
Vol 2 Chapter 2216: 1 self-proclaimed iniquity

? The turbulent current of the ancient black hole tumbling like a raging wave.

But the turbulence at this moment was burning and spreading like a wanton flame.

Why did this happen?

Gu Qingfeng did not know.

He didn't even know it was an ancient black hole here.

He doesn't want to know this now, just want to know who the master of this voice is, is he shouting and roaring and shaking the whole ancient black hole, or is he calling himself.

There are too many doubts in Gu Qingfeng's mind.

"Hahaha! Why fear death?"

The other party asked again.

Gu Qingfeng responded: "There is nothing terrible to die."

"Since there is nothing to fear, why are you afraid of death?"

"Because I don't want to die, at least, I don't want to die now, and ..." Gu Qingfeng said calmly: "Even if I have to die, I have to die plainly, just to die so stupidly, I am unwilling to die, and I am value."

This is a true portrayal of his heart.

He is not afraid of death.

He doesn't want death to be what he wants, nor is it valuable.

Just ask the dead to be clear, the dead can live up to his life.

He wanted to figure out what the **** was calling himself, but if the cost was to lose his little life, he would be so sorry for his life.

"Hahahahaha! Don't want to die?"

"Hahaha! Deadly clear?"

"Ha ha ha! Are you unwilling? Worth yourself?"

The roar came, full of disdain and ridicule.

I don't know who the other party is, the laughter is too scary and scary.

The ancient Qingfeng's mind shook more and more, the soul burned more, the blood boiled more, the flesh became more distorted, and the consciousness became more blurred.

Everything in himself is in a state of extreme danger.

This includes Abi Wujian evil Shura, Shang poorbi falling down Huangquan, swallowing the sky and blood, and that ominous thing.

When I heard a loud noise, when I heard this roar, Shura, Huang Quan, and Xun started to move. Gu Qingfeng didn't understand why this happened. Until this moment, he didn't know the reason. It was fear, it was fear!

That's right!

Just fear is fear.

And it's still deeply ingrained.

Not only them, but even Gu Qingfeng himself has an inexplicable fear.

He didn't know what he was afraid of, or what he was afraid of, but it was fear that was just like being born with it.

Gu Qingfeng knows that, whether it is Abi Inferno Evil Shura or Shang Po Bi Xia Huang Quan, including swallowing the heavens and the blood, and the ominous thing, they have merged the blood of the original sin in the ancient times, and they are also true children of the original sin. .

Also, he himself has fused the blood of the original sin, which is also regarded as the son of the original sin.

Now all of them, the sons of the original sin who have fused the blood of the original sin, are all afraid. From this, it can be judged that the other party must be related to the original sin, and its existence may be beyond imagination.

"Young man! How do you think it will make you willing, and how you will be worthy of your life!"

Gu Qingfeng replied without hesitation: "When do I feel I have enough to live, I will die willingly."

"Live enough? Hahahaha! How can you count enough? How can you count enough?"

"When I don't have any regrets, when my four majors are empty, I will have enough to live."

The other party laughed, just like hearing the funniest joke between heaven and earth, and shouted, "Young man, do you know what the big four are empty?"

"I don't know."

"Represents becoming a god!"

"Oh? Really?" Gu Qingfeng said, "If the Four Great Emperors represent God, then wait until I become God."


The voice laughed again, and then screamed, "Impossible!"

"nothing is impossible!"


The turbulent streams burned like a sea of ​​fire, looking as terrible as hell.

Gu Qingfeng sat on his knees, closed his eyes, and folded his hands.

The mind is still trembling, the soul is still burning, the physical body is still distorted, and the consciousness is still blurred.

No matter how the ancient Qingfeng recuperates, it will not help, but it is getting stronger and stronger. He seems to be aware of it, giving up the conditioning, letting it go, leaving his mind free of thoughts, and entering a state of selfless solitude, so let the mind tremble and the soul burn ...

"young people!"

The voice yelled again: "As long as fate lives a day, you will never be a god!"


"Because destiny does not allow any existence of the four major cities to jump out of the avenue and become a god, and there is no **** in this world! If you want to become a god, you can only kill the destiny. This is the only way you can go, and you are destined to go. The way! "

Listening to each other's words, Gu Qingfeng thought that it made sense.

Destiny can dominate everything in the world, relying on cause and effect. As long as you are in cause and effect, you will be controlled by destiny.

And if you don't want to be controlled by fate, you have to jump out of cause and effect.

How to jump out of cause and effect?

Cut it off?

Causality is constant.

So how can we jump out of cause and effect?

A: The four are all empty.

But Gu Qingfeng really did not understand who the other party was and why he said these things to him.

"Who the **** are you?"

When he asked again, the other party laughed again, the ancient body of Zhen Qingfeng was already immature, swaying with the scourge of turbulence.

"Young man, you have my blood on you, who do you say I am!"

Hear the words.

Gu Qingfeng's heart suddenly moved, terrified, and a pair of closed eyes opened. Although his physical body was twisted and immature at this moment, he did not collapse. Open his eyes, stare, and shouted. "Are you stumped?"

He has heard from others more than once ~ ~ The blood of original sin on his body may belong to the Supreme Master.

Bai Chou has said such a thing, and the silent old monk also said it.

to be frank.

If someone claims to be insolent in front of Gu Qingfeng, Gu Qingfeng will not believe it at all.

It is not because he believes that the Supreme Master has died, that he cannot be alive, nor is he doubting whether the Supreme Master has ever existed.

But because he hasn't figured out until now whether the legendary era of injustice belongs to the past or the future.

If it belongs to the past, why did Huo De's previous life know how to know himself.

If it belongs to the past, the book of destiny records that God, the original sin, will open the era of the Tao. It cannot be the era of the past. Since it cannot be the era of the past, then it is the legendary Supreme Master. It is likely that it is not the past, but belongs to the future. In other words, the true iniquity has not yet been born.

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