
Vol 2 Chapter 2127: outsider

"Old monk, this possibility you said, I do not rule out that it will happen, but the odds are too low and too low, and the low ones are completely negligible."

Gu Qingfeng said: "When I came to this wild ancient black hole, there was bound to be only one possibility, either to die here or to seek the original sin. This time they will not let me, the biggest variable, live from here. If you leave, I will die without asking the original sin, and I will die without asking the original sin. "

"Why did the ancient dwellers look so pessimistic about this trip?"

"It's not the pessimism I see, it's the fact."

"As the ancient dweller said, you are the variable, and you are still the biggest variable. For the ancient dweller, you have never been doomed. Everything about you is full of unknowns. No one can conclude that there is no one. No. "

"Bad is bad because of two variables." Gu Qingfeng smiled slightly. "Because of the two variables, I believe that these beings in the sky and underground will not allow me to leave alive. In other words, I am someone else, and I am also I will not allow myself to live such an unknown existence. "

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and laughed, as if laughing at himself and sighing: "As long as I live for a day, I ca n’t sleep well in the sky, and underground people do n’t sleep well. All the existence of ancient times has not been sound. For my part, I am a little embarrassed to continue to live. "

"Old man understands ..."

"Just understand. Anything else you want to ask?"

"No more."

"In that line, you always rest. If there is a chance in the future, let's continue talking."

Say nothing.

Ancient Qingfeng's consciousness disappeared in the dead world, disappearing without a trace.

After he disappeared, a sigh came from the old monk.

This sigh is quite complicated.

There is helplessness, confusion, and emotion.


Another voice came from the extinguished world: "Old monk, what does he mean, to stump him to come to the ancient black hole not to seek the original sin, but to die?"

This voice was like a woman's voice, with nothingness, intermittent, when the voice came, it kept reverberating in the silent world.

The old monk responded: "No, you understand it wrong."

"I got it wrong, what's wrong? He said he was embarrassed to continue living, wasn't he asking for death? And I heard it, and he didn't just say it casually."

"He didn't just talk about it."

"So what does he mean?"

"The meaning of the ancient dweller is very clear. If anyone ca n’t sleep because he is alive, unless he is dead, otherwise he wo n’t be able to fall asleep after all that exists in the sky, and there is no chance to say exactly Can't sleep ... To be precise, I will always sleep forever. "

"What does it mean that unless he dies, all existence doesn't have to fall asleep? No chance to fall asleep again? Never fall asleep? Why am I incomprehensible? Old monk, you ca n’t understand something simpler?"


The old monk sighed again and said, "If you want the old uncle to understand something, then the old uncle might as well tell the truth. This time the ancient layman's mind has been decided. Whoever can't stand him, he can't tolerate who, If he dies, who will he let him die, can you understand? "

The woman's voice didn't continue to come, and after a long while, she said, "That's the case ... So, this time it will really change."

"Yeah, it's going to change."

The woman asked again, "What are you going to do? Will you shoot?"

"Laoyi just wants to be a freak outsider."

"Hehehe ..."

The woman is just like hearing the funniest joke in the world. She laughs a bit sad and says, "You are already in the game, how can you be an outsider?"

"This is an old-fashioned thing, it has nothing to do with you."

"Old monk, if you do n’t do it this time, he must be fierce and auspicious, and there is a saying that he is right. All the existence in heaven and on earth will not allow him to leave such a biggest variable alive. This is related to The original sin has nothing to do with it, whether or not he seeks it, this time he is likely to die here! "

The woman continued: "For the time being, whether his immortal body can be awakened, even if it is truly awakened, even if it is not dead, it will inevitably be sealed here forever."

"Now everyone is waiting, waiting for an opportunity, waiting for nine days and nine quiets, waiting for heaven and hell, waiting for the return to the ruins of the ruins, waiting for the holy places in the Forbidden City, those in the barbaric era, and those in the era of the Tao Wait, even the Abi inferior evil Shura in his body, Shangqianbi falls Huanghuang, and even the blood swallows of heaven and earth are waiting, even the cause and effect fate, this heaven and earth road is waiting ... "

"Do not……"

The old monk interrupted the woman and said, "You are wrong."

"Where am I wrong?"

"Everyone isn't waiting, they're watching."

"It doesn't make much difference to wait and see. As soon as the time comes, everything will happen."

"There is a difference between waiting and seeing."

"Tell me, what's the difference?"

The old monk did not answer this question.


The woman snorted ~ ~ sneered: "Old monk, don't think I don't know what idea you are thinking. If I didn't guess wrong, you must want him to find the original sin and become the original sin. "

"You know whoever asks God, who is the original sin, will cause chaos in the heavens and the earth after opening the Innocent Era, and this confusion will not be cleaned up at all. He is a variable and the biggest variable. If he asks God, God may change. no?"

"There is also a possibility that since the chaotic situation cannot be ended after opening the Innocent Era, then simply ask him to ask God for the original sin to make the chaotic situation more chaotic. Start over, right? "

"Besides that, you also want him to ask God about the original sin because he is dealing with ancient people, right?"

"I know not only you think so, but some people think so too."

The woman said a lot, as if she was questioning the old monk, but the old monk did not answer, not even a word.

"Answer me, don't you?"

The old monk still did not respond.

"Answer me! Isn't it!"

The woman questioned repeatedly.

Asked three times, and after a long time, the old monk's voice came.

"Old Lao said, just want to be an outsider, heaven and earth, past and future, the cause and effect fate has nothing to do with Lao Lao, Lao Lao can not control, do not want to care ..."

"If you really want to be an outsider, why do you appear in this silent world?"

"Without concealing the donor, the old lady wants to know the answer more than you." The old monk sighed. "The old lady also wondered why he appeared in this lonely world!"

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