
Vol 2 Chapter 2136: Fuel the flames

Facing the enquiries of the monks, Gu Qingfeng smiled softly, and swept the crowd, saying, "Yeah, Ye did swallow the blood, what are you doing?" Are you interested? If you are interested, why do n’t you call out your uncle to make you open your eyes and see what happens? ”

"My God!"

The Daxing monk just turned around and said, "Your boy really swallowed up my uncle! You **** ... your **** ... almost ..."

The Daxing Monk didn't come out for a long time, so he really didn't know how to describe the ancient breeze.

"Good guy!"

The old beggar was obviously not irritated, and his expression changed and changed, and said, "This darling is too fat, can he even dare to devour his mother-in-law?"

"It's too ... too incredible."

The black water maiden also closed her eyes and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Speaking of Daxing, the monk is known as the living Buddha in the world, and the old beggar and the black water maiden belong to the existence of the Guixu. It can be said that they are the masters who have seen the big world and experienced strong winds and waves. Causality has some understanding of destiny.

But even so, after hearing that Gu Qingfeng devoured the blood pupa, they were still unbelievable, and even more unacceptable.

Because they never thought that one day they would swallow the maggots that swallowed the sky. Until now, there was no such concept at all. It felt like someone killed the **** of death.

"Oh my god!"


The black water maiden seemed to realize something, and her expression suddenly became suspicious.

The old beggar asked, "What's wrong?"

"I suddenly realized something terrible."

"what's up?"

"Do you still remember that the era of injustice was started during the ancient times, and there are several people who broke into the era of injustice and merged the true blood of original sin!"

Hearing the words of the black water maiden, the old beggar also remembered, and said with a twirled throat, he said with excitement, "Hey! Those who broke into the infidelity era and merged the true blood of the original sin and achieved the son of the original sin!"

"There are more than crickets! There are bad Shura and blue sky Huangquan!"


Not only 饕餮, but also Bad Shura and Blue Spring Huangquan.

Hei Shui Niang Niang knows, old beggars know, Daxing Leng Monks know.

The queen queen mother knows, the water moon bodhisattva knows, many witches and other people in the field know.

Right now.

They are thinking about a terrible problem just like the black water maiden.

An Abi inferior evil, an upper poor blue falls to Huangquan, and now there is another blood gull that swallows the sky. The three of them are the sons of the original sin who have merged the true blood of the original sin, but now they are all fused with the ancient Qingfeng. Together. "

Is this a coincidence or an accident?

Do not!

This is neither a coincidence nor an accident.

Is stumped causal?

Or fate?

I don't know.

No one knows.

They are even more unclear. What does it mean that the three sons of the original sin, Shura, Huang Quan, and Xun, merged with the ancient Qingfeng?

Does stumbling mean that the ancient Qingfeng is destined to be the original sin God?

If so.

After the fusion of Shura, Huang Quan and Xun, did they surrender to Gu Qingfeng, the original sin God, or did they seek the ancient sin, the original sin?

I don't know.

It's also unclear.

The only thing that is known is that the existence of the ancient Qingfeng is more mysterious and weird, and it is more weird and unknown.

To be sure, it is not that the existence of Gu Qingfeng is more mysterious and weird, but that the fate of heaven is more mysterious and weird.

If all the beings in the sky were afraid to act lightly.

Then they learned that Gu Qingfeng swallowed the blood pupa again and they did not dare to act rashly.

The so-called Providence, the so-called fate, the so-called timing, and the so-called signs will also be confused.

The signs of God's will and fate appeared in the past, and we don't know whether it is true or not.

The signs of the fate of God's will appear in the future, and everyone is even more confused.

Because the ancient Qingfeng merged the three sons of the original sin, in a sense, the attitude of the three sons of the original sin directly affected the will and fate of the ancient Qingfeng.

If the ancient Qingfeng is really doomed to the original sin God.

If the three original sinful sons of Shura, Xun, and Huangquan are merged for surrender, then the chance of heaven and earth trying to obliterate the ancient Qingfeng will be even slimmer.

If the three sons of the original sin and the ancient Qingfeng are not subjugated, but the original sin God who is plotting the ancient Qingfeng, then the consequences may be even more terrible, and even the tragedy of the ancient times is not impossible.

Thinking of this, everyone present was silent, and their expressions were more solemn, and their hearts were more complex than one.

They are so.

Presumably the consciousness of those ancestors of the ancestors in the ancient times in the void is no exception.

Throughout the field, only Gu Qingfeng was still so light and light. He looked at the queen queen who was opposite and said, "I said, big sister, are we not vengeful?"

"I have never met the Emperor before, and this is just the second time I met. Where's the enemy?"

"Since there is no revenge, what are you provoking here?"

"play off?"

The queen queen mother laughed abruptly, and said, "My Jiuyou Emperor, what kind of existence you are and what kind of situation, needless to say, you know better than anyone else, do you think you need me to challenge?"

Although Gu Qingfeng didn't want to, he had to admit that the queen queen mother was telling the truth.

With his status and current situation, it doesn't make sense for outsiders to provoke or not. Whether it is provoke or not, the existence in this world will not let him go.

"My Jiuyou Emperor, you have really misunderstood me. I have no other intentions, let alone deliberately instigate anything. On the contrary, I'm helping you, and for your good ~ ~ Help me? I'm fine? Hehe. "Gu Qingfeng laughed." How can I not see that you are helping me? How is it for me? "

"It's very simple. You can't hide what you devoured. Sooner or later everyone will know. Today, while everyone is here, I will tell you this for you, and it will save you some unnecessary trouble. You should You know, there are too many and too many existences in the sky to look at you, not only the ancestors of the ancient times, but also a lot of the existence in the field, and there are some of them who want to try to test your depth. "

"Now I will tell you about the annihilation of the ancestors of the ancestors and the devouring of the princes. Although I will not ask those who are jealous of you to give up the thought of killing you, at least they will not dare to take the temptation. . "

"Imperial Jiuyou, I wonder if I'm right?"

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and thought for a while. The more he thought about it, the more she thought the words of the queen queen mother made sense, and nodded, "Don't say it, it's the truth, so thank you very much."

(End of this chapter)

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