of original sin, and how many children of original sin?"

"Old man ... I don't know."

Gu Qingfeng continued to ask: "If the blood of the original sin was born from the blood of the original sin, where did the blood of the original sin come from?"

"I don't know ..."

The old monk asked three questions.

Gu Qingfeng did not continue to ask.

After dealing with the old monk for so many years, he may not know who the old monk is, but he still knows one or two about the nature of the old monk.

He is very clear that many things the old monk may not really know, but there are many things that the old monk does not want to say, there are some things that the old monk cannot say, and some things that the old monk dare not say.

The old monk who should say naturally will say, if the old monk shouldn't say one word, he won't say more.

The ancient breeze has been used to these years.

Therefore, when asking these questions again, he did not expect the old monk to answer.

I chatted with the old monk again for a while, talking about some unrelated topics, looking at the chaotic world of annihilation, Gu Qingfeng said, "Okay, let's go here today. Your old people will rest first, wait for me to be busy Come and ask for advice after this time. "

Just as Gu Qingfeng was about to leave, the old monk's voice came again.

"Guju ..."


The ancient Qingfeng looked over, looking at the vacant mountain of silence in the world of silence, and asked, "What?"

"Old man has a few questions to ask. If the ancient dweller wanted to answer, he would answer it. If he didn't want to answer, there was no need to force it."

"But it's okay to ask. I don't hide like you, just ask whatever you want. Although I ask, I know everything, I'm absolutely full."

Gu Qingfeng's sentence was obviously ridiculous and sarcastic, and the old monk didn't know if he was assaulted or where, and he didn't say anything.

"Just kidding."

Gu Qingfeng chuckled: "Old monk, don't take it seriously."


The old monk sighed and sighed countless helplessly, saying: "Some things can be said, the old man will never hide anything, and some things can't be said, the old man is also involuntary, and I hope the ancient dwellers forgive me. . "

"Understand and understand, everyone's situation is different, and naturally each has their own difficulties. We are just joking."

"Thank you for your understanding."

"Come on ... what if you want to ask ~ ~ dare to ask the Guju, but have decided to seek the original sin?"

"Of course." Gu Qingfeng said: "Otherwise, what do I do in a place where the birds don't shit."

"Dare to ask why the ancient inhabitants demanded original sin?"

"Why?" Gu Qingfeng groaned for a moment and said, "There aren't so many reasons. If I have to say a reason, it's for myself. After all, I'm idle and I have to find something to do now. All the existence in the heavens and the earth has come to make fun of the original sin, and I, of course, cannot be exempt from vulgarity. "

"Dare to ask the ancient dwellers, what if you died here because of this?"

"Old monk, I didn't say you. Is the question asked a bit idiot? What if I die here? Of course it doesn't. How can I die if I die?"

"Can the old man be understood as Gu Qingfeng's search for the original sin this time is for the sake of fate, if it can be found, it would be best, if not, it would not be forced, right?"

"No! You are wrong."

"how to say?"

"Since I have decided to seek the original sin, naturally I will not follow the same path as before. If I have a chance, I will fight for it and never die." Gu Qingfeng sighed: "Maybe tell you the truth, this time I will either die here, Either seek original sin. "

"I am afraid that death has become a luxurious existence for the ancient dwellers ... what if the ancient dwellers failed to obtain the original sin this time and did not die?"

"Impossible, I said, this time I will either seek the original sin or die here. There is no third possibility."

"Old man remembers that Guju used to say a word before. There is no absolute truth in the world. Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case. What if the old man said that?

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