
Vol 2 Chapter 2137: The sky is dead

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This queen queen exposes her engulfing in public. What is the purpose? Gu Qingfeng may not know, but one thing he can be sure of is that it is definitely not Laozizi's consideration. bookmark our website

He has no acquaintance with the queen queen, and has no friendship, how could the other party think about himself.

Moreover, the **** looks a bit vicious. At first glance, it is not a good bird. It may be an abacus, and then there is one in the field. Whether it is the blackwater maiden or the old beggar, it doesn't matter whether it is Bai Chou is still the mysterious witch maiden, including Daxing Leng Monk, and even Gu Qingfeng himself, who is not playing his own abacus.

Looking around, all his mother is a group of wolves.

No one pretends to be a sheep.

I don't know if it was because the news from the queen queen was too explosive.

First, the ancient Qingfeng used a trick to obliterate the gods' incarnation of the ancestors of the ancient and ancient avenues, and then the puppets were born. Finally, the ancient breeze devoured the puppets, and so on. These news can be said to be more crazy than one, so that everyone ’s attention All in the ancient Qingfeng, completely forgot that this is a mysterious ancient ruins.

It wasn't until that violent roar came again that the emptiness of the quake was more distorted and trembling, which brought everyone's attention back.

Rumble! Click!

The void was increasingly distorted by the roar, and the crunchy sound of crackling continued to be heard from the runes of the void.

Everyone knows that these runes should be a seal.

If there is any terrible existence being sealed here, it will not take long for this posture to see the seal inevitably collapse, and then the existence sealed here will be born.

"Cangtian is dead!"


A voice seemed to come from all directions. This voice was so powerful that it not only shattered and shattered the voided rune seal, but also shocked everyone at the scene.

The horror of Yinwei is like a thunder blast, and it is as vast as a sacred judgment. It is endless, unstoppable, defenseless, and directly penetrates the pores and pores of the people. Heart.

"Huang Tian is standing!"


The violent voice came again, and everyone could feel the endless anger, endless unwillingness, and endless madness in the sound!

"Cangtian is dead, Huang Tian is standing?"

Gu Qingfeng's eyebrows glanced at the same time as he sacrificed insight. He could neither observe the source of the sound nor detect it. The only thing he knew was that the sound of the rune seal, which did not hide, had almost reached the edge of collapse with the sound of sound.

"Is the motion too big? What the **** is this?"

Gu Qingfeng was thinking about the words Cangtian is dead and Huang Tiandangli. He had heard this sentence, and some of the legends about this sentence were heard.

According to legend, Huang Tian is also one of the nine days.

Nine days have always been headed by Cangtian, and Cangtian is the largest, even since ancient times.

However, it is said that a long time ago, when it should be the time of the barbaric era, the heavens dominated the realms of the heavens, the hegemony was arbitrary, and the justice was unjustified.

It didn't take long for Huang Tian to call out the slogan Cang Tian was dead and Huang Tian Dang Li wanted to replace Cang Tian and become the first of nine days.

It is said that in the days of the ancient and ancient times, Huang Tian almost replaced Cangtian. Unfortunately, it failed in the end. Not only failed to replace Cangtian, but it was also completely wiped out by Cang Tian, ​​and Huang Tian also fell.

of course.

This is just a legend, no one knows whether it is true or false, and Gu Qingfeng does not know.

From ancient times to the present, the Wudao era is the most mysterious. No one knows the mystery, even if it did not exist, even if it belongs to the past or the future, no one can say clearly.

The ancient times are also more mysterious.

Unlike the mystery of the Wudao era, the mystery of the ancient times is too chaotic.

That's right.

It's the word chaos.

It feels that many things that affect later generations occurred in the ancient times, and many existences also fell in this era.

The problem is that so far no one knows exactly what happened in the ancient times, and how many exist.

The existence that is now sealed here suddenly calls out that Cangtian is dead, Huang Tiantang Li, can it be the Huangtian ancestor who rebelled against Cangtian then?

Gu Qingfeng looked at Daxing Leng Monk, who also shook his head to signal that he didn't know.

"Isn't your old bald donkey reincarnated from the ancient times? Why does his mother know nothing like an idiot!"

"Your kid is an idiot! Lao Tzu has told you more than 800 times. Although Lao Tzu has reincarnation from the ancient times, there is something wrong during the reincarnation. Most of the memories of previous lives have been forgotten, and ..."

Dahang epilepsy stared at Gu Qingfeng angrily and said, "And the ancient times are not as simple as your boy thinks. The water in it is deep. It is said that Laozi, a reincarnation from the ancient times, does not know clearly, it is his mother's from the ancient times The patriarchs who survived the times may not be able to say clearly. "

Rumble! Click!

"Cangtian is dead! Huang Tian stands!"

That violent roar continued to come ~ ~ This derelict ancient ruins became more blurred and twisted, and the rune seal exploded like firecrackers.

"No! This place is about to explode!"

The Daxing monk realized that something was wrong and sacrificed his immobile gold body as soon as possible.

As soon as the words fell, there was a loud blast, and the rune seals filled with void were all broken up. At the same time, the ancient ruins exploded completely.

The horror of the explosive power, even if the monks sacrifice the immobile gold body, they were also chased by the blood and blood of the shock, his face was pale, his body was unbearable, and he couldn't stop flying.

He is so.

And Gu Qingfeng was not very good. He was shocked like jumping into a fire pit. His body was hot and painful. Fortunately, his flesh was hard enough and he was not hurt. When he reacted, it was like a deserted ancient ruin. It had already collapsed and disappeared, and his people were shocked out, and returned to the ancient black hole.


There is turbulence everywhere!

Perhaps the power of the ancient ruins to explode is too powerful, and the turbulence in the ancient black holes is turbulent and turbulent.

Gu Qingfeng stood in the midst of the chaotic turbulence without moving, but stared with a calm face.

He saw a Changhong!

A golden yellow ray of light, the ray of light rose into the sky, like a propelling pillar.

The golden rainbow contains a powerful and terrible power.

This mighty power is endless and violent.

Gu Qingfeng burned nine heavens and nine heavens in his life. There are countless masters who have seen it. The power he has seen has been stronger than one, but he has never encountered such a terrible power. It is so terrible that he has one mind. It was his first trembling feeling.

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