
Vol 2 Chapter 2215: Neither dare nor fear death

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The ancient black hole is like an endless sea, and like an endless abyss.

The turbulent flow rolled up the turbulent waves, and a huge vortex was like a flood monster, devouring the turbulent flow like a rampant.

Every time a turbulence in the ancient black hole occurs, the turbulent vortexes will swallow each other and merge with each other, the number is smaller than the one at a time, and the volume is larger than one, this time is no exception.

As Gu Qingfeng felt more and more, he felt that he would continue to do so. In the end, there was only one result, that is, the ancient black hole disappeared, and the mysterious ancient times reappeared.

It was just that he couldn't imagine that the ancient black hole disappeared, and what the later ancient time would look like.


There was a loud noise in the black ancient black hole. If the whole black ancient black hole was shaken violently, the turbulent flow that had originally been rolling became even more crazy after the loud noise.

Gu Qingfeng is not the first time to hear a loud noise. He has heard it several times before, and every time the loud noise comes, he will make him uneasy, his thoughts will fly away, and his nose in the body will continue to be evil. , Swallowing the heavens and the blood, and that ominous thing will also be about to move.

Including the blood of the original sin flowing in his body, when the loud noise came, it seemed to be changing.

Where did the loud noise come from? Gu Qingfeng didn't know. He also tried to find it, but he didn't find it.

He couldn't figure out why it affected himself.


The loud noise came again.

When it came, it was accompanied by a weird cry.

"Fate! Luck! No! Death!-Original! Sin! No! Stop!"

"Fate is endless!-The original sin is immortal!"


Again, this mysterious voice, who is it?

Who shouts in this wild ancient black hole?

Who is roaring in this wild ancient black hole?

"The mystery of the heavens and the earth, the truth of the avenue, all in the original sin, are all vain!"


When I heard this shout for the first time, Gu Qingfeng had a sense of acquaintance. At this moment I heard it again, and this feeling was even stronger.

"Dahang, can you hear this voice?"

Gu Qingfeng asked, Da Xing the monk nodded heavily.

At this moment he was no longer a hippie smiley face as usual, but a look of solemnity, a deep fear in his eyes.

"Who is this voice?"

The Daxing epic shook his head fiercely, signalling that he did not know.

"Do you really don't know or don't want to say?"

"Heaven and earth, conscience, old man, I really don't know."

"Okay, you old bald donkey continue to be confused."

Say nothing.

Gu Qingfeng took a step forward, and the figure disappeared like an arrow through all the chaos.

"Gu, where are you going!"

The Daxing epic did not expect Gu Qingfeng to leave, and responded to hurry to catch up. Unfortunately, this time no matter how he chased, he never caught up.

The ancient breeze disappeared.

Disappeared without a trace.

Daxing Lian Monk searched for a long time in the ancient black hole but couldn't find it.


The ancient Qingfeng did not deliberately cast off Daxing's monks.

Although the old bald donkey like Daxing Leng Monk always likes to be confused and understand, Gu Qingfeng does not hate Da Xing because of this. On the contrary, there is a wine and meat friend like Da Leng Leng in this wild black hole. May also be a joy.

As for what kind of abacus the Daxing epilepsy was thinking, Gu Qingfeng didn't know, and he didn't want to know.

The reason why he left this time was entirely because of the loud noise coming from the black hole in Arugu, which made him curious, and it felt like something was calling him.

The ancient Qingfeng frantically shuttled in the black ancient black hole, and the leaps and bounds were scattered like bubbles.

He doesn't know where to go.

I did n’t know where I was.

The only thing I know is that it feels stronger and stronger.

I do n’t know how long it has been, I really do n’t know, I completely forgot the time, the only thing I know is that the loud noises are getting stronger and stronger, as if ringing in my ears, the shouts are becoming clearer, such as hovering in my head.

this moment.

One of his ego was excited in his heart,

The blood of original sin is boiling.

As if the immortal body was shaking.

Even the soul seems to be burning.


"Fate! Luck! No! Death!-Original! Sin! No! Stop!"

"Fate is endless!-The original sin is immortal!"

The shout came again, and with the crazy laugh, the ancient Gu Qingfeng shook his heart, as if it would disintegrate at any time, the blood of the original sin became more boiling, the flesh became more trembling, and the soul was burning.

Gu Qingfeng had never felt this way before. This was the first time. He didn't know what was happening to him. Like a demon, even his consciousness was a little fuzzy.

"The mystery of the heavens and the earth, the truth of the avenue, all in the original sin, are all vain!"


A shout came and roared.

Gu Qingfeng abruptly stopped, immediately closed his eyes and hugged the yuan into one.

He dare not continue.


I dare not.

His mind was on the verge of collapse. The blood was boiling like boiling water. The soul was burned as if it could be wiped out at any time. The trembling meridian points of the body were twisting and breaking the skin and flickering. The consciousness seemed to disappear.

What's ahead.

Still wondering.

What exactly is calling itself, Gu Qingfeng also does not know.

If he could, he really wanted to continue and figure out what the **** was calling himself.

But reason told him that he couldn't continue.

He tried to adjust his breath.

Unfortunately, it is not useful. The mind is still shaking, the soul is still burning, the blood is still boiling, and the consciousness is still very vague.



I don't know where the laughter came from.

Laughter came, the ancient Qingfeng of the earthquake twisted and flickered physically, just like the candle in the roaring winds of the winter moon, more like the chaos without law and order and even the origin.

Laughter Canggu dominated and laughed.

"You! Why dare not continue!"

Gu Qingfeng adhered to his mind and guarded the vague consciousness with an unyielding will. He raised his head, opened his eyes, and looked over, but saw nothing and asked, "Who are you!"


The voice didn't respond to him ~ ~ and continued to ask: "You! Why dare not continue!"

Gu Qingfeng also did not respond, and asked again: "Who are you!"

"Why don't you dare go on!"

The other party asked again, and Gu Qingfeng still repeated the three words just now.


The other laughed and finally responded: "Want to know who I am, it's easy, here it is!"

Gu Qingfeng did not speak again this time.

"You do not dare?"

The voice laughed at Gu Qingfeng and said, "Are you afraid of death?"

Gu Qingfeng remained silent for a while, and finally responded: "You're right, I'm not afraid, and I'm really afraid of death!"

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